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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. Banshee takes awhile to get ready and have all her work done to be able to go out in public.. Much longer than the normal girl. I advise against it.
  2. Hahaha fabulous attention-getter! Sounds like a great day was had, I was wishing I could've gone that Sunday
  3. EDIT: We know how tall it is.. (167ft) But I'm not sure when we were told, or where..
  4. I wish we could have more actual statistics released about the ride.. I think they're cool to know.
  5. Yeah, I guess if you like to sit outside and enjoy peace and quiet.. Though, thanks to mosquitoes and my reluctance to apply repellent, I cannot relate.
  6. I can't imagine the noise being that big a burden in a house.. Wish I could imagine though.. Seriously though, hearing the park from buildings within the park, I thought they weren't that annoying IMO (like in office buildings in the park) And it can't be any worse than a train sounding off in the middle of the night aside from durability of the noises. I could manage sleeping next door, I think. Though I don't KNOW.
  7. It is a maroon-magenta color. And it does pose a difference to Diamondback's.. though, undeniably different from the renderings, as opposed to the supports pretty much matching the rendering color.
  8. I genuinely hope that this park and this man will succeed in this park's business.
  9. I can't wait to ride Adventure Express and see a train drop off during the first part of AE's... well, adventure.
  10. Yes, indeed it will. I'm excited for that first drop.
  11. It's considerably different compared to when you compare other B&M inverts to each other.
  12. The modern public cannot be trusted to stay seated when restrained. The high back makes exiting while restrained, whether on purpose or otherwise, much more difficult if not impossible. I'm not sure if I buy that or not. You're still buckled in two ways and the backing doesn't keep your thighs from being able to slide clean of the restraint.. In my visual mind, that is..
  13. So glad our lift is way more steep than that haha
  14. I'd like to know the actual benefits of the wooden coasters having huge back rests. Because if they are minimal, which I assume since several of equal tier coasters DON'T equip such backings, then resetting the trains to be how they were originally, with no backs, would be an improvement IMO
  15. Bucket wheels are great ^^ I'd like some flats behind the tower to bring more people towards the carousel and along the path between BLSC and Diamondback. Use the tower gardens for something maybe.. Get some more food stands along those paths aswell.. reopen the old fruit smoothie shack.. This is where I feel is most dead in the park. Starlight Spectacular, I feel, has had it's run and the only worthwhile additions are the trees with lights and the tower being lit up. Everything else looks tacky and weird.
  16. Where would we even put a Ferris Wheel anyway?
  17. I, however, enjoyed a giant top spin much more than a regular top spin. Of course, when the giant top spin was used in its original intent. Top spins are more uncomfortable and move too fast to enjoy the movements IMO.
  18. Like a Chance Aviator? Blech. I was making a joke to how KI in past ownership has had HUSS to make rides of their "giant" variety because Kings Island needs higher capacity (least I thought that was the main reason)
  19. Maybe HUSS can make a "giant flying eagles" ride..
  20. You should be able to edit that And to edit your post (future reference)
  21. Sorry, are you trying to answer someone?
  22. Makes me wonder if Banshee will look like Raptor after the first year. You know how the first loop looks? On the top it's full of bird poo. The poop on Raptor has become part of the paint scheme, but it's bizarre that it only happens to that ride. Perhaps its the shade of green... Luckily, birds HATE to be anywhere near maroon. I don't care if I quoted a post directly above. It's short enough to not be a nuisance.
  23. Awesome! Sounds like a good night. Also sounds like it wasn't extremely crowded (shocker) due to the rain aside from Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror. And yeah, riding front row in the rain sounds painful! I saw you last night! But I don't know what you look like.
  24. *glare* how dare you, HTCO.. haha I came on at night and since you didn't screen shot, all I see is blackness I'll see it tomorrow anyways.
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