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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. Yes, the parade was amazing! Like, it was so amazing that I almost wished I still worked there so I could be in the parade (well, you can join at the end, but you know what I mean...). Also, the dance party was amazing (and took so much out of me- of course I tore it up out there!), but only ran until 8:30ish (I thought it was supposed to be until park close, but... I think what was supposed to happen was the featured band (and/or Hot Rhythm Nights) was supposed to take over on the Bandstand, but due to weather, the featured band played in Festhaus). Speaking of weather, most of the countries' showcase acts either had shortened appearances or none at all. I saw France and Germany's mini-shows, but did not get to see India's, China's (they were there, but they didn't end up performing) or Italy's. All things considered, it was a fantastic event and I'm so excited to see it with much more favorable weather conditions as it seems like all the pieces would fit together more smoothly. But from what they had to work with weather-wise (and it being the first official night of the event), it blew me away!!!
  2. Wait, we can be IN the parade! Where do I sign up? Waiting for Cirque at the moment, but when I walked in a few hours ago, I was amazed and blown away by all the decorations and theming on I-Street. Tonight is gonna be awesome!
  3. Don’t they already have a Drop Tower ride in Mach Tower? It could be a Windswker type ride or perhaps a Slingshot upcharge ride. It could also be a really tall building for an indoor ride, who knows?
  4. So, I know I asked this in another thread, but... is it known what time(s) the daily parade will occur?
  5. Good stuff, Shaggy! Never knew the original (well, current) train colors were meant to resemble a fireball.
  6. Not to question a mod, but... my experience has been a bit different with Mystic (for Banshee, you absolutely need to get a locker!). Up until Winterfest, I would need to put my fanny pack in a locker. However, ever since that one night at Winterfest, I’ve been able to ride with my fanny pack on. Also, responding to an earlier idea posed, I wouldn’t like a fully pre-planned* day very much. Though I do have things I’d like to ride and shows I’d like to see while in the park, I can be spontaneous as well. Like, if I wanna marathon Vortex or Bat instead of choosing a different ride, I can. *I say fully pre-planned as I understand there are showtimes to abide by if I want to see the shows. Speaking of shows, when do Carnival’s parades happen? I know the dance party is at night, but I’m not sure when the parades start.
  7. Thanks for that info/explanation; I personally find it very fascinating! I just watched that X-Flight video and was amazed that there was no bar to lift the trains up (like Firehawk had)!
  8. Great info, befat! What is the difference between onboard hydraulics and off train hydraulics? I just watched a video of Stealth and it looks like it had a similar system to Firehawk (I’m not sure how to spot the differences between the two systems).
  9. I actually like Orange on a coaster, not sure why... Great orange coasters include The Bat, Valravn and Rougarou. Also Fahrenheit and Talon. That being said, that blue looks awesome. If I got to pick the support color, I’d probably go with white or black, just because I can’t think of any other color that work well with that blue track.
  10. And I can try to convince someone that eating a sleeve of Ritz Crackers with Peanut Butter and a glass of milk totally counts as a meal! Also, I second the whole directional sign thing. Yes, some of us probably know the park like the back of our hand, but it would be nice to add some themed signs that compliment the areas. For example, rustic signs in Rivertown, Classic Americana-esque signs in Coney, Safari-themed signage in... oh wait... You get the point, though. Themed signage would be great!
  11. I think a B&M Flyer would be intriguing... I put one in that area of the park (and also part of the picnic grove lol) in RCT2 with a KD recreation someone made. Not sure if Dominator was included, but I did put an awesome RMC near the front gate and a launched coaster in the woods (I think by Grizzly? I didn’t venture to that side of the park much the one time I went).
  12. Back in the day, FOF and Zephyr were paired together. Not sure if that’s the case again now that Firehawk is gone (I believe FOF and Firehawk were paired together?)
  13. So, does that mean it wouldn’t rise? JK, I know what you meant. Yeah, a floorless giga would be crazy. I would love to see a floorless come to KI.
  14. I did not sign up for Pass Perks yet, but... I do find it weird the perks come through e-mail; why not integrate this program with the KI app?
  15. Unfortunately, there are currently no Single Rider lines at KI, however Mystic and Flight of Cheer (Flight of Fear) do have them during Winterfest.
  16. Thanks for posting this! Both pairs of my cargo shorts have messed up zippers, and I really need to get new ones. I feel like cargo shorts should be placed in a prominent place on the site as a lot of us use them. Could this be in a central place, @IndyGuy4KI or can there at least be a new thread made?
  17. .. just like the good ol’ days! Fun Fact: Back in like the 20’s they did actually have first aid by some of the more extreme wooden coasters (one of those extreme coasters was the Crystal Beach Cyclone, however, I’m not sure if it actually had a First Aid Station at the exit- but I’d imagine it did.)
  18. They could name it YEET! The Ride! That downwards launch would be sick! EDIT: It would basically be like a Roller Coaster Tycoon coaster on steroids! EDIT2: In other news, Coney could get a B&M Family Invert someday...
  19. I think this is a double-edged sword... when plans get leaked, everyone gets hype (or not lol), but at the same time, most of the mystery is gone. Also, re: the Chinese hyper, it looks slow, but it has an interesting layout. Third, whoever made that Polaris rendering from the blueprints, excellent job! Finally, agreeing with the comment about the GP being blown away by this thing, I told someone at work the other day (around the time the plans were received by the city and posted on here) and they were like “a 300 foot coaster?”. So yeah, it’s gonna be a big deal.
  20. That last statement makes me think of Geauga Lake/Six Flags Worlds of Adventure. While four major coasters in two years (Superman, Batman Knight Flight, Villain and X-Flight) is mind-blowingly awesome, it was also this over expansion that led to the death of that park.
  21. Yesterday was not too bad most of the day, however, I was really surprised Bat had a decent line (about to the last set of stairs) when most other lines were minimal. Heck, there was almost no line for Beast and I got a Zen Ride in White Water Canyon!
  22. I hate to break it to you, but that’s been a thing for a few years now unfortunately
  23. I really like @ethancoaster‘s rendering mostly because the elements on them return trip looks way better/cooler than other recreations I’ve seen thus far. Also, I got to see the clearing from WindSeeker today and it looks like it may have grown so now it passes beside the fireworks launch pad and goes back further. Also, even though this new coaster seems like it will be close to The Beast, I don’t see it affecting night rides too much (IMO). However, the finished product could be a different story and the new coaster would leave The Beast less secluded.
  24. Today was a great day in the park! I was there from before 10 till around 5:30 (last thing I did was see the 5 PM showing of Gravity) and what a day it was. I got first train of the day (front seat) on Invertigo, which despite sitting in a different seat, was still its great but head-bangy self. IIRC, I also got front on Flight of Fear, which followed afterward. Other highlights of the day included White Water Canyon (the first ride was a Zen Ride and I didn't get too wet; the second ride I got soaked by the operator!), going up in the Effial Tower (those viewfinders are severely underrated; it was so cool to spy on the park and see rides go through their paces up close- and it only costs 2 quarters!), the 80's show (which was amazing; probably the best iteration of the 80's show yet as the chorography and talent was great! I also saw @XGatorHead 8904 and his crew there) and the Country show (my new favorite show because 90's nostalgia!). I also rode Vortex, Adventure Express (I saw they were working on the pad- I think it may be too small to be a Haunt maze...) The Bat, Delirium, Drop Tower, WindSeeker (to me, it looks like the clearing is gonna go beside and further than the fireworks launch pad), Beast (where I saw that Mama and the Slaughterhouse boys had left some meat to cure in the sun) and Mystic Timbers. I also played Pokémon Go on and off, and while I couldn't do any Raids (as my avatar couldn't quite reach Bat or WindSeeker's gym), I did put a Pokémon in a gym as well as caught a new one (Burmy). In addition to catching stuff, I also took some really cool AR pictures of Pokémon as they relate to the coasters of KI (which I'll probably post at some point). Finally, it appears that the Wifi has improved since the last time I visited; not only did I automatically log onto the WiFi when I was in range, but I didn't encounter that annoying pop-up screen once. Do note however that the WiFi is not everywhere (The Bat, around WindSeeker), so keep that in mind. All in all, it was an incredible day full of fun! EDIT: Also met a fellow KICer and her husband at Cirque, so that was cool! EDIT2: Also-also, on the topic of spitting, apparently a kid spit and hit someone (not me) in line for Bat and the kid was reprimanded by the mother (the mom also apologized to the victim of the spit).
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