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Everything posted by KIfan1980

  1. Ahh, good news - the Fair Board Spokesperson said "there’s no reason to be concerned the project won’t happen." I only hope she didn't intend that double negative
  2. You have to remember, there was a time when the rollercoaster lineup wasn't as large as it is today. Imagine my first trip to the park when the coasters lineup was: Racer, Screamin Demon, Beast, Beastie - and I know there are others who attended before Beast and Demon were added. I think this is why some of us older folks dearly miss some of the older flats as much of the day was enjoyed on Bayern Kurve, 'Tiques, Giant Slide, Rotor, KCKC, etc... Edit to Add - FInally took another view of the video and found it interesting how different the ride is than the model they were using with the kid. Things I noticed: - On the model, there was a bunny hill after the first drop before the tunnel and left turn - On the model, the double helix was entered from the other side (it would have been a right hand turn) I'm sure there is more.
  3. Thanks Cobra - I was just moving from Mobile device to Computer to check, but didn't see any water in the POV. As for the erosion concern, not sure I buy that as the water only contacted the concrete foundation (footers/footings - I never remember which) as shown in this picture (copied from TopGun1993 - Flashback to Opening thread)
  4. There were times all 4 were full and the line spilled out onto The Beast Paw Marks.
  5. See this thread: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25507-kid-on-beast-1985/page__fromsearch__1
  6. It has been stated on these forums by KIPR that it was drained during Vortex construction if I remember correctly.
  7. I'm more surprised at how often you eat out - maybe we need to start a recipe thread to encourage healthy eating at home
  8. Glad you had fun although I have to admit I don't fully understand the zig-zagging approach to riding rides (Invertigo, Backlot, Racer, Drop Tower, FOF, Beast, etc...) I always try to follow a circuit and hit the rides on an area while there or walking past.
  9. One other note on the dampers and the swing angle of WS. I assume the dampers are designed to avoid seat contact when under compression - meaning that the as the space between seats gets shorter (compressed) the pressure in the damper gets higher and limits the motion. This doesn't have to impact the ability of the system to extend which is what happens when the seats swing out at an angle. The change in that direction is likely minimal if designed right.
  10. Not trying to be argumentative, but did we? - I don't recall any info being shared about it not opening with the park for the season - After it didn't open, I heard Knotts was also down - New ones and Cedar Point all opened on time Maybe I missed something, but it caught me by surprise.
  11. That's a good question. At some point you have to wonder if Disney will price itself out of tolerance with the other entertainment options that they compete for business with - although who knows what that $ figure is.
  12. But FB (or the initial investors) got all the money from selling those shares and only those who bought in the IPO are losing money.
  13. Wow - in my opinion that article bordered on terrible. I found it hard to read as it wandered all over the place (what was the theme/intent of it).
  14. My 2 cents - don't miss out on the Disney experience just because you don't have 4+ days to spend there. Just recognize that you won't get to do and see everything. I recommend picking parts (just do magic kingdom and eocot for example) and doing them in depth versus trying to hit highlights of everything. This leaves other parks for future trips. Also, if doing Disney, I recommend spending the money on TourGuideMike.com.
  15. AT&T service is poor in park - especially on busier days. As for the need for the phone, it's mostly about calling/texting the family to help with reconnecting after splitting up for different height requirement rides in my instance.
  16. And a quick reminder that even if you, like me, are unable to ride (I am so hopeful that I'll be able to in 2013) - you can still participate by donating to this worthy cause. I encourage you to visit one of the linked pages, read about the organization, and see if you can find a way to give a little (can you skip one trip to Starbucks/Taco Bell or wherever your guilty pleasure might be). Many on team KIC could use the support, and $5 or $10 from a bunch of people can add up quickly. Also, giving is simple and secure - as well as tax deductible.
  17. Most leagues where there is a field/court to maintain, a person to referee/officiate, and prizes/end of season event charge money - not sure why KI would be any different.
  18. Went back and read the entire thread - as I count, there are 0 complaints of a cold burger and 1 complaint of cold fries discussed here. While I agree that cold food is not acceptable, and do remember the complaint in another thread where a cold burger was served - the problem seems to be getting a little overblown right now. As I recall, the poster from the other thread didn't inform anyone of his issue - this makes it harder for management to correct or even understand whether there is truly a problem or just an isolated incident. Bottom line, not seeing a reason that would cause me to not try what by most accounts is improved and more affordable food this year.
  19. Uhhh alrighty then umm yeah..... What exactly do you find so ridiculous about my thought - using another example, when Diamondback was under construction but before the announcement, do you think the Eiffel Tower ride ops were given any talking points on how to answer questions?
  20. I was 6' - 230 lbs last season and am now 6' and 155-160 lbs. I'll be interested to see how the restraints and rides feel different when I'm cleared to ride again.
  21. On my iPhone, I just use the mobile version without much problem - although there is always a note at the bottom about the free ip board app for iPhone.
  22. Are ride ops CP's version of Dippin Dots guys? Maybe I'm not reading enough into this, but if survey markers are around a ride, it's going to be natural for guests to ask questions. Based on this, I'd expect them to be given a bunch of stock answers - doesn't mean they know the plan, just means they can answer a guest - and said answer may or may not be a hint as to what is really happening.
  23. Y'all have fun and remember some fun things to do at HWN. - ride behind Sparky on Voyage and just watch carefully - ride Raven and enjoy the surprise - get to know a few new people (from the park and the event) - guess how many Pat's there really are (she can't be in all those places at once) I wish I could attend to hang with some friends and meet some new ones, but am still recovering from my surgery and don't think coasters would help just yet!
  24. Glad you and your six year old enjoyed these first rides together. I look at similar experiences with my boys as some of my favorite memories at the park.
  25. There is a very good reason it was closed. It will be open soon, and better than last year. Since I've been a little out of it lately, I'll ask - did I miss an announcement or any communication about this or has the ride just been closed? Assuming its just been closed, this is an area that I wish KI would improve upon. How hard would it be to share via tweet, website, blog, or newsletter a quick mention of what's up and when it's expected to open.
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