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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^Or Powercards at Dave & Buster's. The same thing a bank does when their debit card/ credit card system goes down- call the IT department to reboot the system.
  2. ^It is quite the opposite. Wally Cards have gone over so well, and were used more frequently than cash in 2011, there really is no reason to use the cash option anymore.
  3. The trims are not there to decrease roughness, but rather decrease maintenance expenses and increase uptime. From what I have been told, removal of the trims would cost over $1,000,000/ year and decrease uptime by almost half the operating season.
  4. I don't understand how being in construction as an electrician for over 10 years qualifies a person to make a statement about the stability of a structure being seen from a distance while in motion. I bet if you told KI maintenance that you can determine a structure's stability from a distance, while in motion, they would also tell you to take a flying leap. Could SoB operate tomorrow? No. Could it operate opening day 2012? Yes. As has been said earlier in this thread, Blue Streak (1938) at Conneaut Lake Park was SBNO from end of season 2006 till September 2010. While it needed some some much needed maintenance, once the money was available in June 2010 it quickly was up and running in Sept.
  5. No idea; but it apparently was either not a big deal, or, found to be an isolated incident.
  6. Good to know. Did you happen to notice which train was on the transfer track?
  7. I have relatives at the park last night & today. They are the guests that were almost hit & gave the piece to ride ops. At this point, it could be anything. It could have been a wheel piece or an item the fell out of a ride guests' pocket that was hit by a train. If TTD is open today or tomorrow, then we know it is/ was not a big deal.
  8. An item, hot to the touch, came off the ride after launch. The item was half moon shaped, about 12" long, 4" thick, and plastic. When the item was given to a ride op, TTD was shutdown.
  9. Details are sketchy right now. As I understand it, an item came off the track and the ride was closed down. I do not believe there to be any injuries. More info to come as it becomes available.
  10. Wrestlers accusing other wrestlers of stealing ideas, that is SO original! I bet the HPB would like to see this all the way to the Supreme Court (imagine the media attention!), but I'll bet it will nevert make it out of small claims....
  11. Nope, this is not believable as it is not even on screamscape yet!
  12. SoB was very popular to: Aleve, Department of Agriculture inspections, and lawsuits. It was very unpopular to uptime and enjoyment.
  13. There has been news: http://news.cincinna...-next-Son-Beast Yeah, but it doesn't change anything about the uncertainty over this. But seriously, it has been over two years. Are they even trying to make a decision? Look at it this way- for SoB fans, there is a slight glimmer of hope that something can be done given that no decision has been made public yet (although IMO the ride is done). Also- Drachen Fire at BGW stood for 3 years before being dismantled and Blue Streak (1938) at CLP was SBNO for 3 years before operating again in 2010.
  14. There has been news: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20110423/NEWS01/104240311/What-s-next-Son-Beast
  15. Perhaps that would not be the case were Kings Island to more consistently and vigorously enforce its policies and regulations. How do you know KI does not?
  16. It is funny how people believe they are above the rules and cannot be "banned" from a place like a park (or local watering hole) so they feel the need to push the envelope when confronted on their rulebreaking only to make it worse for themselves in the long run.
  17. Ummm..... Given your ideas: steel tubular track & loop; why not just build a brand new coaster with a new idea? While many seem to like the TG treatment, let's face it, while the name stayed the same, it is a brand new coaster. Minus the layout (and that is up for discussion), it hardly resembles the former TG.
  18. Questioning the missing link will only lead to more questions....
  19. Glad to hear you had a good time. Your experience is as peculiar as it is shocking. I would chalk it up as one bad ride as to a bad ride and certainly give it a few more tries. Unless there is a consistant wait, GW has to be loaded equally on opposite sides so that it does not malfunction. Whoa! No Gemini?
  20. http://godarienlake.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ROS-8.18.11.pdf
  21. ^There is currently a good amount of room on the island, but much less than KI's version of DA. If you can imagine StR in this pic: http://pointbuzz.com...to.aspx?id=1965 KI's DA has 60 dinos (56 animatronic) on 12.5 acres vs. CP's that will have (about) 36 dinos on 4 acres. I would like to point out the lagoons around the island have significantly decreased over the years due to expansion. At one time the whole area (from Frontier Town clock near SRF to the "y" seperating ID midway & TTD midway) resembled many acres of wetlands.
  22. ^ Yes. But a long term investment for the park or for CF? I don't believe that exact clarification has been hammered out.
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