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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. I actually did this today with Mystic and Flying Ace as their lines were too long for my liking. Overall, though, lines weren’t terrible today; even Beast’s line wasn’t bad (used only the second set of switchbacks today, but it moved at a decent pace). Adventure Express had an extra queue at the end and Bat’s was going down the steps to the valley, but every other ride that I rode had a minimal wait. More relevant to this thread, I did take pictures from the tower today, but I’m going to finish my dinner first before I post as before my salmon I just finished, I’ve only eaten a bagel and a baguette today.
  2. How did that happen? That’s pretty cool!
  3. Valleyfair's Soak City look pretty cool and unique... and they still have their speed slides (as does Dorney, at least as of 2015).
  4. Those slides look cool! On the topic of waterpark rethemes/re-naming, I wonder if Dorney Park could be up for consideration; their water park is huge! To be fair, though, they do have a unique name in Wildwater Kingdom (not sure if any other Cedar Fair waterparks carry that name).
  5. I didn't even know that Millennium Force (and Rougarou) cam existed! It all looks so beautiful; hoping to get up to The Point sometime soon...
  6. ... or floorless... I'm still really excited about next Thursday's announcement; everything will finally be officially revealed!
  7. This looks interesting... I do like the dueling aspect!
  8. Ya'll are silly, what with the giga renderings and the John Matareese obsession! The new slogan can be, "Don't waste YOUR money" Also, I'm glad they finally announced the announcement date. I'm going to try to be there, but I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to... EDIT: And the Anchorman joke was gold!
  9. I just think people were really excited about Haunt; I know I am! I'm looking forward to Slaughterhouse and Chaos again. I actually might break tradition this year and do CHAOS as the first maze of the season instead of Slaughter House (of course I'll visit the family plenty of times this season (I've been a regular patron since like 2013- whenever the last year they were in Action Zone was) , but I really like Chaos also!). And yes, @IndyGuy4KI; if the two Haunt threads could be moved/merged, etc. that would be great
  10. I'm a tad bit confused about Zombie Mall too (as I thought that would mean Killmart would be no more), but I wonder if Coney Maul will be more concentrated to one part and then the Zombies will be down at the other half (near Vortex, Killmart and Urgent Scare). Drums of the Dead sounds intriguing and Shipwrecked sounds really cool; I wonder if there will be pirates! Overall, it sounds like with some of these scarezones, they are naming/theming areas of the park where roamers just hung out (for example, Rivertown proper will likely be Rivertown Reaping (Pumpkin Eater is on Backlot's path). Also, I'm glad Chaos is back this year and I wonder why they didn't capitalize on using the Antique Autos as a Haunt attraction...
  11. Re: the Invertigo poster, the "reusable" part of Rombus could refer to the fact that the new train is from Stinger/Invertigo, which meant it was re-used.
  12. Yeah, I heard someone called it "Fear of Flight" yesterday... *le sigh*
  13. I had a fantastic day at the park yesterday! Though I already mentioned looking at the posters as well as attending Gravity in other threads, I also rode Drop Tower, Bat, Banshee, Boo Blasters, Vortex, WindSeeker (I saw the construction and we have footers and lot of holes have been dug!) and Beast. I also ran into a ton of people I knew, including @whengodsaysgo, @Kat/ @Arnieman , @VortexBFForever, someone from college and some guy who recognized me from a church I once attended. In addition to the rides, I walked around and also saw the 80's show (which, IMO, has some of the best vocal talent in the park), went to the Petting Farm and saw Space Beagle. I thought Space Beagle was a little unusual (it was a kid's show after all), but the Finally, on the Spin-the-Wheel (skip the line) game, I noticed that it says that Boo Blasters is now an option and also that any prize can be traded in for a Boo Blasters pass- I found this interesting and tried to ask the person running the game (as I thought it meant that Boo Blasters would be leaving the park soon), but I didn't get an answer lol. Speaking of Boo Blasters, it was actually a nice little ride and though the sound wasn't working, the sets were nice to look at.
  14. @upstop It was from the Invertigo poster.
  15. MDMC01


    So, I got to see the sensory-friendly show (for Autism Awareness) and I think it was probably the best show I've seen all season. Because it's a stripped down show with the lights turned up and the fog/stage lights removed, you can actually see the detail put into the set (picture below). Like, did you know that the spaceship is gold in some parts? I didn't! Also, it really allows the cast's skillset (whether impressive gymnastics or acting) to shine as they are more visible without all the fog and lights. I did see the "full" show at 3:00 (it was much louder lol) and enjoyed it (and maybe even a bit more because I now appreciate what goes into Gravity), but there's just something about that stripped-down show that made it really special and unique (plus, I'm sure it helped those that benefitted from the set adjustments to enjoy the show that much more ).
  16. BUMP! I was inspired to post something funny I overheard while in line for Drop Tower today... Some older kid chickened out on Drop Tower and as he got out of line, he said something to the effect of "I'm not tryna die" (meaning he thought he'd die on DT)
  17. I guess lol Also, I meant to add more pictures to that post, but for some reason it didn't work. The aforementioned QRception: Also, this one said "Rombus" for some reason... whatever that means... Finally, the Firehawk poster! On this one, it says FTL/LTF, which I didn't realize was Fly-to-lie/Lie-to-fly until I started typing my original post lol
  18. ^That's fair Also, I got to see the posters in person today and oh my gosh, it was amazing! I also noticed a few interesting things that I hadn't noticed from just looking at them online: First, on the below picture it says "Advancement testing for future initiatives"... hmmm... The End is Where We Begin... Also, I noticed that the QR code poster that sends one with a smart device to that Change.org petition appears to have QR codes inside QR codes (QR codeception?) EDIT: See a few posts down for the picture... it was supposed to all post together, but for some reason my computer froze up and I had to close IE and re-open it/repost...
  19. Also, if you go Haunt on a Saturday and get there before the event starts (park is usually open something like 11-1 PM those nights), go wait in line/hang out near the first maze you want to go through (barring Field of Screams or Backwoods Bayou*, 'cause they are outdoor mazes) around 5 PM so you can be one of the first in (all mazes - except for outdoor mazes/scarezones - open around 6 ; it gets crowded FAST and lines gets long in the blink of an eye! Also, enjoy yourself and get lost in the awesomeness that Haunt brings! Personally, I can't wait for Mama to open up her Slaughterhouse again (I tell everyone about it while in line/on The Beast!) and to see what other surprises await this Haunt season! *Now, if you really want to do Backwoods and/or Field of Screams, I'd suggest getting in line around 6:30 (for FoS) or 7 (for Backwoods) as both of these mazes open at 8 PM.
  20. ^Indeed! Back to the 4 across vs. staggered seating debate, I am on team 4 across. To be fair, I've only been on one model of the B&M versions of each (Raging Bull and Diamonback, respectively), and I just feel the 4-across is more classic, in my opinion. Now, to be fair, I was looking forward to the staggered seating when Diamondback was being built, but I do still like the idea of a classic four-across B&M train. EDIT: Also, a instant messaging system similar to Facebook in the early 2010's would be fantastic. We can already see who is online, so I think it would be really cool (and then groupchats could stem from there). The direct messaging system works fine too, though
  21. I think the theme is going to be unique, but... I am hoping the teaser/announcement video is as awesome as the Millennium Force promo is! Yes, I know this video has been posted to this thread many times, but it's a great video (and incredibly relevant)
  22. See also Six Flags Fiesta Texas (and IIRC, other SIX parks had a number you could call for more info. Also, that inclined loop on The Swarm looks super cool; Rougarou and Green Lantern say hi!
  23. A loop on a giga would be really interesting... I think they'd have to make it taller than SOB's loop for that to work. Also I forgot to mention a while ago, that when the Rotor poster (or maybe it was the Bayern Kurve poster) went up, it made me think of how they are hinting at this coaster having a helix, because IIRC, there was mentioning of centrifugal force on the poster. EDIT: Zodiac's poster mentions centrifugal force as well. Also, I noticed a few of the posters mentioned "gravitational pull"; hmmm....
  24. Ok, so that video changed my mind just a tiny bit... first off, I didn't realize how tall the top hat-like hill is and second, I like those RMC manuvers; especially the one where it starts as an outer banked turn/hill thing and then it "becomes" the same banking as the hill/turn thing (it's hard to explain, but the element is around 1:12, the first "hill" after the large drop- also the hangtime inversion in the middle of the course is cool as well). I'm still not a fan of the triple launch gimmick (I mean, I get it momentum wise, but still, I say build a longer, faster launch track so it goes over the first time - but you can still have the reverse spike in case it doesn't make it over the top).
  25. I saw the layout online and it looks really short. Also, I don't know how to feel about a triple-launch element on a full-circuit coaster (not just on this coaster, but I've seen videos of other triple-launch coasters on YouTube; the whole backwards launch thing turned me off when I saw POV's of Full Throttle) as I feel like one launch should be enough. However, I do think the JoJo roll out of where the station appears to be is unique and that fact that Intamin is coming back to the States is good; though I'm not the biggest fan of this coaster at the moment, I hope Intamin hits this one out of the park so they can redeem themselves and start building more coasters in the US again. That being said, I've never been to BGW, and I'd love to ride Apollo's Chariot, Griffin, Alpengeist, and even Tempesto* someday. *Yes, I know Tempesto has a triple launch, but it's different- it's a compact coaster that functions more like a full-circuit version of a shuttle coaster, if that makes sense. It's just the large scale triple-launch coasters that I'm not a fan of. EDIT: They kinda already have a launch coaster (and a triple-launch coaster) in Verbolten and Tempesto. That being said, I hope it does well!
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