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Everything posted by BB1

  1. That award probably goes to Top Gun or the whole of Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay, just saying lol.
  2. woohoo! I'm still of the opinion that this kind of theming is exactly what they need in the future, I'm pretty happy with what we got and I'm excited to get the shirt!
  3. Again I did say tin foil hat and that I was stretching it lol. (I knew that was probably it, just not a huge fan of the Brady Bunch tbh)
  4. So here's basically what I can gather from that paper: 1. It has KIC then a set of numbers 2. It is cataloged in April 20? 2019 so there could be a post from that point. Now that is a day after the Decoding 2020 topic was posted which would make sense with the notification. 3. It basically entails the same/similar document of the companies associated with the build from the original topic post about who is involved. 4. It called for an emergency meeting as the public knows? or at least is suspicious of ATLAS and Project Orion. It also declares the announcement on the day they actually announced. So that's basically my case, I think this is the one that @IndyGuy4KI has been teasing as it is the only thing similar in two photos.
  5. Is it just me or does the case number look like it has KIC in front? (On the clip board) As for what it could mean, it does go on to talk about speculation being public so maybe about our Decoding 2020 mega thread.
  6. So there's a few things that could be Easter Eggs: -Captain Nemo's Flight -There's also a BB-ESP. 106 , which if you put on your tinfoil hats sounds like BB1. (It's a stretch I know I'm just poking the bear) Honestly I'm glad that the park still makes nods to the fans, they put so much theming into this area it isn't even funny. (Heck some of the paperwork I can't even read because it's such small print)
  7. ^Delirium is such an underrated ride at the park, it's honestly the best flat there!
  8. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised KI doesn't have a candle collection yet. Cedar Point has a COOP with another company for candles already. Add to the Winterfest scent they have for Winterfest, I would gladly buy a few candles themed after some of our favorite rides and slides. (I'm looking at you tropical scented candles for the body slides)
  9. Personally this is really tough but here's my best crack at it: 1. Banshee 2. Mystic Timbers 3. Tropical Twister Left 4. Trop Plunge Blue 5. Diamondback Yes, I did rank waterslides ahead of Diamondback.
  10. Am I old now that I personally was at the openings of Dback and BLSC? I kind of want to break down each of these coasters as I think you have a case for each but some just simply put don't need it. My vote went straight for Adventure Express. I am an Arrow Puritan, and I do want to preserve every Arrow that we have, but Adventure Express needs an update or needs to go. Give it German theming, make it themed to the Rhineland or something and give it a total make over. The buildings it is housed in smells like rats and mildew. It is repulsive, and honestly makes me not want to ride the coaster. Then you have the animatronics, which need serious upgrades and revitalizations that personally I think would be best spent on retheming to a German mine or just scrapping the coaster all together and making a new fresh concept for that part of the park. Bat is honestly a shell of a shell when it comes to theming. I wish that they were able to keep the themed queue on Top Gun for Flight Deck but it was scrapped, then later destroyed out right. I would love to see a bat cave area below the station, maybe even a graveyard walking out to Bat as it is a pseudo Halloween themed coaster already and they should use it to their best potential. BLSC, well, I don't like this coaster for many reasons and I personally believe they should either re-theme with Cincinnati icons or just demo the whole structure and reinstall the park's most glorious ride duos, the Antique Cars and Flying Eagles. (That includes the Basketball game that kills the atmosphere of that area of the park) Beast honestly I think has the perfect amount of theming but could use a new landscape package. I would love to see a new pond added or a new tree package of spruces, aspens and bushes to make you feel like you are in the woods more. The queue could also have some news clippings of a creature in the woods lurking since the 70's ready to strike on unsuspecting hikers or etc. Diamondback, just give it a true rounded paintjob and give the whole coaster a facelift. Put in some new theming effects in the queue, maybe even add a new lighting package. Racer, you already are doing a major rework of the coaster, might as well give it a classic paintjob and give it some TLC. Racer is a treasure of the park, and I would love to see it return back to the original colors and have a more fleshed out carnival feel with the anchor of the midway.
  11. Okay hear me out, just place that spinning coaster, in that plot of land next to racer/AE/FOF and you can keep an icon at it's spot and give A72 another unique attraction that could deliver family thrills like what I was talking about. I think either there or like @FUN&ONLY! was talking about, placing it in the PS area. Preferably taking out the petting zoo which only makes my hikes from SC and KI just a little bit unbearable during the heat of Summer. Also, for the markers, not every marker means something new is coming. I have seen plenty of markers for just electrical work get chalked up to a new coaster, a new flat and the like. Sometimes it is just electrical or plumbing renovations which parks like KI need. More than likely they were doing electrical back behind KM and had some updates to work upon.
  12. I did not say BLSC, I said the backlot as in the backstage area where they have storage and the like. The left side by FOF, Racer and AE has space, plenty of space for a flat ride or two. The backstage area has enough space to fully flesh out that part of the park and really give Area 72 a new life and space to grow.
  13. To be honest, I think I would rather want to see some improvements to our pre-existing areas and flesh them out. Oktoberfest is a shell of what it once was, and frankly it's a travesty that they haven't expanded it or made it more classic. Planet Snoopy just needs a full refresh as the signs are fading and a lot of that area needs a recoat. Now, with that out of the way, I don't really feel as if putting flat rides in that section would be my best bet. Rather, I would place some flats next to Racer or maybe annex the backlot and move it to another location as it is in an odd location next to Racer. Maybe even have it as a smaller kiddie area with space themed attractions so that the adults have Orion and the kids have some enterprise attraction that the grandparents can enjoy too.
  14. If it is anything like the Boysenberry Festival then it's worth everything and more.
  15. To be honest with you I can't blame you. I would also recommend going during the food festival as they are two separate time frames, so a second visit is a must. It's going to be a good year to get to the Point, even better to end off on such a high note.
  16. ^I mean, it's not like Cedar Fair is actively bringing food events and events in general to several of their parks to interact and get people to come back to the parks. Many people didn't even go last year so for many people what was "new" last year is new this year. I think if anything this is the year to go to parks like Knott's Berry Farms, Cedar Point, etc because they will be having new experiences and will probably try to bring guests to the parks with new, exciting experiences. To each their own honestly, I can say I'm already going to CP, KBF, Dorney and KI but I have a Platinum pass with all of the goodies attached that's good for this year too.
  17. So I'm not a park rep nor do I intend on representing the park at any way shape or form in this post. If I were in your shoes I would contact HR with the questions that you have and go from there.
  18. I think the premise of the question is flawed, as there is still a chance that the park could re-install the attraction as it was in a modern take. The layout would have to be restored, and major restoration of the original cars and figures would have to occur, but the park and chain has been on a nostalgia kick for some time now. I don't think it's too far to say that BBoBH is aging, rapidly. It is a new take on a system built in 2003, and we are now in 2021. The history is there, the enthusiasm of the attraction, is there, it is a cheap investment and would have a large ROI with families who missed the attraction. The whole building in my opinion just needs a deep cleaning and needs to be refreshed with a classic attraction.
  19. - What do you miss the most about Kings Island this off season?- BB1 replied to 16gwoods's topic in KI Polls "I miss the walk up coolangatta racer and going on the down under thunder" (I still have headaches about my grammar) Good old 2012 me, still missing BB and reminiscing the good old days. Which I'll still admit Orange on Paradise Plunge is the fastest and most scenic.
  20. So background: KI MVRR used to circuit near/around the lazy river area of the park, this will be of importance later, and did such a circuit until Water Works was built. As well, the waterpark/parking lot is where many have seen/heard Missouri Jane, again this is important for later. I had a tenure as a lifeguard at KI for awhile as I wanted to work the park that I knew and loved. While at the park however, I learned a lot more about waterpark operations and just how the whole place operates. I also was trained as a lifeguard so I did the bobbing head motion, this is also important. So the first occurrence happened when it was overcast and it was pretty slow. I was at the scanning area after the mushroom, with a clear view towards the tube shed. While I was scanning (Bobbing my head up and down mind you) in the corner of my eye I swear I saw a tall man, in bib overalls (akin to what train engineers wear), walking briskly towards me as if he was trying to get somewhere quick. He was about maybe 7-9 feet away minimum. I bobbed my head again and looked down towards where he was coming from (not taking my eyes off the water but you can notice things coming by, by looking down the water) and he was gone. This was within just a moment, no chance for him to have moved away or past me at all. Remember how the train went in this area? Just so happened that this area is again next to where the train used to operate around the same curvature that a conductor would walk! Later on that same week mind you, we went down for weather and everyone was at the entrance of the river. As we were standing there I hear, clear as day, "Hey OP!" in a feminine voice. Now, this voice came from up towards the walkway going to the children's areas. Two female guards were making their way down to our area and I decided to just wait to see what they say. So, they come down, I ask them hey what did you want? They did not hear any voice calling my name, nor did they call out for me. Mind you, I've been coming to the waterpark since 2004, I worked at the waterpark for about two years at this point, I know when people call my name. This was honestly creepy as I know of the Missouri Jane stories, but I haven't heard of the name calling before. I knew in that instant, that had to be her, and after the "engineer" sighting it only solidified my opinion that the waterpark is the most haunted part of the park period. Mind you, I have had a few paranormal experiences, uneasiness at battlegrounds, burial sites, but never have I ever seen a full body apparition and heard a voice call me at any point ever after this. Just some food for thought: it is believed that storms with electricity can help facilitate the capacity for ghosts to manifest. Also, water could also help that in some circles. I know this is probably more like a page in a book, but there was a lot of details that need to be said. I never felt like I shouldn't be at the park, nor that any entities didn't like me being there. Rather, it was more like they were showing themselves as hey we are here too.
  21. I'm actually looking forward to seeing this project in print as I think Kings Island is honestly one of the few parks out there that really deserve more regard for the historical importance it has. Hopefully you have some waterpark history in there as I think it is more interesting than what most would be led on to believe. (and personally is one of the only places I can 100% say I've seen/heard paranormal activity at in the park)
  22. To be frank, I think the "traditional era" (if you even want to call it that) of the Drop Tower phase is kind of over. I do not think we need another traditional Drop Tower, however I think a S&S Launch Tower would fit perfectly if the park would want a small impact, small footprint attraction somewhere around Coney or Oktoberfest. I would also like to believe that Drop Tower could be removed and upgraded for a Falcon's Fury style attraction some day in the near future as I think, in my opinion, the traditional Drop Tower design is dated and just doesn't do it for me anymore.
  23. I don't think you get the point of the wording here bud. I called CP a museum for a reason. I used diverse for KI as there are several parks with only sit down Arrows. I agree CP is more diversified, but the design of the post was to give credence to both park's historical ties while giving it in a different blend.
  24. Personally, there's a few out there that I think every enthusiast should go to: 1. Cedar Point, America's True Roller Coast: Just in general, this park is a living, breathing, coaster museum with a ton of historic feats and attractions being housed there. Plus, it has some of the best coasters in the nation, you simply can't beat a line up with Steel Vengeance, Millennium Force, and Maverick. Plus, it has arguably one of the best beaches, primarily because of the views of the coasters behind you. 2. Knoebels/Lakemont Park: I'm going to lump both of these parks together due to the proximity and just similar vibes therein. Knoebels has Phoenix and Twister, which honestly speaking, Twister should get a lot more love than what it receives because it is extremely close to Phoenix IMO. Lakemont Park, you have the oldest coaster in the nation, that park is a legacy and should be more frequented because it is a precious landmark that is honestly legendary anymore. 3. Knott's Berry Farms: Alright, I'm going to be real, this was a hard choice between Carowinds, SFFT and Knott's, but Knott's held out. It is honestly the true success story from the west, what was once a farm for boysenberries, became a whole theme park that is honestly the best theme park out there. With spectacular theming, world class attractions, and food that can satisfy even the most critical thoosie, Knott's has a history that it hasn't let go of and chases with every addition they have. 4. Kings Island: Kings Island, while in modern terms is behind alot of parks, for historical reasons still ranks high up there. KI has a legendary, albeit mostly rough, wooden coaster line up that is almost hallowed with the wooden coaster length record. This, coupled with three very popular B&M coasters and a diverse blend of classic Arrow's give the park an edge and definitely gives people an excuse to come up. Oh yeah, and the blue ice cream.
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