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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. No. Not like that, Fof96 Like the color of the alleged supports and alleged tracks we're getting.
  2. Yeah, I don't know how good a blue supported, blue track coaster will look. It'll be as corny looking at the first coasters I made in RCT when I was 6. at least if it's the same shade of blue.
  3. *pulls lips in towards teeth* in response to VortexLover
  4. http://io9.com/5937413/the-worlds-first-looping-roller-coasters-were-basically-torture-devices Found an actual source. --- I am tempted to check out of watching the construction till the 8th.. but that won't happen.
  5. I think there was a looping coaster in the 1800s in Paris, France. The loop itself was only 13' in diameter, and it was metal, but the track leading to it was wood. I think. I could be wrong. Also coaster called Looping the Loop. Hard to tell if the whole coaster was wooden but..
  6. They aren't giving any hints with a themed countdown this time, I see.
  7. As long as Flight Deck doesn't get blue supports in the near future. I'd love for it to be painted black track again. (I think it was that color once.) Flight Deck was never black. It was red and then went to the current gray. It's appeared black on previous park maps for some reason, but its never been black. That what I based it off of.. I was too young to have remembered first hand without the map. That explains why I was always unable to find a black Flight Deck photo... ahem... I'd love for it to be painted black track with grey, like was on the map once.
  8. As long as Flight Deck doesn't get blue supports in the near future. I'd love for it to be painted black track again. (I think it was that color once.)
  9. I have already (If you read back ), but it's not relevant to this project.
  10. Speaking of Blimps, I saw a Direct TV blimp South East of Kings Island today. So, like I said.. nothing to have been seen. I did, however forget or just didn't know about a footing next to the remaining King Cobra ones, so I snapped a pic of that as well, as you can see above. To those passing judgment onto people that are getting their hopes up. Who are you to judge them? They will not make a difference. Most that ended up at the park today had already been planning to go, if you read the forum. There wasn't a craze of excitement, if you ask me.
  11. Of course everyone should. I only updated cause I was already planning to be here.the breast cancer signs are around the Tower and its nice and a nice thing to see in regards to awareness. If you don't sit and wait for things to come, the wait doesn't feel as long. Maybe you won't be the first to know about a countdown but is that really so important? (This was in response to someone saying everyone should eat a snickers)
  12. Like this you say: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/page-222#entry530800 ;-) Yes .. Only I used a Dive loop. ;pI was aware someone had made the prediction. I just haven't seen enough footings to "support" it till now. IMHO
  13. As far as construction goes. There is nothing. Those "future tunnels" were just the beginnings of footings, as I assumed.. I feel like I can guess the ride will go up the lift like we have guessed.. Turn down, to the right. Loop, the go up and into a dive loop that angles left. And that'll put you in line with where it looks like the footings head. (Assumingly) under the lift. If I had to guess, that is. (I'll post pics when I get home. Its hard through 3g, though there's nothing for guests to see as far as 2014 construction goes. Its something else apparently as many should have assumed)
  14. I've been hearing Vortex was going to meet it's end for 7 years now.. It's not going anywhere soon, I hope. I am Vortex's other lover, brother.. or sister (but that doesn't rhyme.) --- And I think I need not comment on this "real info." It's been said for me.
  15. I'm planning to go tomorrow. We'll see.
  16. I rode Mean Streak in 2010 And unless the retracking did a world of a difference, I cannot take you guys seriously that are saying Mean Streak isn't rough. I'll listen to other people's opinions if I wanna know whether a ride is enjoyable from now on. I thought it wasn't as rough as Son of Beast ^^ , but there were more places and longer durations where I felt pain and kept wishing I could stop the ride.
  17. Of course! I'm 2 hours away, have small kids, and I have school tomorrow. I wouldn't do something so stupid and lose my platinums. Or even be arrested Are you saying it's worse to lose your platinum pass than to be arrested??
  18. Yeah, same.. Still a fun, short ride.. would be more fun if the water cannons in the mid section made a come back..... *cough*
  19. Can't believe someone chose to do this.. And on all this arguing, there is integrity in silence sometimes; we're being too quick point the finger when we should look at ourselves and others before speaking out. Often times, things aren't as dramatic as they feel. Things can seem overwhelming unless we stop and take a step back to view the whole picture. We need not to order and teach others as often as it has been happening. But I should stop being a hypocrite after this post. Also, I like to keep in mind that how we speak to each other and react represents how people will view the site and the members as a group. I'd like to have a mature image while keeping a fun site fun and interesting.
  20. Am I the only one that still gets confused with these acronym ride names from time to time?
  21. Still wondering what Don is taking pictures of. Maybe pictures of things we aren't allowed or able to see yet.
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