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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. It was my understanding that Kinzel was retiring at the end of this season (or next?). That must have changed since this was published...
  2. Bright colors does not a good kids area make. It's just fresh paint. NU had that, too. But, PS has sucky names based on old characters with less theming than its predecessor. While Spongebob certainly wasn't a great character, at least kids recognized him without their parents intervening.
  3. So that makes one upgrade to the area- the cobblestones.
  4. I am shocked that they didn't match the doors with the theme of the restaurant! Absolutely shocked!
  5. If a certain past post on here is to be believed, our film was destroyed. I doubt CF would purchase the same film when they could get a new one...
  6. I can't help but think... we're screwed. At least we got two coasters out of CF...
  7. I don't see a reason for them to lie about it? I could see them, say, "forgetting" Flight Commander, but I can't see why they would lie about a name that they never used. Interesting that they actually mentioned Paramount, though. Glad to see the fear of the P-word isn't gripping them as much anymore. Edit: Woodstock Express is still purple on the map...
  8. I really hope they take some sort of POV of Flight of Fear. There's no legal POV of it, and the illegal ones all suck quite a bit.
  9. We know. The map is inaccurate. It always has been. It always will be. Check out Vortex's layout and the newly added corkscrew on Flight Deck.
  10. I wasn't aware that that particular attraction was located in a family-friendly amusement park's children's area.
  11. Wow! I really like the 2010 map. I wish they would have said what's in Action Theater, though. And, shouldn't it be under rides? o.O Uh-oh... Carowinds still has SB3D... and we most certainly will NOT have that, if certain past posts on this site are to be believed.
  12. I've seen many a child scared by Haunted Mansion, which isn't nearly as "evil" as BBoBH... Personally, I think it looks good. I hope they did something with the main queue room, because that was- by far- the most inhospitible queue in the park... in my opinion. And yes, I'm counting Firehawk. That USE YOUR FRIGHT LIGHTS TO SCARE OFF THE GHOSTS!!!!! spiel combined with the DUN DUN DUN... DUNDUNDUNDUNdundunDUN! music that absolutely blasted every few minutes gave me a guaranteed headache every time I waited in line. So far, it looks like BBoBH is actually an upgrade from SDatHC.. so far.
  13. Enjoy? It's going to scare the crap out of them! Everything I've read about Carowinds Boo Blasters has said that it is most definately NOT a family attraction anymore.
  14. Yeah, really family-friendly right there.
  15. It would be so freaking simple to at least try to make it look like a car. But, being CF, they didnt even try. CF doesn't surprise me anymore:
  16. I wouldn't be surprisEd. At this point, I honestly think that CF is TRYING to cheapen the park.
  17. What. The. ****. These trains look RIDICULIOUS. Are they trying to totally ruin the park this season?!
  18. It looks okay, but, honestly, could they seriously not come up with a better name? I'm glad it's getting an upgrade though, as opposed to the Planet Snoopy downgrade.
  19. Glad I have tons of old free 3D glasses at home... Oh, and the name sucks.
  20. They still show Looney Toons on Boomerang, don't they?
  21. Were they using double tubes? If so, I can imagine *exactly* what happened. My guess would be that they found that people were switching spots during the ride. That happened at my local waterpark in Rapid City, SD... led to some very nasty incidents before they stopped using the double tubes.
  22. I have a new level of respect for whoever is answering these questions.
  23. The whole 5@5 thing has really changed my opinion of KI's PR department. At first, I was just expecting them to answer self-glorifying questions submitted by park employees and other people who have a relationship with the park. I was never expecting it to turn out the way that it did.
  24. Maybe there's a reason for that.
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