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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. When the rumors started to fly over a month ago that PWE was to be retired, I was rather upset by the news. I was also upset when the news broke years ago about WWL being removed, only to be delighted after riding Maverick. Adding DA to CP combined with the removal of PWE does raise the question: Is there something else planned for 2013 (or beyond) for Millenium Island that would necessitate the removal of PWE anyway? Rumors have swarmed for years about using MI for another coaster, this could just be the beginning. This also raises the question, will DA be at KI in 2012? Those animatronic dinos are not cheap to rent/ purchase. Press release: http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2011/08/cedar_point_to_open_dinosaur_e.html
  2. ^ Thanks for helping me out dr_humor. It is much appreciated.
  3. ^^In cases that involve me and my family personally, I ask questions (or hairs as you put it) to be sure that I understand the correct path is being followed. Given my daughter's condition, a organization that can help her as a student, and educate myself on how to help her out throughout her life, are welcome with open arms, as long as I understand their overall goal.
  4. ^ I never said those were not issues, but what about using all available resources for those with the issues?
  5. ^Perhaps your personal money did not, but money donated to nami.org did. Instead of using donations (or time/ effort) to fight what many will not ever believe to be an issue, use those same resources towards the people that need it. Sure, the letters & phone calls did eliminate what many believe to be an issue (and that is a good thing), but how did it help those with the real issues?
  6. You answered it. I was hoping their mission was more than to just highlight what they believe to be offensive. Given that mental illness is underfunded, nami.org could spend all donations on those that need it as opposed to fighting attractions that do not represent the illness in a good light.
  7. Let me preface my question that my daughter is autistic and I am not in disagreement with any of the above statements. Is there overwhelming belief that these halloween skits/ attractions take away from what organizations like nami.org are trying to accomplish? BTW- I did visit the site for the first time, only to be immedately turned off by the 3 seperate full screen links to donate money. I then noticed that the "Grading the States" link was last updated in 2009. It is too bad the site is not updated more often.
  8. And in an intresting twist: http://en.21cbh.com/HTML/2011-8-17/3NMjUzXzIxMDc3Ng.html
  9. In all reality, we should thank China. Beast has held the record for so long, people have either forgotten it or never cared about it. Now that the record is being broken, it will create free media attention for KI since many will wonder (and investigate) what coaster's record will be broken.
  10. They were offended because they chose to take offense. Seriously, the only way one can be offended is to make a conscious decision to take offense to something. That something, regardless of what it is, cannot automatically cause one to take offense against his/her will. Yes, and no (makes sense, right? ) Things like Halloweekend entertainment, people should not take offense to it since it is VERY clearly fake and no harm is intended. However, when another person uses a racial slur, I'm offended even if it is not directed towards me.
  11. If I'm not mistaken: Cincy public schools started yesterday, Fairfield starts the 23rd & Hamilton starts the 30th.
  12. May I suggest checking this out before your next run to the park: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/visit/events/index.cfm
  13. http://www.sanduskyregister.com/%5Bnode%3Avocab%3A9%3Aterm%3Aurl%5D/%5Bnode%3Avocab%3A5%3Aterm%3Aurl%5D/2011/aug/17/cedar-point-poised-big-announcement I believe it is safe to say, it will not be a coaster.
  14. Abundant? Yes, your 9 posts on this subject have been abundent. Clear? Yes, you clearly made your point in those 9 posts, especially after post 5 of 9: Perhaps you didn't read you own post? BTW- you seem to accuse many people of not reading your posts, but you don't follow your own suggestion? Intresting.... And from the person who has been here longer than most, and has seen it all: Instead of boring everyone else, perhaps you can just PM me... Thanks!
  15. Yes it is a safety issue, and safety is certainly more of a priority in 2011 than it was in 1979. What my parents did back then, I would never consider today. I would also not be foolish enough to actually break a park rule, let alone be told more than once not break the rules, and then be even more foolish to attempt to justify rule breaking on multiple occaisons by making up a story of "discrimination" and "harrassment". Take a look at your "facts"- - disappointment of not seeing your family's faces after riding DB - calling a park employee "old" (which is most certainly discriminatory) - already being angry about the wait you had to endure prior to your self- induced encounter with the "old" guard - actually wishing to physically harm a person for doing their job - not only complianing to GS but still justifing your rule-breaking here While you have said you were wrong, why still complain? What are you trying to accomplish? Sure, GS soothed your attempt at justification by apologizing to you and told you it would be handled. That is their job. They most likely went back to the officer, heard his side of the story, listened to the GS representative and his comments on your attitude and demeanor (given your reaction to those disagreeing with you), and praised the guard for doing his job. I will never understand the "if I'm wrong, you have to be wrong too" mentality by some people. First KI security, and now myself because of something that happened over 30 years ago? Really?
  16. Can we call the Security Guard "Slugworth" instead of "old power trip guy that should be pistol-whipped"?
  17. A tensioner can be adjusted, but are commonly used for minor adjustments because they can only be adjusted so far.
  18. The answer could easily be that the new chain is stretching out and needs to be tightened (aka removing a link). Too much slop in the chain can cause it to snap.
  19. This is TOO funny. Someone was busted for not following the rules, and is crying about it! Discrimination? Yes, he was discriminating against running. Harrassing? I'm sure that is your perception, but you admitted to running, thus, you brought attention to yourself. Yes, you were singled out of everyone else running. Do you expect officers to equal the number of guests? First- I have a hard time believeing he was in your face. You are the one calling him old and on a power trip. "B"- Are you ****ed about how you were treated, or, the fact you were caught? I'm with "B".
  20. Another example in a long list of why media reports should be questioned. I wonder if Ms. Strange has heard about the deaths related to crossing the street and does she still let her kids do it?
  21. The same prediction could be made by a optimist as well....
  22. ^ I can't wait to see this one on Screamscape....
  23. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction! Not all the time, and I don't really have a percentage close at hand. Who here can vouch that there's *not* a solid gold link in there. Huh? Anyone? Without admitting innocence or trolling, I can safely say that it would be pretty hard to believe that story! I hope it was a fun read and it explains a lot. I can vouch that there is not a solid gold link on the lift hill chain for Vortex. Now what?
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