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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. Awesome, can't wait to see DA. Also, it was really great seeing IS!!! Looks ready to go!
  2. Hopefully nothing was "misinterpreted" from the video. Nothing but respect for KIC and its members...but poking a little fun at some of the discussions!
  3. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LCjWrQSJLFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. The part about not sitting on a wheel and leaning forward almost made me spit my coffee all over my monitor...
  5. Not to sound more like a dope than I usually do, but where would I find this? Your help is appreciated, believe me! I think there's a pic of the rotor in a thread I started awhile back: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20506&st=0&p=355157&fromsearch=1entry355157
  6. That may be one of my favorite KI pics I've ever seen!
  7. That's my pic! That was from August of '92, my first trip to the park since I was 2 in '75...evidently, I must have liked it! I've always regretted not having gone back to the safari on that trip, but at the time, I really didn't know much of the layout at all of the park. We ate up there in the IR on that trip, too...
  8. Our local (Ross County, Ohio) county fair has one every year. It's the first week of August, if you're interested!
  9. I remember seeing FC in operation, and thinking "there's no way I'm getting on that!" (and no, at the time, I was not aware of the very sad events tied to FC).
  10. Thanks for sharing...I was actually just wondering a few minutes ago which park(s) were open already!
  11. Wow, they are really working to get this thing done...work is going on at 8:30 AM on Sunday morning...
  12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/amusement_parks_bounce_back_from_bumpy_economy_industry_optimistic_2011_will_be_even_better/2011/04/01/AF5rS2GC_story.html?wprss=rss_national
  13. Maybe when they're done with the dinos, they could turn it into a 'tiques path!
  14. I still say that they looked at it, and decided it didn't look right having that big slab of concrete instead of the pavers that now run all the way up to it in CM.
  15. Days of Thunder in the FX Theatre was an AWESOME attraction. I rode (experienced?) it during it's opening year. The lines were huge, but it was such an immersive, I guess you could call it, attraction.
  16. Anyone else find it amazing how the top of WS lines up perfectly with the horizon (on KI's second webcam)?
  17. According to statistics, the drive to the park should be the scariest ride!
  18. There soon won't be? I hope not! I will hopefully be around a lot longer, with memory intact, and still want to visit! Yes, hopefully!! What I was thinking is that the people, say, 30 and younger...Will things like Top Gun, the current Action Zone, etc. be enough to want to keep going to KI for the next few decades? If all you know of KI is from the last 20 years or less, I wonder if it seems as spectacular as it did to those who knew it when it was new(er)?
  19. It may be pure coincidence, but just in the last couple days, this camera angle has been moved to the right by a good margin: http://www.artimis.org/camera/camera92.php
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