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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. I wonder why some of the footings or areas of track are drawn and outlined with a bush/ cloud looking figure..
  2. thanks cincy. too lazy to go back & find it. Anyone know why Invertigo is covered on the blueprints. Check out 1:15 in the video. It's not necessarily covered up.. I assume it was still drawn. I think it's just coincidence since they needed to pin that blue thing somewhere, and Invertigo isn't the new ride, so it was fine.
  3. Maybe, but the blueprints don't show any banking changes between the two inversions. IMHO
  4. Can those rocks be thrown into DB's splashdown area once this announcement is made?
  5. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20130802/NEWS01/308020050?nclick_check=1 Does this mean some thematic elements? Or slight variations in regular elements?
  6. And that was linked by Don on twitter as well... confused, I am. From news.cincinnati.comVV
  7. Yes, then the 8th after the last helix. (probably)
  8. I meant incline loop also how do we know how much height we will gain and loose on half these elements The topography can give clues to a better guess.. After doing some more rewatching.. I'm open to the possibility of 8 inversions. 1.Dive Loop 2.Loop 3.Zero G-Roll 4&5. Pretzel Knot 6. Loop 7. Up hill barrel roll (after the helix) 8. wing over into the brakes (after the left-turning helix) I was trying to watch the two lines on the blue prints to see when they crossed over another. Looking at the footings associated with certain elements etc. But the eight one is the inversion I'd most likely see not actually being there. If the 7th isn't there.. then I don't know what is going to be held on that straight-ish portion of the ride.
  9. Do you mean in general, or right now? Designers build what the parks want. If a park calls B&M up and says, "We want this, this, and this, in an inverted coaster and only have X amount of room, can you do it?" B&M's response would likely be, "Our Batman model fits that description." If a park calls B&M and asks for a stand up, they will build it. Inverts are terrible..they are a 90's ride...only a moron in charge would spend $30 mil on one...if the lift hill goes through the loop, that is the definition of a gimmick... every Intamin is better than this ride they are building and it is not even debatable I disagree. That's all I will say.
  10. It's actually fully visible! So are Boddah1994, jcgoble3, Beastfan26, jackparanoia, TTD-120-420, and the phrase "Guests say the darnest things!" You're all stars! EDIT Sorry, slow connection... can't keep up with yall! I want all your autographs now. Oh, Thrill Biscuit, I don't have HD so when I watched on my television is only showed part of my username. Awesome, my whole avatar and name... Though I have no records of a post that match the time stamp that's on the news broadcast.
  11. Essentially the same as Backlot Stunt Track
  12. My name was partially on local night time television news... omg omg omg. "calak-" ....Life changing..
  13. Leaked? Everything posted on this forum is public record. Poor word choice; I think I fixed it.
  14. Has anyone looked at the Steven Schaefer Associates inc. stamp at 7:00 in the video?? And I agree with Shaggy, shame the project couldn't have been concealed for just one more week. ((if it has actually been leaked) revealed through non-official sources) And those fences around the new bricks outside the construction zone look like Vortex's haha
  15. If the blue prints are real it looks as though we won't be getting the wingover element, unfortunately. But instead a first of it's kind element for the invert!
  16. Could this ride take the title for biggest loop? (could we be seeing a giant loop?) Read previous posts by me.
  17. I just posted what that sort of element is called, if it IS what it appears to be. Read previous posts
  18. 30million at the MOST. I imagine it's close to 20-25 mil judging by Alpengeist. And judging by the angle of entry, it would make more sense that that first inversion is a dive loop rather than an immelman.
  19. Never trust a man with 2 first names. Hey! I take offense to that! (jokingly) Having four total names. Two ACTUAL first names.. and a last name that also passes as a first name. (depending on whatever skewed definition you use for having two first names, I got it) -- And everyone, if that element is what we all seem to think it is, it does have a name: Norwegian Loop/ Pretzel Knot (look them up on RCDB)
  20. ^^ Yes, that'd be great. The best I've come across are ones with snap buttons instead of normal ones. Better ease of mind, especially when the fabric loses it's stiffness on the pocket flaps. I don't bring enough stuff with me to need a fanny pack. The day I have a lot of stuff that needs to be carried is the day I'll buy one. But, I don't need one yet. And this thread is weird. Seems as though it was made to sort of spotlight the 'unhip' ones (not a direct quote.). It'd be different if the poster was a user/ potential wearer of a fanny pack and just wanted to see who else was on the same page as him/ her. Almost like someone making a post asking if guys wear speedos to K.I. and then laughing and calling them girly men.. almost.
  21. Oh, yeah. that's why I made the revision soon after my post. Because many coasters have same colors.. but just different shades of them and they look fine.
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