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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. From the sound of it, no photography during the show. I'm *guessing* this is because of guests being involved?
  2. Rock Band Live was GREAT. You ALL need to see it! It has a storyline, humor, and everything!!! I love it!
  3. So, if you puke you get a free t-shirt? I'll have to remember this...!
  4. Use common sense, be honest, and be excited! I thought that I absolutely bombed mine, and I got a job. Good luck!
  5. Given that Seabreeze is my former home park... that's really sad. They've really improved it in the last few years...
  6. Maybe they are for something similar to this?
  7. I saw some guests eating berries off the trees near DB Trading Post today. While it is the only free food you'll find at a CF park, I wouldn't trust it... I was shocked.
  8. Not only did they replace the bulb in the theatrical light in BBoBH's queue, but also most of the ride has new blacklights, making it MUCH brighter- I never knew that the lighting-up paintings transformed from a "normal" state! Great work, KI!
  9. I have a caller ID that says "Kings Island", but I don't think that's why they were calling.
  10. 1. Yes, it does. I'd rather not walk through a cloud of smoke everyday, kthx. 2. Actually, I walked through it many times last year. Remember, when you assume...
  11. Well, if she didn't have the tatoo (or wore appropriate clothing), she wouldn't NEED a free t-shirt. Still, her fault.
  12. Nope, two people in my house have gold passes, and we didn't get anything. However, we did get three (three!) cards to renew, even though two of the three had been renewed.
  13. Excuse me? Physical and mental disabilities are NOT a choice. Her getting a tatoo was HER choice, therefore, it's HER OWN FAULT that she is treated differently.
  14. Why? They face many unhappy people now when associates explain the park's smoking policy to guests. Banning it totally would make it easier- no arguments about how far the designated area extends (seriously? Most are fairly obvious...), no more people who put out their cigarette then light another one as soon as the associate leaves, etc.
  15. And, in the case of a show which didn't stop this year, it most certainly would be...
  16. Yeesh, did you see the huge section of paint that got peeled off during a Math and Science Day, on the doorway from the bend in the queue into the loading area? Some people...
  17. They need to make smoking outside of a designated area a rule violation that would result in immediate removal from the park. That might actually stop it. If you follow the rules, you're fine. If you blissfully ignore all the posted information, audible announcements, and the information in the park map about designated areas, then it's YOUR fault.
  18. Sorry, but it's her fault for getting it. Don't get it if you don't mind being treated differently because of it.
  19. They will interview and hire you before you turn 16, but you cannot work until you have actually turned 16. Really? Because I have an email directly from the park stating otherwise...
  20. So, you consider Diamondback's exit, the center of Coney Mall's midway, a path to Planet Snoopy, and one directly next to the main gate "out of the way"?
  21. I could see an issue if it were during a show in which the performers went into the audience, but not otherwise.
  22. From my understanding, they will not interview you until you turn 16.
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