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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. Wow. Words don't describe this... but this clip does!
  2. I also remember it being upcharge, except on the day I was there.
  3. Honestly anything is an improvment. And, did we really need those huge Kings Island decals across the front? Really...
  4. "Kings Island is owned by Walmart." (yes, I actually heard this. In the park.)
  5. Did the stair effect ever actually work? It looks painful.
  6. Is the KIC main site fairly out-of-date? Yes. But, honestly, when's the last time that most of us used it to find information? I'm pretty sure I haven't... (and, I will go through and find inaccuracies, as long as I know they'll be fixed...)
  7. 1. Yes, which is why I'm saying that they shouldn't spend it in the first place. 2. Completely? Noooooo...
  8. I'm talking about the cost of a repair. If they spent millions on a repair that did not fix the ride, they would have wasted that money. And, SoB has NOT had a good track record with repairs working- I highly doubt that the last however many times they tried to fix it, they weren't hoping it would be a permanant fix. Why flush more money down that toilet?
  9. I have never, ever seen that door shut. I think it might be broken?
  10. And peeling wallpaper. Don't forget that. Oh and broken theming.
  11. If they failed what difference would it be than now? 1. The park wasted money that could have been used for a new ride. 2. The company that attempted another fix would have its reputation damaged. 3. We'd still have an enormous turd in Action Zone.
  12. LED lights on the tower? You mean, they're basically mounting Christmas lights on the tower? Wouldn't that look a bit... tacky?
  13. And if they failed? I'm sure that would be GREAT PR for them. Why take the chance?
  14. Or you're the only one who will admit that they don't like it... keep in mind all the other exaggerations that some people make ("I was on the Dropper Zone when the girl's head got cut off! Then I went over to Flight of Fantasy and it fell off teh traque!"). I doubt if some of them even rode it.
  15. Heck, after two weekends of working there during the day, I can already understand it. It's ridiculous. I wonder, do these people act like this at home? Seriously?
  16. The props (statues, signs, etc.) will probably be removed as soon as they start being vandalized (I'd be shocked if some of them are still there at the end of the season). The paint will fade, and the ride names will still suck. Here's hoping for us to be bought...
  17. They seem to at KI, so I would think they would at CP?
  18. If SB3D is so popular, how come AT seems to have such low attendance?
  19. I guess technically I'm not getting one?
  20. Yeah, Coney Skyline still seems to have Heinz too. I noticed there's one of the ad boards in Coney Mall that is advertising that KI has Red Gold. Is this really something to be proud of...?
  21. I just wanted to say that I am REALLY impressed that they fixed the "pouring lava" effect at the end! I've never seen it work before, and it's a really neat effect. I'm glad to see that the park seems to be putting some effort into theming this year. Did they fix effects on any of the other rides, too?
  22. Some of the guns are already broken. Ran across one yesterday that didn't work at all. It's still waaaay better than SDatHC though.
  23. I have NEVER seen an associate say a thing to a guest about smoking outside of a designated area. Not once. And yes, I have seen them "walk past".
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