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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. it may be hard to enforce but if he does something to break the rules (in the future) and gets caught. They would take his name, find he was banned, then they can charge him with trespassing.
  2. I dont see a negative here... I hate to say it but they brought onto themselves. In the list of people who were banned it seemed like it was their "second" strike.... and to the guy who reentered on his motorcycle... seriously? he shouldnt be upset with the park but with himself...
  3. Match 1 The Beast(11) vs. Wicked Twister(5) Match 2 Firehawk(10) vs. Adventure Express(9) Match 3 Invertigo(1) vs. Top Thrill Dragster(11) Match 4 Flying Ace Aerial Chase(0) vs. Maverick(12) Match 5 Son of Beast(1) vs. Diamondback(12) Match 6 Wildcat(8) vs. Iron Dragon(10) Match 7 Mantis(5) vs. Vortex(11) Match 8 Surf Dog(1) vs. Blue Streak(12) Match 9 Woodstock Express CP(1) vs. Flight Deck(12) Match 10 Woodstock Express KI(8) vs. Mean Streak(10) Match 11 The Racer(12) vs. Corkscrew(2) Match 12 Flight of Fear(13) vs. Great Pumpkin Coaster(0) Match 13 Millennium Force(12) vs. Backlot Stunt Coaster(1) Match 14 Gemini(12) vs. Junior Gemini(1) Match 15 Magnum XL-200(12) vs. Disaster Transport(2) Match 16 Cedar Creek Mine Ride(1) vs. Raptor(12) Looks like round one has ended?
  4. I doubt that Cedar Fair would allow a structure to deteriorate to the point of collapse. So odds are we will not see what is happening to the eagle happen to SOB, unless its man made of course
  5. I have been guilty of filling up an old cup. Its more tradition/memories, so I know it has been done. Higher refill price for old cups? creating a perk for new cup buys? and there you have found the way to make it both appealing to the "frugal" (I am not paying 6.99 for a new cup I have my old Flight of Fear cup) and the person who will buy a new cup (I want the WindSeeker cup...) Ill just be over here drinking from my Flight of Fear cup asking for a new straw because it broke......
  6. depends on what your company is built upon. If you are a company that is about the customer first then banning previous year cups would create a minor up-roar. By letting customers use previous years cups you are just showing them that they are allowed to have a great experience at your park. Banning cups just creates bad juju. Making employees happy is always hard to do and expensive, but usually its a great investment to help your park out in the long run. But then again perks dont always have to be expensive, a simple thanks, or a free pop can always go a long way when you are dealing with employees, and like you said, happiness tends to rub off on guests.
  7. bolded, underlined, and italicized. If you are to make an experience a once a year type of experience then by all means take away the season pass. goes back to the article you posted the other day about disney. if you make a park a destination people will go and spend the money, no matter the price (almost). An amuzement park without rollercoasters is a parking lot with popcorn, a theme park without rollercoasters is still a theme park. (I paraphrased a bit from Mr. Disney)
  8. I think you would lose some crossover from park to park. A family who is having a hard time justifying a family vacation & a trip to KI, may find it easier to buy a season pass and do both, but create the family trip around another park. Then again if you eliminate season passes, you would WANT to lower gate prices to entice frequent visitors. People may pay 35-40 bucks for 1-2, maybe 3 visits, but it gets pricey. 70-120 for a season pass and you can go as many times as you want for as little as you want sounds/is better.
  9. Its a math problem, in all reality. for every dollar it rises you lose a certain % point of your revenue. So just for fun lets say, you make the same amount of money (on admission) from a $20 ticket and a $50 ticket. Lets say you make 1 million dollars, well at 20 bucks a ticket you will have 50thousand guests, at 50 bucks a ticket you only have 20 thousand tickets. its all a balance. Some believe that if you lower your ticket prices you will entice more people who may not normally come, but why lower it to make the same amount you do with a high priced ticket..... some say the more bodies in the park the more money you make because its more people buying other goods (food, merch, etc) but if you have less people in the park you do not need to hire as many people (cleaning staff, food vendors, line ops, etc) or buy as much stuff (food, merch etc) which lowers your bottom line. A park is just like any business. It takes a person who is both able to see the bottom line and see what the people want/need. If you price something so high it turns a need into a want, a want into a maybe, and a maybe into a no. Where does 51.99 push the average family? for my family? it pushes KI from a want to a maybe/no.
  10. " “Most of Mr. Disney’s proposed park produces no revenue but it will be expensive to build and maintain,” said the focus group. “Things like the castle and pirate ship are cute but they aren’t rides so there is no economic reason to build them. There is too much wasteful landscaping.” They also found other examples of waste. Spaces like Town Square with its little park, City Hall, and a fire station were not designed to make any money. That was a poor use of real estate and did not add to the bottom line. Even the Main Street vehicles like the horse trolley, fire truck, and omnibus would be money-losers because they also suffered from a capacity issue." If only other parks saw/see what disney sees in the little extras.... reminds me the way a certain park once looked/felt
  11. I believe the quote is this is an investment for the long term. So maybe Dinosaurs Alive is a short term thing (Star Trek thing KI did before). But could it be that the 5 dollar upcharge and the paving and creation of a new areas (in the pictures it looks like they will be paving a nice big walk way) coudl lead to future park expansion?
  12. I hope you are not referring to me..... the park can and does things wrong but seriously how is this bad? if its a dino walk through and it fails who loses money? only the park
  13. Well, to be fair, they did also put a 20 foot tall and 40 foot long T-Rex at the entrance to the parking lot. Pretty huge if you ask me. And it's working - I showed the pic and explained what we thought the attraction was to my 7 year old. His response was "cool, sounds awesome - I love dinosaurs" then he asked when the park opened. ok minus the 20 foot tall 40 foot long t-rex, the lead up to it was not too much... plus now that dino (which is probably standard when buying a dino walk through) that stands out front is attracting a bunch of quizzical looks from drivers who, when they get home, will go "what is that thing at ki?" check online and go hmmm when was i at KI the last time....
  14. or we could all just take the high road and not grumble... if its on the internet someone will hate it and someone will like it... its life people argue... policing a forum can only do so much.... so I will say this, bringing us back to the topic at hand.... Sort of cool seeing a big t-rex being hoisted by a crane....
  15. if your point is marketing I have a question for you... where was the huge marketing? on their webpage? they uploaded a video? some pics? a twitter and facebook update? had a dissolving graphic? I would go with almost 60-75% of their target audience does not even check there web site in the off season, and if they do its just to get ticket prices for a future family vacation... maybe... but If this got a few more hits on their website, drove more people to visitkingsisland.com then great for them. Did it bother anyone that for a few days we had fun hoping and wondering what was going on?
  16. I think the problem lends it self to other rides in the park or around the globe. You have a ride that is fun and thrilling with out seat belts. Everyone knows that you could get hurt/killed if you stand up or try to exit the ride when riding it. 10 years later a new ride is added that is more thrilling, but needs restraints to keep people safe, say for example if the ride does a loop. Well people will think that the first ride is safer and they can do stupid things, like stand up....
  17. minus of course the legal considerations.... thank you terp.... i havnt been around here for a while... hows the winter treating you?
  18. Lets be real for moment and pretend they would shoot an episode centered around KI (which they probably wont but w.e) They could shoot at any park and call it KI. They dont have to edit out anything. KI wouldnt be the star of the show, it would be a backdrop a set piece. You wont have the cast of GLEE running around the park, ala the bradys (which probably had more to do with the parent company than the show itself).... but back to the point. if they would shoot a show at "KI" it probably wouldnt even resemble our park, because to be honest, outside of the tristate no one would notice. Plus there has to be better looking parks to shoot at?
  19. Soooo CF will just let them use the land and make money on it? Some how I think CF would change their minds when/if this thing brings in a good amount of money.... any info on the geauga lake park side of the park yet?
  20. the number does not and after a quick google search that number has been used for Bahamian Diet (1985) and also Sakrete concrete in 1985....
  21. If I am reading this right, then its similar to what I have been saying for a while (not just about SOB). CF will invest in the parks they own but not enough to make them look better or have bigger better rides than the home CP park.
  22. we may have butted heads but that was in the past. I will def look ya up when I get to CP next. And what were we arguing about? probably doesnt matter.... did I mention that TTD is now my all time favorite ride?

  23. the magnum crew was awesome. If there was a wait for the ride I would not have been sad about having to hear them talk and have fun... oh and that launch holy cow.... i bought the on ride photo cause the fiance's hair went straight up and my face looks all weird from the wind..... yea we skipped Millie... the fiance had rode it before but by the time of the day we were at it was just about over in our heads.... next time.... keeps us coming back ya know?
  24. it really was dead. The only reason we skipped out on Millie was because by the time we both talked ourselves into riding it we were dead tired and were all shaken up on the inside. I had not rode that many coasters in that short of time in a long time. So sadly Blue Streak, Mantis, and Millie were on the short stick of the day. Plus since we got tickets for free we figured hey why not leave when we want to, so as to make it feel like fun and not a job to ride every ride.... the only disappointing part about CP were most of the shows were closed. The park was ramping up for halloweekend and there were some cool stuff to look at but just no real shows to go and sit inside to re-catch your bearings.... oh well
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