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Everything posted by IBEW_Sparky

  1. OK, as happy as I am about this, and the resultant walking papers given to two, hopefully three, of my arch nemeses, I have come up with a question regarding passes. Lets say the 2/3 vote does not happen, and the merger is not allowed. With this, let us project that one of the dire consequences is the liquidation/restructuring of the company (shedding their other "brands" a'la GM) as we know it and the only "Cedar Fair" park left remaining is The Point. Will there be any compensation/refund offered to those who purchased a Platinum Pass, considering there will be only one Park under the Cedar Fair moniker?
  2. Past history has shown that DK is incredibly unconcerned with PR nightmares.
  3. LOL Jackson, "tell the truth"... now just how long have you been following Cedar Fair?? I hear kinzel is looking for a job in D.C, home of untruths, and people with egos the size of Lake Erie and a blatant inability to manage money.
  4. I am hoping for 5 things to come out of this... the company survives as a whole and Apollo continues to expand the properties when finances allow, fewer trim brakes, two pink slips, and a lakeside house for sale. All my personal opinions, and go right ahead and flame away if any feel the desire.
  5. Not to mention the decision that remains to be made or not made concerning Big Dipper.
  6. I had an absolutely GREAT time last night. As has been mentioned, the lines were absolutely non-existent, and DB was running no separator a'la RWCW from open to close. I got the Friend who went with me on his first Firehawk ride, and also his first night rides on Beast and DB. The only other visit I have ever had to KI that rivals this one in terms of level of enjoyment would be RWCW. I would like to thank everyone who was at the park last night for making it a GREAT evening to visit, and Id also like to take this time to thank the KICers that I have become Friends with over this past season, and to say Ive got your numbers, I wont forget you guys, and I will keep in touch. Peace out, Scott
  7. I posted on the previous page as to what I will be wearing and my itinerary as to what rides I will be riding and spending time around. A question to past atendees... what is the average turnout?
  8. I think they already have a smokescreen that is sufficiently large enough to hide anything... they have proven that quite well.
  9. OK, so in an attempt to get this topic back on its intended course, and away from the flaming crapstorm that every single thread posted recently has turned into on this site..... can a Gold/Platinum Pass be used for parking Friday evening at the event or not?
  10. Ticket ordered and printed... and Im bringing a Friend as well. He is incredibly excited as he has only ridden Db twice all year, LOVED it, and is looking forward to getting a lot more laps in Friday night. I told him a night ride is absolutely incredible!! I am looking forward to it as well, to kind of close the book on my season.
  11. Ordering my ticket tomorrow, looking forward to it.
  12. ^ THAT is the absolute best post in this entire 49 page thread!!
  13. I will be easy to find... I will have my black C.S.I shirt and hat on until it gets chilly, then I will have my grey Unversity of Northern Iowa sweatshirt on.... spending my time around Db, IJST, and FoF.
  14. That is SO true, Terp. The Point is where its at in my book. Im definitely going to do everything I can to work out one more trip BEFORE the Halloween junk* starts up there. *Disclaimer: The statement just made is a statement of personal opinion, and in no way is intended to undermine the effort that the Scareactors put into the events. I recall Angie talking about how she was about to pull her hair out due to the crowds when she was at the Point last year during Halloweekends, and I know if she cant handle it... I would go NUCLEAR!
  15. I am 90% sure Im going to this one, my last KI trip.
  16. I should at this point point out, my previous post was in reply to Firehawk 123's question regarding the restraints.
  17. http://themeparks.about.com/od/parkridesan...eir-Journey.htm Look at this photo, and it should explain everything clearly. Its a single "c" shaped bar that raises and lowers over one's head, and rests on or close to one's lap, with no portions of the device crossing or covering one's shoulders, hence the name over the shoulder lap bar. Now, cruise on over to the Intimidator305 webpage and take note of the devices on the train rendering... or take a look at any photos of Maverick's trains and the difference will be self-explanatory.
  18. See Pilgrim's Plunge. THOSE are overhead lap bars, and the information on the Intimidator website was likely changed to avoid any confusion, as its restraint system appears to be a Maverick clone which is quite different.
  19. It could be pointing to the fact that Snake River Falls will be 17 years old, and will not have a fanfare of celebration... and also that it is not being removec.
  20. YES!!!!! I can picture it now, bright red track, bright yellow supports, and the trains will be jet black with silver accents and red pinstriping... coaster name: Intimidator! Oh Im LOVIN this if it goes as I just described!
  21. As long as you are through the re-entry gates by 7pm, the answer is yes.
  22. This whole subject has had me pondering recently about something we as enthusiasts could possibly do. If you will note a recent post, we are now over 4,500 members on this site. Why dont we collectively approach KI with the proposal of a closed, private event? An "Enthusiasts Day" of sorts. This could feasibly be done in one of two ways, now just hear me out on this. One way this could be done is to close the park to anyone but registered KIC member, and charge a $30 "food fee" which would get you a drink wristband, and two meals inside the park.... and add the stipulation of no re-entry. Figuring on 50% attendance, that is $67500. The second way would be simply to rent the park for a private event. Now, there is NO WAY it costs $67500 to rent the park for a day... so choice one would be the obvious one and I think the easiest for all involved. So, who thinks we can get 2,250 KICers to show up for a full day and night of being in the park with no one else but fellow enthusiasts who actually KNOW how to behave like civilized humans in a park?
  23. Though it has been reported by some that those lockers have a time limit (three hours wast the time I heard), indianapolisman and I used on Opening Day to store all of our Db things, and never had a problem. I did get into it a couple of times to get my bp pills (yeah, me having high blood pressure, go figure lol) and my clear glasses later for night ride eye protection, but there wast at least a 4 hour time span between openings and had no probs.
  24. In that case, Terpy, CF's Legal Team, as well as Gates' (though I couldnt care less if he gets any satisfaction) had best be getting on this one with any type of trace methods they have ASAP. There are too many things that scream "not legit" about that page, and I would highly suggest anyone who has hit that link run a virus scan as I just did (came up clean btw).
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