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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. As much as I hate to do this.... Yes.
  2. I voted for Screamin Demon because of the backwards loop, which, in its day, was quite an experience for a kid like me!!!
  3. Thanks for the wonderful TR!! My trips to the park with my kids are always very special as well!!
  4. Grey DB tshirt, cargo shorts, boxers underneath (TMI sorry LOL), and sandals.
  5. Couldn't agree more... I always stop and smile for a second and don't mind... After all, if my kids and I died in a car wreck on our way home, our family could find that little pink card and buy our last pic online......
  6. Yep. I used to work in the restaurant business, and when a group came in right before closing, that meant we got to stand around for awile before the final closing stuff and get paid until they left......
  7. I now have my tan lines on my feet from my sandals!!! Summer is here!!!
  8. As someone who remembers the original Beast, and the addition of the tunnels, and the gum tree, and the lake.... My answer is obvious! The Beast is my sentimental favorite ride on the planet! I have taught my kids that it is ALWAYS, without question, our first and last ride at the park (unless we leave in the rain, of course)!
  9. How would a "cigarette in school" cause a bush to burn at Boomerang Bay? --Beatle, who, like Terpy, just had to......
  10. Back to the original topic, I don't know of anything that would cause Slingshot to burst into flames if the cords broke....
  11. The only ride I ever saw get hit by lightning was SoB. Apparently it did no damage because it opened again with no problem after the storm, but the kids were amazed by the sparks that flew and that the lightning looked orange...... I told them that the sound wave of the thunder that you hear traveling away from you when you are very close to a lightning strike is like firing a shotgun. I'm sure that all of the tall rides have proper lightning rods and are well protected!
  12. BavarianBeatle


    I've never had any pain on Vortex. And, I have never hit my ears on the restraints. The only time that me ears have been hit is on Mantis the first time I rode it. I know now that you can't just relax on that one....
  13. If it's warm enough, I prefer my "Red Head" (Bass Pro Shops store brand) sandals..... Otherwise, New Balance running shoes.....
  14. When we got seats 48, 49 and 50 on Delerium, they measured my youngest son, The guy with the microphone asked him how old he was and let him say "8" over the speakers. Then he asked my son if he was afraid, and my son said, again into the microphone "No! I've already ridden it three times this year!" The ride op then said, "Hear that ladies and gentlemen, anyone over the age of 8 who is afraid right now should be ashamed....." My kid was absoluely beaming!!!!!!
  15. Interesting topic... But our sirens went off here too, and I turned on Channel 9, they showed the potential tornadoes near KI to be a little East of Maineville and moving away from KI, so you were never in any real danger. Nice to see that the park has prepared for a real danger though!!!!!!!
  16. Imagine identical twins, one of whom worked at the park and one who did not....
  17. Before Terpy beats me to it: Yes.
  18. My kids said exactly the same thing!! HW reminded me, in some ways, of Geauga Lake before Six Flags, which I used to enjoy very much.
  19. I got off work early and we went that evening! What a wonderful night! The kids figured out (I try to use our trips to teach them something...lol) that we averaged one ride every 13 minutes..... That's as good as it gets!
  20. I'm remembering the "good old days" when gum was stuck on certain trees at KI. But I agree that the tunnel at the end of The Racer is a disgrace!
  21. Wonderful! I took my kids last year. It was the first trip ever for all of us! A friend gave me very good advice to go there because I found it as wonderful as you did!! I may have said this before, but after getting the second train of the day on The Voyage in the back car, I got off of the ride thinking that "if I had to leave now, this trip was worth the 3 hour drive...." I did make the mistake of leaving my keys in my left pocket on my first Legend ride. I thought "That's gonna leave a mark!" It did. A nice purple one! But we loved HW and will be going back this year. Thanks for the great TR!!
  22. The posting of rules that are not enforced is worse than no rule at all! The unenforced policy then becomes a joke to the rulebreakers!
  23. My kids have asked about this as well.... The land at KI naturally slopes downward from West to East, which is a natural safety factor, but I have always the Festhaus bathrooms as one of the more secrure places.....
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