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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. Oh wow, thats awesome! And here I thought it was because the author of the musical (Andrew Lloyd Webber) had the rights to it and wasn't willing to allow it to be produced...or is that just a different version?
  2. Yes yes, Ms. Gartner (Gardner?)...I didn't take choir at the junior high but I have heard a LOT about her! Most people love that lady haha Edit: And I wonder why shy knows ppl from CP?
  3. Sycamore and KI are very well contected in ways . just looked at my 12th grade year book on of the pages it says Congrats to the class of 2006 Syacamore High school from all of us at Paramounts Kings Island with the parks logo. same with my 9th 10th and 11th grade ones to. Huh, that's interesting! I don't think they've had any connection with KI in the yearbooks the past couple years. But I meant how did Fairfield get the rights to do a production of "Phantom of the Opera" three years before any other high school...
  4. you are....a mysterious person...in case you didn't know :P fortunately, for what is not known of you, you know of other things...and sometimes you even share what you know! :D haha

  5. I'd been wondering for a couple days now what that red capsule looking thing on the ground is! I guess I now know As far as it maybe not being the topper....no, it's not exact when compared the renderings....but I think it does look very similar. The renderings could be wrong...or the design could've changed....or maybe they will cover it with sheet metal and it'll look more similar. Edit: I posted too slowly
  6. *raises hand* I'm most certainly guilty of almost always forgetting the h at the end...
  7. How do you know it isn't true though? I was just stating how something false could've been brought up, which was then taken as fact....I didn't say either of my situations was what happened for sure...
  8. ^^Do youj know how they got the rights for it? My school is doing it this spring (starts in about 2.5 weeks)
  9. Maybe he thought he read that somewhere, whether it was Ki's FB or official website or on here...but it actually isn't true...
  10. Pictures do NOT do justice as to how high that truly is! But I LOVE those pictures!
  11. Okay thanks for that! I didn't know you could do that with a live feed to get a still image
  12. Well your first question has been answered haha I've not seen them being lifted up but that could be what's being done. However, I feel like they are just walking up inside the tower. Edit: The last piece is attached as the crane is no longer connected to the piece.
  13. I always hit 'print screen' ("PRTSC") then paste the image onto Microsoft Word. I then crop out the edges around the image and then save it. Then you post it here like you would any othe rpic from your computer
  14. Some kind of weirdly angled motion light? It detected an animal running through the area and came on?
  15. Some people go to the park to have fun with their friends. Some of those people are idiots and decide to vandalize stuff because "it's cool"
  16. ^^Honestly....I'm really bad at judging distance soooo....i cannot answer haha "Question is now open to the floor"
  17. Well...since you asked....in a perfect world (meaning to wind or air resistance), any objects (spit, coins, etc) could travel 57.935 meters horrizontally Edit: Actually...this is incorrect. I used its rotational velocity, not linear. Gimme a sec Edit 2: This IS correct!
  18. Any thoughts on why it would be torn up after being poured like a month or two earlier? haha Besides the possibility that pavers were supposed to go there and there was a screw up
  19. When the forums were upgraded/redesigned, didn't they originally have a like and dislike button?
  20. He did not misquote the article, but in using quotation marks in the post gives the appearance that Rick Schmizze made the quote vs. what the writer actually wrote. But KIfan quoted the article. Since he was getting a direct quote (what is in quotation marks) from a source (the article), it was required he use quotation marks, even if those words weren't a quote in the article...
  21. "A bumpy ride"? That made me giggle I think most people who rode SOB would say it was more than bumpy
  22. Maybe there was an issue with the concrete? And for some reason wasn't discovered earlier...haha Does CoastersRZ have any thoughts?
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