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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. My point was it wasn't much of a line. More of a mob
  2. What was the busiest day?? What's your source? Do you sell Dippin' Dots? haha I got in line for Holiday Horror at around 8:15 and was almost to the log flume's entrance (which was still running!). I was done in under 45 min, which I didn't think was too bad. I wouldn't say the line for Tombstone TERRORtory was back that far...it was more of a giant mob filling the entire walkway that went the The Beast's plaza :/ I waited like maybe 45 min, but that was with a 15 min delay for maintenance to come and change out a wheel
  3. So sorry to hear about your father. Thanks for sharing the old photos. I really enjoyed seeing them!
  4. I have NEVER been to Kings Island with it this crowded! It was crazy tonight!!
  5. I think the park probably could entry to those people. But why would they? There would be less people to spend their nickels
  6. Yes gigas mostly do use square/rectangle footers, but blitz coasters use round footers. There are how many giga coasters? Three. I think that's too few to get much of a pattern for how they're built....
  7. ^^What kind of piece is it? How'd you get it??
  8. Are you crazy? B&M won't do that....it'd be Intamin! In reality KI needs a heck of a lot more than anything they've ever had to get that...
  9. Match 1 The Beast(10) vs. Wicked Twister(4) Match 2 Firehawk(8) vs. Adventure Express(7) Match 3 Invertigo(0) vs. Top Thrill Dragster(10) Match 4 Flying Ace Aerial Chase(0) vs. Maverick(10) Match 5 Son of Beast(1) vs. Diamondback(10) Match 6 Wildcat(7) vs. Iron Dragon(7) Match 7 Mantis(4) vs. Vortex(10) Match 8 Surf Dog(1) vs. Blue Streak(10) Match 9 Woodstock Express CP(1) vs. Flight Deck(10) Match 10 Woodstock Express KI(8) vs. Mean Streak(7) Match 11 The Racer(10) vs. Corkscrew(2) Match 12 Flight of Fear(11) vs. Great Pumpkin Coaster(0) Match 13 Millennium Force(10) vs. Backlot Stunt Coaster(1) Match 14 Gemini(10) vs. Junior Gemini(1) Match 15 Magnum XL-200(10) vs. Disaster Transport(2) Match 16 Cedar Creek Mine Ride(1) vs. Raptor(10)
  10. Ohhh I see...hopefully you can get through quickly idk how CP will be but KI would have you done in like 5 min
  11. Why can't you just purchase a new platinum pass?
  12. In theory, that should work...I think. I think many people are in a situation around Opening Day for various park, and I believe most people don't have issue. Just bring your receipt with you
  13. Whoa, that's like, pretty cool haha But...what were the two topics that were merged??
  14. Any reason there needs to be a new thread about updates on the Crypt's ride experience when there's a longer, older thread about the same stuff? (that you've posted in...)
  15. All I can say is, Thank God for season passes! Hopefully, with all that extra revenue they'll be getting, they will earn enough to rebuild that parking lot. It sure needs it. It's a total mess out there. There's potholes big enough to swallow your car! It needs to be redesigned, but for sure, it needs to be totally repaved. I think it's only been repaved ONCE in its 40 year history! That I can remember anyway. Personally, I'd prefer to drive on a crack and pothole-filled parking lot and get new attractions than have a nice looking parking lot...
  16. You know, I've never thought about that. What happens if a guest is wheel chair bound (but can kinda hobble with great assistance) and gets on a ride like Diamondback or Vortex....and then there's an evacuation? How would you go about that?
  17. From the original article: And four days later, a "fast pass" type system haha
  18. Wow, this is pretty cool, and the $19 ticket deal is great!!
  19. The rear seats may have more vibrations dur to them being over the wheels. I would not consider Diamondback to be a rough coaster. It rides smooth and changes directions seamlessly. However, it does have really rough, strong vibrations (which I notice more in the back of a train). I don't know what causes it, and I don't notice them in the front of the train. I think Flight Deck and Vortex have a 'smoother' feel to them. Yeah, the changes in directions can be jerky and you bang your head, but they 'glide' and there aren't vibrations for the duration of the ride. Diamondback shakes you, others jerk you.
  20. I actually think it closes at 5 pm on Saturdays during Haunt.
  21. Oh I thought it was just your shoulders might be hitting the restraints and be uncomfortable...didn't think about them not working properly
  22. Why are there upper height restrictions on some rides?
  23. Coney can hold 50,000 people?!?!?! Wow, but congrats to Coney on a successful day!
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