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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. Seems like a pretty good deal if you visit regularly. An entree and one side twice per visit. Say it's $100, you'd need to get two meals on seven visits to come out ahead. Assuming the pricing isn't much higher, it's an awesome option!
  2. Haven't had funnel cake in a couple years, so I want that. And the Banshee twist ice cream. Blue ice cream would be nice too. Also, the Chicken Shack. I've heard the hand breaded chicken is very delicious! Of course, the chicken is the only thing I'm likely to try anytime soon...
  3. I believe Mr. Scheid sent out a Tweet (maybe a reply?) saying the lighting would be on.
  4. I'm sleeping "extra tonight" (meaning roughly 7 hours) as I likely won't sleep tomorrow night. Too much school work to get done so I'll stay up writing papers until it's time to eat and head to the park.
  5. HAHA I get it! "Off target" when there used to be a target in Action Zone!
  6. High of 66 with a low of 35 on Thursday. Could be a bit nippy in the morning!
  7. Parking lot will be open at 10am according to the Twitter of Mr. Scheid. https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/statuses/454979728378585088
  8. WLWT is currently giving a low of 36 Thursday morning with a high of 64. Friday is currently at 45 rising to 67.
  9. If by thin out you mean still have a ~1.5-2 hour, I'd say you're correct. ERT will be filled with a ton of pass holders (and even regular guests, if similar to years past where non-pass holders made it back) and a VERY long line initially. But I think the line should be shorter (2-ish hours) later in the afternoon (maybe at 3 or so?)
  10. ^I see both sides. But I will point out that I've never actually called off work/missed a shift (although I was late once) while I have missed classes in the past. The two are a bit different
  11. Currently giving a high of 59 and a low of 35 on Thursday, and a few degrees warmer on Friday (high of 64). That cold front is coming through Monday/Monday night
  12. Preferred, Handicap, and Employee lots have been repaved. Nice! That's a good start! Hopefully more will be done in the future.
  13. I thought only handicapped parking was repaved?
  14. Maybe I'll have to try to make my way over to that neck of the woods!
  15. Well my first time will likely be Media Day, so hopefully not four hours...but on something like Opening Day, I'd do 3-ish hours, hopefully not more. That'd be in addition to any time waiting for the park to open.
  16. So would a Diamondback shirt be acceptable...? It is Kings Island related, but not something promoting Banshee...the only other options for me are a Joe Cool Christmas themed shirt, or solid white/black t-shirts (which is what I guess I'll end up in). Now to find a pair of pants/shorts that don't have the Adidas logo or Nike swoosh...and a jacket for 4:30 in the morning... Edit: Don't most of their sweatshirts/other apparel have their 'C' logo on the front?
  17. The setting for that ride is absolutely beautiful! Also, I love the top of the lift hill heading into the drop.
  18. Sooo will people only be allowed into the park once it is 11:30? Or will part of International Street be open sooner? Just thinking back to years past when you were let in earlier, then waited before being allowed back to the ride.
  19. First 5,000 riders will receive a shirt. Via twitter.com/KingsIslandPR
  20. Yep I'm waiting to hear if there will be shirts/how they will be distributed. That will determine my plans for the day. Do they ever do shirts on Media Day?
  21. Based on a lack of denial...I feel like seat belts on Diamondback might be a reality...
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