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Everything posted by BB1

  1. First off let me begin with a sorrowful sorry for this being late as this week has been indeed a whirlwind with new things. With the recent demise of the ye olde Funnel Cake Stand we saw a bit of RiverTown history leave yet again for another game. This, following the same motions as what Kings Island did back in the mid 2000's as they took out the Flying Eagles for The Italian Stunt Job and for the most part another Basketball game, made me think about food as itself in the park. Kings Island for decades has been a cornucopia of interesting food history, dating back with various flares and various foods coming into the park. But which stand had the best food at Kings Island? For this poll, feel free to take any time period of Kings Island's colorful (or bland depending on the reader) food history with any previous or existing stand. For me personally I have to say the original Outback Shack in Boomerang Bay. It's one thing to have a food stand, it is another to have it with high theme and with a great Pizza like Larosa's. Something about the old stand had a sense of awe for me as the way the food was handed out under tropical boats with the side bar having extensive Australian theming. It was something that really you just cannot replicate, and something that I think the new stand has lost. It's that sense of immersion through the depths of various tropical/Australian theming with the combination of great food (with some having names fitting the Australian mood). Which really when it comes down to it yeah it's only a few facades and decorations here and there, but that is also how you deliver food. I can go to a bland Izzy's and get a reuben or I could go to the Hoffbrauhaus with deep German theme and get a reuben there.
  2. Oh heavens no. I guess I'll chime in here as really I never was a part of the target audience. I really don't like Funnel Cakes, in fact, I would be just as happy to get a small Roll-O-Plane or some sort of small flat to be placed in the spot. But, that would take out prime real estate to possibly open up the back area into River Town's White Water Canyon. I don't think the train is in jeopardy as this is the Funnel Cake Shop area, not the station as there is a few steps from there to the train so I have no fear for the train itself. Besides, it's a key part of Kings Island history and it's on the COASTERSTOCK itinerary so I don't think it will leave in 2016.
  3. BB1

    The Beast

    I like my Beast the way it is and how it has been running in recent years. Trims, sure they can deteriorate the ride experience, but you still pick up the speed. The trees are what makes it special something a lot of parks don't have anymore, not to mention that without the trees you wouldn't have that same Beast experience. Give me a nice crisp Fall morning marathon hour with Haunt decor and the bright yellows and dark orange leaves in the trees and that's my "Beast" ride.
  4. I would suggest first off to check out their website for further information and ways to contact the resort directly for details. Last year I did visit the waterpark and I'll have to admit, it's a solid line up. Malem sums it up accurately but for me last year the lines were small on Friday early-mid afternoon and will grow as the night prolongs. On Saturday, it's really a wild card as usually the lines will get long, about 30-45 at the max, but bearable. It is DEFINITELY a Winter activity I suggest doing and don't forget about the fantastic views of Kings Island! Hope you have FUN!
  5. Maybe this means that we might be getting a larger tea selection provided by Gold's Peak or Lipton for The Kings Island and or Holiday World properties? Kings Island would be my tea place if Gold's Peak were to come for the Souvenir Cups, of which really I will never have to worry about drinking Coca-Cola all day. Holiday World already has some tea offerings but only one I believe for their drink stations. I will have to admit, I love it that Holiday world gives out these free drinks. It's easy to grab and it's in the right portioned cup for a small walk to the next coaster or drink station. Meanwhile at Kings Island, sure I get the big 2016 Season Cup, pay 10 dollars up front and 1 dollar every time i refill it after the first day, but that still adds up. Yet, if you think about it you pay a Gold/Platinum Pass price upfront, of which will usually never pay for merchandise, parking, and whatever else you can think of, the park will get 10 dollars, then 1 dollar for every few hours for your visit. Therefore, if someone buys a refill every 4 hours for an 10 hour visit, that's 2 bucks a visit, 10 if they come 5 days a week. So, in all honesty, what you pay in gas would be more if you were to go to your local Kings Island (If you are local to here as I know a few of us are not) and buy your own drink.
  6. I had the exact same experience years ago, it just about jumped as we rolled by (i believe he was on my left). Definitely an interesting experience Terp!
  7. In all honesty, it's cold. Seriously, 15 degrees and steady is not my kind of weather. But this is the kind of weather that makes me remember all of the warm summer days I had to ride some of my favorite Kings Island attractions. Whether it be from the 2004 era Crocodile Run laps for hours, or from the spectacular night rides on The Beast that I have had over the past season they all come back to me as I sit here facing this cold death that we call snow. (I hate the cold by the way, hence why I don't want to move any further north.) With that being said, I thought it would be best to get our minds off of the cold and into the warmth of our favorite rides on any Kings Island attraction. This could be anything from coasters to waterslides, and everything in between pertaining to your favorite ride on a Kings Island attraction. This is a new resolution of mine to start to respond to my own polls as I have been lacking in doing so. For me, it was my first visit to Boomerang Bay at Kings Island. I honestly don't know whether or not if it was just the perfect patch of sunlight or if the Crocodile Run is truly that photogenic, but lapping the Crocodile Run (Lazy river for some of us who have not been able to be blessed with the great theming that was Boomerang Bay.) at the perfect time of the afternoon with the sun starting to set under the honesuckle that lined the river was amazing. The perfect balance of shade and light with an Australian themed river was just the best experience I had at the waterpark, and something I honestly miss from it.
  8. When you find and purchase a kangaroo crossing sign in honor of Boomerang Bay.
  9. That's exactly what I mean. It's blasphemy to touch graves and it's against the law, but to have set the entrance a little bit over would have been better than right next to the graves.
  10. If you were to take a closer look at the way the new gate is set up, it takes you almost directly next to the old graveyard. Sure, it would be a nice setting for Haunt, but I don't know how I feel with starting out my day going right past dead bodies in the ground at the FUN park during the Summer.
  11. Maybe it was the Kings Island Inn and that's the reason why it shut down? Or, better yet, they might have been ghosts themselves if they have been in there and working for the past few years!
  12. When as you recline in your chair inside and look outside to see what looks to be as if a scene straight out of a New England horror flick, dead trees with a deer staring straight at me.
  13. Taking a step back from last week's poll, let's take a more critical look at 2016 and what it holds for us. Every year we get new coasters, new slides, and new flats. Some are the best of the best, marking a strong highlight in the year, others are just flat out unneeded (Like Italian Stunt Job). With 2016 being a very diverse collection of attractions with their own historical markers, they all have different priorities for various enthusiasts. Going along with last week's poll, what are your 2016 priority attractions?
  14. I am honestly ecstatic for 2016. New waterslides at the waterpark, a new enterance, it's going to be amazing. Hopefully i can do more this year than last year, and maybe get to more meetups than before. Oh, and i have the utter most privledge of being the first to post in this topic! Happy New Year!
  15. If there would be a meet up, i wonder if Sccard could get us a discount? BB1, ever hopeful
  16. As 2016 is only days away, this lets us reflect on the past, but more explicitly what we need to do in 2016. With parks like Cedar Point and Dollywood getting major attractions in 2016, along with other parks, it makes the season seem so packed with new thrills. So with this being the last week of 2015, what is your go to park for 2016? Note that you could rank your priorities and or just state your most important park for 2016. Happy New Year!
  17. It's a love hate situation with me and Paramount. First, they gave me Boomerang Bay. By far one of the most influential things in my life as I went through a huge Australian phase of my life. And really, personally that was my favorite phase of the waterpark as honestly Soak City vs BB just doesn't add up. The great theme to that just really doesn't add up as it was so detailed. But if you look at how deteriorated it became from improperly managing both parks, Paramount left a bad stain. Sure, mind you that the park had some amazing theme, but it was also with bad treatment of various attractions which led to their demises. Also let me just mention Led Taxis and the Flying Eagles were taken out for the atrocity that is Backlot, originally a Paramount product dubbed Italian Job Stunt Track. We lost some and we got some, but with everything that came with Cedar Fair makes me like the transition much more than I do of the latter.
  18. Thanks for the Boomerang Bay photos, it brings back some great memories!
  19. If I remember correctly I did give them my email in terms of future announcements, but not my address. Nor that I was a Season Pass holder, but I was interested in buying one(at that time). If I did get a free Season Pass, I was never notified and I never spent money on one.
  20. So today as I was scrolling through my spam folder I found a few interesting emails from Kentucky Kingdom to yours truly. The first stated that I could renew my season pass, when I don't even have one nor did I go to Kentucky Kingdom last year. The 2 others were about buying or renewing a season pass, when I didn't even venture to this park since 2014. So I must ask, was I given a season pass to KK last year for free or what because I never bought one and this email states that I did.
  21. A few summers ago, on a WindSeeker at Knott's Berry Farm. Riders were stuck at the top for a while, it was also the same incident that led to the new yellow evac systems for various WindSeeker installations.
  22. A tragic comedy filled with dramatic soliloquies, comedic satire, and maybe a few puns here and there! Surely this is written by Shakespeare, no? Wrong! By KIC's very own community bringing you the new Broadway topic "Kentucky Kingdom"*. *Please note that this is in no way a regular musical, but a tragic comedy in Opera format.
  23. Christmas is that time of the year to give, reflect, and to sometimes get some of the most festive sweaters ever. But for many coaster enthusiasts who live near Kings Island, it is bitter as what we really want for Christmas is to ride one of our favorite coasters at Kings Island. So with the Christmas holiday coming up, I thought it would be interesting to pose this question; If you could ride one coaster for Christmas, in any weather(modified for top), which one would you ride?
  24. Every year as we get a new attraction, it leaves questions of what else could we get, or better yet what do we need? As I was thinking of this poll, I was reminded of how every year we want x or y but we might actually get z. So, with this week drawing close to our Christmas poll, this will serve as a base for next Week's poll: What park upgrade do you think we need in the coming years?
  25. What about the other 75%? I have YET to see a Kentucky Kingdom sign in the northern Bluegrass, better yet to hear a word of it. If you can't focus on your in state profit, then you're fried(chicken, bock bock from beautiful Corbin KY! Look at where that started, hm?). Kentucky is a gold mine, better yet a coal mine, if you dig it with a spade you're not going to go far, but if you dig it with a pickaxe you will get riches. As well, hear me out too to say that I WANT KY to have a park. I want to see a park that Kentuckians come to as if it were Cedar Point South. To see a tourism buzz from Kentuckian grounds, not from territories where already Banshees fly with ThunderBirds. I would scratch the other markets make a bee line for the home front and build a true Kentucky park! If you have a loyal regional fan base, then after move forward to other markets. But if you can't get someone who is in the same state, and CLOSER to Louisville than someone in Indy, then it's ludricous. Maybe I don't have that PR degree, but I do have some respect for what is a great up and coming market that I call Kentucky.
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