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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. And yet, Six Flags does VERY well with its safari, far further north, in Jackson, New Jersey:

    but you have to keep in mind that it is still a new attraction. it's only two years old and more people want to go do something when it is "young" take Firehawk when it openned or even Son of Beast but then after time less and less people want to take part in the ride or attraction

    forget what i said because when i read this post i was thinking about the money intake to up keep this attraction

  2. And yet, Six Flags does VERY well with its safari, far further north, in Jackson, New Jersey:

    but you have to keep in mind that it is still a new attraction. it's only two years old and more people want to go do something when it is "young" take Firehawk when it openned or even Son of Beast but then after time less and less people want to take part in the ride or attraction

  3. At the time, seat belts were not yet a wide spread option for wooden coaster trains. And there were no doubt engineering difficulties with retrofitting them to those Premier trains. Note that to this day, Italian Job does not use seat belts.

    that might be true about italian job, but the year that they removed the sixth car from the trains on Son of Beast was in '06 and in '06 all of the wooden coasters at ki exept for Son of Beast had seat belts and so did the wooden rides at Cedar Point. so they were at least a wide spread option in ohio <_<

  4. At the time, seat belts were not yet a wide spread option for wooden coaster trains. And there were no doubt engineering difficulties with retrofitting them to those Premier trains. Note that to this day, Italian Job does not use seat belts.

    well what does that have to do anything. besides almost every ride a Cedar Point has seat belts and they were not built with them

  5. You must remember that CADD and computer simulations were unheard of back then. Beast was literally designed by hand, with computations by hand, and changes made in the field.

    but still you would think it would at least somewhat follow the first lay out expecialy with the main parts like the helix for example and the first turn after the drop

  6. Where do you get the idea they added weight? It's my understanding the reason for the five car trains was the same reason that Cedar Fair went to Gerstlauer trains...to REDUCE weight to reduce stress and wear and tear...

    The little box, as you call it, was to position the guest properly under the restraints...

    that is what i heard

    they added weight by putting the boxes under your feet and if they did it to fit the guest properly under the restraints they failed because they just pinned you more up under the restraint

  7. O.K. third times a charm

    so could the Son of Beast accident been avoided? because when you think about it when they removed the sixth car from each train they added weight to the remaining five cars to make the five car train equal the weight of the six car train( the little boxed under your feet that appeard in the '05-'06 off season) which would throw off the displacement of the weight of the train

    EX: take a 30 lb. weight and throw it at a two by four then take a 90 lb. weight and throw it at the same two by four

    wouldn't the peice of wood be more likely to break as did the support beam did on Son of Beast?

  8. Beast_Press_1.jpg

    The original plans had a lake.

    did they change the lay out of The Beast? because for one the helix is backwards and two you don't go over a bunny hop hill after you come out of the first tunnel until after you turn to the left where the lay out pictured you going over the bunny hop as soon as you come out of the first tunnel. :huh:

    and to top it all off when The Beast first openned it didn't have a tunnel over the helix

    o.k. i am starting to second guess myself was The Beast suppost to have openned with the tunnel on the helix or not?

  9. It's okay! Some of us were alive and watched The Beast being built with great anticipation. And were there the day the park opened to the public, for that matter. Even went to Coney Island in Ohio before there WAS a Kings Island. And have watched Kings Island since day one with more than a little interest.

    So, it's a bit more than dry facts in a book to us.

    Just wanted to make sure no one was misled!

    Have a great night, and enjoy Kings Island!

    yep that was 14 years before i was born :rolleyes:

  10. Why Boo Paramount?

    Those brakes have been there since the day the coaster opened.

    They were sometimes (but not often) off, but that was a VERY rare occasion.

    And there was a brief period when there were no brakes on the first drop a few years ago, as they were preparing to install the magnetic brakes (which replaced the skid brakes, which had an unfortunate tendency to not work very well when wet). No brakes on the first drop didn't make a huge difference. Really.

    well when you think about it paramount was the one who chose to put the breaks there, being they were in charge when The Beast was built.

    No, they were not. Taft was. Beast was built long before Paramount Communications bought the parks.

    1979 vs. 1992. . .

    See also:


    i read my roller coaster book wrong it says The Beast was built prior to the parks puchace to paramount, but i wasn't thinking when i read it

  11. Why Boo Paramount?

    Those brakes have been there since the day the coaster opened.

    They were sometimes (but not often) off, but that was a VERY rare occasion.

    And there was a brief period when there were no brakes on the first drop a few years ago, as they were preparing to install the magnetic brakes (which replaced the skid brakes, which had an unfortunate tendency to not work very well when wet). No brakes on the first drop didn't make a huge difference. Really.

    well when you think about it paramount was the one who chose to put the breaks there, being they were in charge when The Beast was built.

  12. Beast_Press_1.jpg

    The original plans had a lake.

    did they change the lay out of The Beast? because for one the helix is backwards and two you don't go over a bunny hop hill after you come out of the first tunnel until after you turn to the left where the lay out pictured you going over the bunny hop as soon as you come out of the first tunnel. :huh:

    and to top it all off when The Beast first openned it didn't have a tunnel over the helix

  13. if they ever put stronger breaks on The Beast again i just hope they don't put them on the first drop like they did on mean streak, because that is just painful getting almost up to full speed and then slamming on the breaks. :blink:

  14. Well I Would Suggest:

    For Nickalodeon Universe,

    A custom Gerstlauer Spinning Coaster. With some indoor elements highlighting not only Sponge Bob, but the entire Nickalodeon Family. Combined elements like: water, fog, fire, and mist will enhance the experience. A nice height of 80 feet, and a overall track length of 3200 feet would be nice. A lengthy ride chock full of comedy and uncontrollable spinning with low speed and not so steep drops. A onride video system should be installed in the middle of each train capturing the total experience.

    For Coney Mall or Action Zone:

    A Millenium Force Style out and back giga coaster speeding towards the "Little Miami River" would be super. With a theme that ties into the whole "Beast Family". Height should be 335 feet with a below grade drop of 355 feet, speeds well over 100 mph, several themed tunnels, mist, fog, and fire effects to enhance the experience. The turn around should be something thats unique and mind blowing. A high speed figure eight helix and ejector air bunny hops will end the experience. I'm looking at a track length of 8000 feet.

    Honestly, I think both of these attractions are very very possible. Cedar Fair may have already looked into concepts like this. I really hope so!

    Kings Island Forever - Airromeo 2007

    building a millenium force style out and back coaster would be great, but don't theme it with a member of The Beast family because that would ruin that theme because it wouldn't be wooden.

  15. Not the only. We also have a ring of seats, while the Giant drop has, 4 or 5 cars of seats. Six Flags KK drop ride is a Giant Drop.

    o.k. if that is the case i am glad that it is a gyro drop one for capasity and two for the view you get insted of being fixed in one direction

  16. A Giant Drop is what Drop Zone is at, Carowinds, Great America, and Canada's Wonderland. We got the Gyro Drop, but lately it's been the non Gyro Drop. I like when DZ will spin on the way up, and if we got a Giant Drop it probably wouldn't have been as big as our DZ is now.

    so is the only differnce the gyro drop spins on the way up the tower?

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