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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. That youtube member has a boatload of old videos from parks all over. I suggest you check them out.
  2. http://www.worldsoffun.com/ Don't know how long it's been online, but recent enough. It's practically just like Cedar Point's website that's been online for quite a while, and Knotts Berry Farm's http://www.knottsberryfarm.com/ Another redesigned site. You'll also notice the Knotts park map has an interactive map feature that animates and shows ride and show names when scrolled over. So the sites that weren't bad in the first place were overhauled, and the Paramount Sites are still yet to have been touched. In case you're wondering, www.kingsisland.com is still owned by an online advertising company.
  3. 17 Next year, Terpy. There's also this one from 1988, advertising Magnum XL-200 for next year. It has the occasional glimpse of animation. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  4. In case anyone is wondering, here is the video for Raptor's advertisement that Terpy spoke of: name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> It was made in 1993, and extremely basic compared to the high definition beauty we saw 2 Augusts ago. But it got the point across.
  5. The animation for Diamondback was done by Kieth McVeen of Virtual Image Production (VIP) The animations are made for the sole purpose of new attraction advertisement. There are none with the entire park. If there were, lord knows we would have found it by now!
  6. That's because they take random tid bits from earlier posts, to make it look like they are on topic. Sometimes it works, sometimes, not so much.
  7. You'd be able to tell 6 seconds in advance. When you get up there you'll hear the hum of the engine as your held, but 6 seconds before you drop the engine cuts off and it's silent. Then the click and drop!
  8. There are Blog posts from Tony and Tyler about "The first time ever", "The first time since 2005", and "It happening again"
  9. I read some other reviews from that site, and I must say, that man is picky! He did not have nice things to say about Diamondback, including a 5 paragraph rant on it's lack of intensity. Well duh, it's a B&M! But bring up some good points about The Beast. I will always love and cherish The Beast and his description was very well done, especially the awful things done to it in recent years.
  10. Well yea, but of course he's not going to be on one of those trains now is he?
  11. I consider it a roller coaster. It is powered throughout most of it, but there are 3 areas where it is not powered and drops. It has trains, restraints, goes throughout a course and returns to the station.
  12. http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/news/coastermania/index.cfm And the plot thickens. As if to up the anti and win over a market, Cedar Point jacks up their event 100 fold! Let's do it this way: ERT: Night time: Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, Raptor, Mantis - 1 hour 15 minutes. maXair, Disaster Transport, Blue Streak, Wicked Twister - 1 hour Morning: Millennium Force - 1 hour. Maverick, Skyhawk, Shoot the Rapids - 1 hour 30 minutes Behind The Scenes Tours: Millennium Force, Maverick Other: Film Festival, Mini-Golf Competition, Games of Skill competition, and.... ....WALTER BOLLIGER (AS IN THE "B" IN "B&M") SPEAKING!!! I officially take back what I said about definitely going to Holiday World. This one's tough. Let me think....
  13. I was stuck on Diamonbacks mid course for 30 minutes once. I was sitting in row 16 and spent a majority of that half an hour telling the girl across from me that no, we aren't going to die, in fact, the fact that we stopped garuntees that we won't. She didn't believe me, but still, it was a great view. About 20 minutes in 2 guys showed up to tell us we would be rolling soon, and sure enough the train was released from the brakes a while later. It was the slowest ride to the station I've ever had on Diamondback! Top Thrill Dragster has only gotten Stuck at the top 3 times in history. One train in 2005, another in 2008, and one this year. I assume then either you were on on of those trains or you're just guessing that you'd like it better.
  14. Coney has a drop ride, it's about 50 feet and very fun.
  15. "So...we have to remove Demon Drop to make way for our 2011 Coaster." "Yea, but why pitch it? It's a perfectly good drop ride!" "Actually, sir, it's 26 years old and the most ancient of the drop rides." "Well still, it'll make a good addition to some park next year." "You're suggesting we move it?" "Exactly! Question is, where?" "Michigans Adventure doesn't have a drop ride and is very close by, low on shipping costs." "No! That's just what they're expecting us to do!"
  16. I had the pleasure of using the Speed Lane system at Universal Studios. It's a very efficient system, and most likely very profitable. You can buy it online or at the park, and they will give you a ticket with a bar code on it. Also, as you enter the park, there are several stands set up with lanyards on sale to put your card in. Not only would they make money with the tickets, but also lanyard sales. When you go to a ride, there's the normal line, exit, and speed lane. An employee stands at the speed lane entrance, scans your bar code, and in you go. Lines can be cut from an hour to 15 minutes. It's hardly "Cutting in line", you're paying for it, so you should be allowed to! It's just like saying "Gold pass people are getting unfair ert time because they payed $50 more." I would love to see a system like this at Kings Island, but unfortunately I don't see it happening because of the market of the park. Universal Studios is a destination park, with thousands of customers a day, most of which stay in a hotel on site and visit only once or twice. Kings Island is a seasonal park, something you decide to do on a summer day, with plenty of season pass sales. Not only are lines not consistently long enough to make a decent dent in queue time, but also the passes are a one day thing that many of the season pass holders would not be interested in. My $0.02
  17. Just read through this whole topic from last year, following all the links. Wow, what a FAIL!
  18. Cedar Fair - We'll decide what to do with our rides sooner or later.
  19. I very much so beg to differ. There are plenty of thrills in Universal Studios, just not of the same type. Mummy, anyone?
  20. It was closed when I went, so I wouldn't know about the ride itself, but I have to disagree with all the remarks about it being ugly and bad looking. I thought it looked really cool! But it kinda ruined the atmosphere of Universal Studios. I mean, you're in a movie lot, Beverly Hills, a Film-making studio, and then all of the sudden, you turn around and see a big ass red roller coaster. It belonged in Islands of Adventure.
  21. And for all of you who still say their kids don't know Snoopy, the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade is on. Snoopy is included in the lineup.
  22. So because one attraction, one ride out of 42, is removed, you believe that no longer makes it worth it to buy a season pass? No more unlimited free visits o Kings Island because just one ride isn't there? Using that mentality, should I no longer attend Haunt if Urgen Scare is removed? Should I no longer buy T-Shirts if they no longer sell my favorite one? Hey, it's your opinion, shorter lines for me then!
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