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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. well, since sob_tom used to work in maintenance at Kings Island, i'm going to believe what he says.
  2. *post removed due to request from another user.
  3. easy, post one of this thread: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23581&pid=422433&st=15entry422433
  4. i thought the show was alright when the history channel was having a mini-marathon a couple weeks ago, and yes, wildebeest is the longest water coaster.
  5. the cincinnati zoo has also said that tessa, their female giraffe, is due any day now. they've been saying that for the past three weeks, at least. all i'm saying is don't get your hopes up too high, just to have them knocked down.
  6. nowhere did the park state that on april 1st the 2011 park map would be released. sure it could happen, but they've never released the seasons park map that far away from opening day, or at least from what i can remember.
  7. i'm glad to see the cincinnati zoo paving the way for a greener tomorrow! i usually go to the zoo two or three times a month and know many of the animals by name (kind of weird sounding when it's said aloud. ) and i love seeing the little changes that occur during that short time frame between my visits. whether it be installing a new windmill or placing a field of solar panels, i'm proud to see the cincinnati zoo put the focus on the conservation of the environment and "scare" other zoos, and then possibly big businesses, into following their lead. kifan1980, did you know that the cincinnati zoo is currently in the process of a multimillion dollar, two-stage upgrade of the cat house and the surrounding area? once the cat house re-opens as "night hunters," a cross between the nocturnal house and cat house, the zoo is set to begin an upgrade/remodel of tiger cannon*, which when complete will flow from the newly remodeled cat house, then into the rest of the zoo. *the tiger cannon upgrade/remodel, however, will not be completed until around 2015-ish. at least that's what i believe thane maynard told me.
  8. are you sure that's the "topper" they're constructing on the ground? i know i shouldn't go by it, but in the computer generated model of the ride, the red "topper" doesn't look like what they're constructing. Designs can change from animated video to final product. which is why i added, "i know i shouldn't go by it,..." i know that designs are changed and so-fourth, but that seems like a very large change in design. a nearly solid topper that resembled a lighthouse's lantern to something that resembles a smaller version of the ride carriage? this doesn't make any sense, what does being 290 feet in the air have to do with "not to big of a topper?" there will be a set limit for how close is too close when the ride is running at the top, no matter what size the topper is.
  9. are you sure that's the "topper" they're constructing on the ground? i know i shouldn't go by it, but in the computer generated model of the ride, the red "topper" doesn't look like what they're constructing.
  10. actually, completely unlike the crypt, it does not have a set of running rails it runs its entire course on, or upstop, running, and side rail (is that what they're called?) wheels. i love the ride, but i have never counted it in my coaster count, it will always be a flat to me.
  11. ^if i was making decisions, the first three would be considered roller coasters because, at least at one point, the train coast freely up and down the track. however, in the last two pictured, the train is powered throughout the whole ride, the track for the second two doesn't show one space that doesn't have the "strip" that powers it through the course. *the only time i could consider "surf dog" a roller coaster is when it loses power and has to coast to a complete stop.
  12. i really don't care about what type of map it is, but i will be disappointed if there is something extremely wrong, kind of like top thrill dragster and it's downward spiral being opposite of what it is in real life. i can understand having a ride like Vortex drawn wrong, especially with all of the track that lays close together, but to mess up one of the most basic ride layout amazes me.
  13. okay, that's what i was thinking too, but i just thought that the light was making his uniform "wash out," kind of like the side of WindSeeker's tower.
  14. is that the police officer standing on the right hand side of the picture (on the ride pad)? great find, by the way!
  15. ...because it has reached the end of it's service life?
  16. ah, thanks for clearing that up, i was completely lost on that.
  17. he didn't misquote, he wrote (or copy/pasted) word for word. i think i'm confused on what your saying browntggr.
  18. it wouldn't be the world's tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster, but it would be the world's tallest, fastest steel hybrid coaster.
  19. that's awesome, and even though they brought a lot of world class attractions in, it kind of makes me angry that paramount took out the monorail and safari to advertise their movies.
  20. i've never heard them say in the speil that dropping and item or spitting off the top of the Eiffel Tower would kill someone, if you heard it, someone added it in. i don't see the park trying to induce panic like that. he never said it was harmless, he just said it wouldn't kill someone, big difference.
  21. i've been hit by change while standing under the first drop of Diamondback, and also while taking pictures of it from the exit of the crypt (it was like a waterfall of coins, clearly the persons change was jarred out of his pocket, then the negative-g's took them on a trip.). neither no where near as high as the Eiffel Tower, but still i was hit and survived.
  22. well, to stick with the disney idea, maybe it will be an upgrade of test track to a "cars" theme. after all "cars 2" comes out this summer, and they did help with the construction of the original.
  23. if it isn't for a coaster i could see it being an extension of the monorail system at walt disney world. on second thought, maybe that's too far fetched for the $9 million price tag, but if this was it, that could extend the monorail to hollywood studios and animal kingdom.
  24. from the article posted above: maybe i'm just making this up, but i thought i read on this very site that ohio's department of agriculture had stated in the past that they really do not know much about roller coasters and all they can truly do is check the rides structural integrity. if what i'm remembering correctly, how does wright know that the park had "problem with this ride as a whole?" ...and maybe it's just me, but to me the "band-aid style" approach seems fairly reasonable. why would you do a complete overhaul on the entire ride if there is only one problem area at that time? that's like cutting your hand with a knife and instead of placing a band-aid on it, you go and have full body cosmetic surgery.
  25. I heard a parent with a kid cuss out a worker in Guest Services. I ask her if she had any sence at all to act like an adult because her kid was beside her. She tried to tell me something and i said that you may want to make sure you tell the guy behind you who maybe here to walk you out of the park. They had called the KI police on her. Lol. well, what made the woman i was referring to so funny was the fact that i didn't (nor have i ever) work at the park, yet she was determined to have me fired.
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