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Everything posted by thejoker8388

  1. I love skiing and snowboarding, it along with rollercoasters are my all time favorites. While it would be possible for PKI to build a ski hill it is completly unlikely and makes even less sense. Building a hill would cost millions upon millions of dollars just for a tiny hill, it would probably never make back the return investment. The only actual operating ski resort that I know of that operates on a man made hill is in Michigan. Even that resort isn't just a pile of dirt they built up, but instead a land fill that they just built bigger and bigger until it was large enough for a ski resort. I don't think there is any ski resort that is just man made from dirt, way to expensive when you can build one in the rockies for a hundred times less. I think a more senseable thing as far a giving it a resort feel would be a golf course, but that requires lots of land that in my opinion could be much better used as land for coasters and such. Now for a winter attraction I think the most logical thing would be maybe a Dave and Busters style restraunt with possibly a world class show to bring in people. Something like how they have Cirque Du Soeil at Disney World and Las Vegas on constant showings. That would attract alot of people year round and give a great Disney type feel, but once again getting a show like Cique Du Soeil to have an entire show just at your place would be very expensive.
  2. Well as I said I know that FearFest attractions have horrible lines. But what about that day before FearFest starts? Are the lines bad or is it just around FearFest time that the lines start to get bad?
  3. I've never been to FearFest before but I really want to go to PKI one more time before the year is over. Now I've heard that the lines for the actual FearFest attractions are horrible, but that's not what I care about. Are the lines for the normal rides like rollercoasters, flats, etc bad? I'd most likely be attending on a Saturday. Is there one week in particular of FearFest that historically has seemed to have the smallest crowds? Also, are all the rides open? I'm assuming they are but I'm just checking. Finally, if FearFest is crowded for just the normal rides, would making a trip November 5th be worth it, or is it also crowded and are all the rides supposed to be open then? Thanks for the help.
  4. Okay, so they have the Winterfest anouncement and the Fearfest anouncement, when are they going to finally officially anounce just exactly what is going to happen to HBL/Nick and what all new rides will be coming, the anouncement is much later this year than it has been in the past couple years.
  5. ^But I'm planning on going November 5th, that last week that's not FearFest so I'm assuming the ticket prices go up to normal for that last weekend, although I'm not sure.
  6. Not sure if this will be a help to anyone or not, but I know I'm definetly going to use the deal. If you are a member of AAA then you can now purchase fall tickets for only $22.00, the tickets can be used any operating day for the rest of the season. So if your not a season pass holder, planing to attend PKI in the fall, and are a member of AAA, like myself this is a great deal. It's less than half the price of a normal ticket purchased at the gates. So just a heads up to any one considering going to PKI this fall.
  7. ^It's operating at Paramount's Carowinds in North Carolina as Phantom Fliers, new paint job and all.
  8. Glad to hear you enjoyed Geauga Lake. I enjoyed my first trip there since the Six Flags take over in early August and like you was pleasantly surprized by the park. With regard to the flyer thing, I actually find the Vekoma fliers more intense and exciting than the B&M flyer that I rode at SFOG, so maybe it's just a B&M thing. Also surprized to hear you enjoyed Head Spin, I hated it when I rode it, but in all fairness I was feeling a little dizzy at the time so it surely didn't help. Also, you found Big Dipper rough while you enjoyed Villian? I thought Big Dipper was very smooth with some great air and by far the best woodie at Geauga Lake. Villian on the other hand was like how you described Big Dipper. I can truely say that Villian is the roughest coaster I've ever been on and made SOB feel like a B&M. I don't know I rode it twice in around the middle both times, maybe you rode in a different spot?
  9. You act as if Paramount is the only franchise that does it. Six flags has countless Batman:The Rides, multiple Superman:Ultimate Flights, 2 Roars, 2 Medusa's, 3 Deja Vus, 2 Mr. Freezes, multiple Premier bowls, multiple SLCs, multiple Boomerangs, and so on. Plus they use ride names over and over like Paramount with countless Supermans, Batmans, Vipers, Flashbacks, Ninjas, Great American Scream Machines, Road Runner express, Serial Thrillers, Greezed Lightnings and so on. Even Cedar Fair uses names over like Thunderhawk, Roadrunner, Soak City, corkscrew, mad mouse, steel venom, etc. Disney; Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Rock n Rollercoaster, etc. Universal; Revenge of the Mummy, plus many other comic book repeats and so on. Really every amusement/theme park chain recycles layouts and names because it saves them not only money but if they come up with a good idea or catchy name they can just reuse it so they don't have to think out another idea, so I guess it saves them time, money, and actually having to be creative.
  10. ^PGA doesn't have any thing like Shockwave, they have Demon which both the former Mariott parks still operate, SFGAM and PGA. Shockwave has essentially the same layout as the other huge arrow looper GASM at SFGA which is still operating. From what I heard Shockwave was simply rough (horrible head banging) and unpopular. Also I've heard it was very intense and the loops required the tops to be replaced every so often due to the velocity and this velocity apparently caused the horrible head banging. Also as already alluded to it was removed to make room for Superman Ultimate Flight.
  11. ^Exactly how happry will this make me? If it's something that I wouldn't expect but would love that could possibly be made into the Spongebob Coaster it would definetly be a Maurer Söhne Xtended SC 3000, but some how I'm doubting that because they look a little too intense for all ages.
  12. The thing I'm wondering is if any one has seen any surveying markers around. If PKI ends up getting the Spongebob Coaster you'd think there would be some survey markers some where. I mean I know that a mouse coaster wouldn't require nearly as much surveying as as large coaster or something like IJ:ST but still you'd think there would be something for a new coaster like the Spongebob Coaster.
  13. here are all the 2005 Golden Ticket results. Lots of awards are obviously very disputable but I still just like looking at them even if I disagree with lots of the stuff.
  14. Kings Island had a decent year this year at the Golden tickets and I think it recieved more awards than last year. Here's a listing of PKI's awards from the 2005 Golden Tickets. -IJ:ST 3rd best new ride of the year -Best Children's area 5th year running -2nd best game area -Beast 8th best wooden coaster -SOB 31st best wooden coaster -Racer 46th best wooden coaster The most noticable thing that PKI didn't get this year that it did last year is a top five water park rating, but compared to other water parks BB never really should have been top 5.
  15. Glad to see someone finally agrees with me that Gemini is the best coaster at the Point. Also gald to hear that MF was moving lines fairly quickly as I had just read someone else saying that it was really slow. Sounds like you had a good time, I'm hoping to get up there for my second visit during Halloweekends.
  16. ^It would be like the aztec slide at the Beach. If I'm not mistaken when they refer to a "water coaster" they are refering to the master blaster style of slide which uses sheets of water to propell you up hill, unlike a conventional water slide which just uses gravity.
  17. ^I agree with you. Cedar Point could use a nice top spin there and with a top spin they would have a fairly nice collection of flats. I've also heard how if they move things around or build into the parking lot they could fit a coaster there. That is true but like I was saying earlier all that clearing of buildings and tearing up the parking lot and everything else would take quite some time, much more than Cedar Point will have to put in a coaster for next year. The earliest a coaster could possibly appear in the Demon Drop area would be 2007.
  18. Well with SFMM recieving the all but confirmed B&M flyer next year it would give them 17 roller coasters and the world lead, even though flashback hasn't operated for 2 years now because it is still standing. You think that Cedar Point wouldn't want to lose their title of being tied for most roller coasters that they've held for many years now. This would make you think that Cedar Point will recieve another coaster next year, even if it's not that large. Also, as far as I'm aware the Demon Drop removal is all about the cost of operation and low ridership and to clear way for rides in years to come, but not next year. Think about it, the earliest Demon Drop will be sold is November and then taking it down and all that would take another several weeks. Cedar Point hasn't even started surveying the area yet, there is no way that anything will go there next year. The earliest they could even start leveling and all that would be December. Even a ride that is fairly small like Italian Job had surveying early in 2004 and land leveling and adjusting going on in August. So absolutely no way anything except maybe a flat could go there next year. The real place that I've heard rumors about is by Cedar Creek Mine Ride. I haven't been up to Cedar Point to confirm it but I have heard many rumors that there are markers all around Cedar Creek Mine Ride and possibly even going on to the MF island part. If Cedar Point builds a new coaster next year it will certaintly be in that vicinity, not Demon Drop. Also think, like all parks Cedar Point likes to put new rides not only where there is room but where the crowds aren't. Just like how PKI has stopped building in Action Zone for a couple years because of all the crowds, Cedar Point is also trying to get crowds to go to the more deserted areas in the park. Over where Demon Drop is used to be empty. Now, they have added Wicked Twister and MaxAir to get more people so this area probably won't get a new ride for another year or two. In the back of the park by Cedar Creek Mine Ride where the surveying is makes perfect sense. That is the emptiest part of the park because few people are riding the coasters back there. A new coaster would get crowds back in that area and would follow Cedar Point's trend of building rides in areas that are less crowded. That is where I believe we will see the next coaster, not by Demon Drop's spot.
  19. Yea, I really don't find people forgetting about Italian Job the movie a problem. Does any one remember the old Days of Thunder in the Action Theater? I used to love that ride and my point is that Days of Thunder was made before I was even born, everytime I rode it I loved it even though I had no clue it was a movie, it was just a cool race car simulation thing. I think that is how IJ:ST will be eventually. Although most of the younger people won't even know that Italian Job was a movie they'll just love the ride because of the fire and shooting helicopter and helix and tunnel and whatever else. I don't think it will matter to many it will just eventually be a name and while they may not understand the themeing or what it represents they'll just like the ride. Also, along the name thing how many of the names really matter? I never knew Outer Limits was a show until I was flipping through the channels last year and saw it on the Sci-Fi channel. I've never seen more than 10 minutes of Drop Zone and yet I love that ride. Tomb Raider was a horrible movie, but I still love the ride. I think in the end it won't really matter if people don't remember Italian Job they'll still just like the ride because they think it's fun, or hate it because they find it boring, it won't matter about the movie aspect.
  20. ^^It's not that Mantis is bad for a stand up, it's much more comfortable than King Cobra ever was, it's just that I hate all stand ups because I find them very painful on my legs and they often cause cramps and all sorts of pain unless your in them perfectly which is sometimes hard to achieve when the ride ops adjust your seat.
  21. I highly doubt metal would do anything, it may even make it worse. If you ever can ride Villain at Geauga Lake; it is a wooden coaster but has a steel structure. When it opened it was very smooth and rated very high in wooden coasters. I just rode it this year however and it was horrible. It was rougher than SOB and wasn't fun in the least. It just goes to show I think it's much more the actual track itself and the vehicles that are riding along the track that determine whether a ride is smooth or not. When you notice a ride being rough for the structure it's more of a shaking feeling, while when it's rough because of the track and the trains it is more of a jarring, boucing, jack hammer effect.
  22. Magnum typically doesn't have long lines as already stated, but in my opinion don't even waste your time riding Mantis. I hate Mantis and all stand up coasters, they are all extremly uncomfortable and very painful; it's not a surpize a stand up coaster hasn't been built in over 6 years. Make sure not to miss Gemini though. The gem of the park that many people don't even think about because it's older. It is in my opinion some of the best fun to be had on any coaster at Cedar Point and it is my favorite arrow coaster of all time. I'd also say skip Disaster Transport if your squeezed for time. It is super short and slow and typically has long lines that you can't see because they are hidden in the building. It also gets my award for cheesiest themeing on any ride I've ever seen. Iron Dragon is another one that can be missed, but never has lines so it doesn't hurt to ride it, same thing can be said for corkscrew, although the corkscrews over the midway are cool. I'd also say Cedar Creek Mine Ride is another hit or miss, I'd only ride it with short lines, don't wait in long lines which it can on rare occasions get. Make sure to hit Wildcat, it's small and old and another that many would skip but its a nice little mouse coaster. Also make sure to hit Blue Streak; it's not that great of a coaster but its the best wooden in the park and is kind of hidden so many people skip it.
  23. I think the real question here is why wouldn't it be? Very strange question, also which Monday, I'm assuming you mean August 15 but who knows.
  24. Not only do lots of them not know about other Italian Job coasters, many don't even know other Paramount Parks exist. Earlier this year when I went to PKI with 7 friends, all of whom would be considered general public, we started talking about rides. Several of my friends mentioned how cool they thought FOF was and how it was like Rock n' Rollercoaster. I replied yes it is and then also mentioned how there was another FOF in at PKD. All of them gave me a confused look and I explained how there were five Paramount parks. It just goes to show that the general public typically knows very little, if any at all about other parks outside of a 200-300 mile range from their homes, besides maybe Disney and IOA.
  25. ^Well you can hold your opinions that you find TR:TR and IJ:ST boring, I never said you couldn't. I was just saying that what they are doing is working better than any other amusement park chain at the moment. You can't argue with that. They are pulling in the most people and making the most money which is all that matters to Paramount, let's face it I agree that I'd love to see a giga a PKI but it just isn't going to happen because how they are doing things is working great as far as they are concerned. Also Castaway Bay is meant to attract visitors. It's meant to give Cedar Point more of that "resort feel" that they are going for. That's why I saw 3 commercials in Gerogia for Cedar Point when I was down there advertising Castaway Bay and Cedar Point as a restort destination, so yes it is meant to attract more people. Also it's meant to get more people to stay the night so they'll attend the park 2 days instead of one. And no this isn't kisspki'sbutt.com but you have to give them credit where it is due and recognize that it is working better than Cedar Fair's aprroach, whether you like it or not. And along your lines this isn't called let's b*tch and moan about everything.com either, in case you haven't noticed.
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