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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. For those who don't know how bad the overhead restraints were, imagine being put in a rubber headlock while riding Flight of Fear and all it's quick transitions. Not fun.
  2. And now I'm reminded of one of the most overused songs played at sporting events ever.
  3. This looks really repetitive, like the same coaster done several times as it makes its way to ground level. I also thought the station would be at the top, not the bottom. That's a really, really long lift. I do like the setting though. Looks kind of freaky as it flies around the side of the building.
  4. This thing looks like a pure speed demon until the far turn around and looks to have graceful pacing through the 2nd half. That 90 degree bank at the turn around looks like it will be funky in how it feels, in a good way though. Lateral air time anybody?
  5. All the above in my opinion. The right mix of all those things listed, and more, make rides enjoyable.
  6. @ DontWantToWait42mor0- Wait...so you'll ride Monster and SR&R, but you won't ride Scrambler? You do realize all 3 have the same counter-spinning motions to them? Its just SR&R and Monster have elevation changes and Scrambler doesn't. Also, that's kind of a mean statement you have there about people who enjoy Scrambler. Just sayin'. I do agree Kings Island needs more smaller flats. Heck, intermediate rides in general. Woodstock Gliders is a start. I think some of that empty space between Backlot and Diamondback has potential.
  7. I could see SOB as part of a documentary that showcases multiple rides and/or parks that failed. There's certainly a plethora to choose from to make a list.
  8. Well, they got rid of the awesome Mantis color scheme on the track only to give the trains on Rougarou awesome colors.
  9. Well, there is one good part about Son of Beast. It cleared away the land to make this beautiful piece of Swiss engineering.
  10. I will say they improved Hershey's Wildcat a bit, though I actually preferred it with the PTC trains. I liked that extra bit of roughness on that particular ride.
  11. Wouldn't being known as a lobbyist be the last thing Kentucky Kingdom wants? I know they rely on the politicians to operate at the moment, but they shouldn't be giving people reasons to hate them. I kind of wanted to go just out of curiosity's sake, but with all the crap they pull in being able to operate in the first place, I just see no desire to give them any support, including giving them my money.
  12. Here are some articles which should shed some light. http://archive.cincinnati.com/article/20091114/NEWS01/911150350/Coaster-s-future-doubt http://archive.cincinnati.com/article/20110423/NEWS01/104240311/What-s-next-Son-Beast-
  13. There might not have been deaths, but most of those injured suffered life changing injuries,some with lengthy stays in the Intensive Care Unit.
  14. Well, if they took that kind of attitude with the testimony, I imagine they took a similar mindset explaining their other problems. The 'acceptable' number of incidents of which they wonder about is 0.
  15. Mt Olympus probably has some qualms as well. Hades 360 has been at the bottom of the Mitch Hawker poll since they added them. They haven't worked well on coasters above 50 ft yet. Gravity Group in general has only had their rides pop up outside the US, mostly Asia lately. Some of those rides had to ditch Timberliners for PTC trains. Millennium Flyers are the way to go.
  16. Well, Walt Bolliger and Claude Mabillard did work for Giovanola, who did supply rides to Intamin before B&M existed by themselves, so technically they did early on. See Batman: The Escape once at Six Flags Astroworld or Flashback formerly at Six Flags Magic Mountain. But now, they'd probably like to see Intamin put out of business (along with Mack, the combination of B&M and Mack basically have all of Intamin's models in some fashion). That's also not to say they haven't done trains on other rides yet. They put their trains on Steel Dragon 2000, a Morgan giga coaster, in Japan.
  17. ^All their rides' quality reflects on Intamin. Just because B&M is completely coaster centered doesn't mean the two companies can't be compared. I never heard about this. Which incident/context did this testimony occur?
  18. I'm not so sure those who were hurt by it would be amused. That's not to mention most of those associated with it probably won't want to talk about it at all, particuarly Werner Stengel. That is, unless this serves as a warning about how not to design wooden coasters and how not to cut corners, among other things.
  19. Around the Coney Mall sign between Racer and Adventure Express.
  20. I just noticed the hexagonal shaped shade pieces that will hang over what looks to be the queue. Nice touch.
  21. Are you really sure about that? We really don't need an expansion of the Hartland.
  22. That Rivertown time lapse just made me think of something- When did LaRosa's and Potato Works first grace Rivertown?
  23. I did that with Kings Island for a bit as well. For a wide variety of reasons, between 2007 and 2009, I didn't go much. I think I went once for P&G Dividend Day each of those years. Started getting season passes annually in 2010 and it almost felt like rediscovering the park again since, even in those few years, a ton of things changed, especially getting used to Cedar Fair after being more familiar with how Paramount ran the park.
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