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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. How could guests reach the decal on the back of the train?
  2. Fixed! (sorry, old habits die hard. I'm kidding!)
  3. Apple is horribly monopolistic, which is ironic considering their whining about MS's business practices. Karma is a you-know-what, Apple. R.I.P. Google Voice app... honestly, Google should sue the crap out of Apple.
  4. It kind of reminds me of collecting powerups in Mario Kart, lol.
  5. You're right. I can see the purpose of the first and third ones, but not the second one.
  6. The only scene that would need major changes is the last sceen. As I recall, many of the Scooby-specific props were already shut off on 11/1/09. Since the last scene could easily be covered with black sheets and turned into some sort of generic "You did it!" room, I have a feeling that they're doing more major changes. The other problem scenes would be Scooby in bed (although that could just be shut off), and Shaggy at the organ (could be covered up or repainted to look like a different character).
  7. I'd *love* to see a sort of GPS for it where you can put in what you're looking for (rides, merchandise, food items) and it could tell you where you could find it in the park.
  8. no that could quite possibly be me, occasionally. speaking of which, did anyone else hear about the new giga coaster that's going in Action Zone? the plans for its are posted at the newly reopened 50 foot deck of the iffel towr!
  9. Oh, if they only would extend the monorail to MGM and AK... (yes, I know it's never gonna happen.) That looks pretty cool. Reminds me of the Diamondback vehicle at KI.
  10. Oh, but the Touch does have the location services feature... ...but it's about as accurate as SoB is smooth.
  11. I don't see a huge need for it, but it would be pretty cool. However, it would need a custom map to be made, as CF would frown upon their map being used. And it wouldn't work with Touch, as KI does not have park-wide wifi- Festhaus is the only place I've been able to pick up the KI-PUBLIC access point.
  12. Who wants to bet that the Reptar will be totally visible from the Eiffel Tower wherever they're keeping it?
  13. Well, no, I meant that they wouldn't make more money... okay, now I'm confused.
  14. Darien Lake went downhill so much when Six Flags bought it. I remember how you could literally see the difference just between visits the year that Six Flags took over.
  15. Or not, since then the passholders might not upgrade.
  16. I would *love* to see CP's Witches Wheel make it down to KI. They could even reuse the current TA track as concrete path for a queue area. Now, that appeals to CF's sense of thriftyness, now doesn't it?
  17. I think they start selling them closer to opening day. Probably April 1?
  18. I don't know if bitter is quite acurate...but the person certainly is defensive about the subject! I wonder if he realizes that kids will get excited about nearly any costumed character, even if it's a generic gorilla costume.
  19. There's a point where they'll have to cut their losses and remove it. That's inevitable. The question if if they feel that they've reached that point yet.
  20. I'd love to see a system like this come to KI for food, games, and merchandise. It could easily be integrated into the season passes (they could have a magnetic strip and barcode, just like the associate IDs. They could even recycle that design!), and I have a feeling that per-cap spending would increase quite a bit.
  21. It'd be really cool if Cedar Fair took the whole park and themed it to the magic of movies... oh, wait...
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