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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. I have the feeling we’ll all be blown away come announcement time (maybe). Also, the Lil’ Giga memes are hilarious! Keep ‘em coming!
  2. Lil Giga sounds like the name of a rapper... except they’d bring back Linkin Park style nu-metal with rap, but with more electronics (think “It’s Goin’ Down” the X-Ecutioners and Mike Shinoda). EDITed for spelling
  3. Wow! Just made it through another 20-some pages lol I think it would be really cool if the Giga had a sick steep turn drop (not the first drop, but as a ride element somewhere along the course) and maybe took some inspiration from Phantom’s Revenge’s second stop. In other news, I think my iPod is learning as it suggested Phantasialand when I was spelling out “Phantom”.
  4. I know who can help us with this Decoding... Detective Pikachu!!! *IIRC, the movie is out today.
  5. While that would be sorta cool lol, Orion is my pick as it sounds cool and there is some info about the name origin on the Decoding thread (Orion is a constellation and a hunter, etc). I also agree with the statement that Polaris could still be used in the area for a flat or something else (though in that case, I’d rather have Orion be the flat and Polaris be the coaster.
  6. I just got thru this... I actually fell asleep last night reading this stuff lol. Lots of speculation and intrigue, and in the words of the characters from that MadTV Laguna Beach parody: “Somuchdrama!”
  7. Yeah, what was the name of that planet they were headed to in the pre-show, again? -MDMC, asking questions at length
  8. That “Look Up!” website picture got my really excited as it reminded me of the start of that Millennium Force video...
  9. I went yesterday and had a great time! Thanks to @malems speed walking, we were able to get first train, front row for Beast ERT. Also, Night Rides on Invertigo/Beast/Vortex/Adventure Express/Drop Tower were pretty cool. Finally, I saw HiFi Honey twice and they were awesome, of course! That back half of Coney looks beautiful with the Antique Cars, but the other car ride (Backlot) is a real eyesore. I like that they coexist now, but still... Also, as a note, front seat of Vortex has awkward transitions, but that’s to be expected of a 31-year old Arrow. Finally, Invertigo was actually enjoyable as I sat in a different seat then normal (back row, but at the seat closer to the exit rather than the entrance.
  10. Hmmm... I got free water at Coney BBQ yesterday when I stopped in. Maybe all places don’t offer that anymore (or maybe it’ll take time to install like another poster said).
  11. Sorry to hear that; that’s really unfortunate! This iPod I’m typing on now lives and dies by WiFi lol. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I was at Kenwood Towne Center the other day and flawlessly played Pokemon Go as the WiFi was amazing (and plentiful). Still haven’t tried out the WiFi at the zoo yet; wonder if it’s decent or not... Regardless, I know I’ll have a good time, though.
  12. Yes exactly. I blame the crappy WiFi on so many people trying to access it. Also, I don’t think it’s accessible everywhere in the park; for example, I can’t connect down by The Bat. I-Street seems to be the WiFi place for me.
  13. I definitely get that! Since putting everything in my cargo shorts pockets (In past years, I’ve wore a fanny pack), I’ve noticed I’ve gained some extra “girth” when fitting into rides.
  14. On the topic of KI Merch (I would've quoted @Magenta Lizard, but most of the post was a picture ), I finally got that Son of Beast pin last Saturday and interestingly, I noticed it just says Kings Island (as opposed to Paramount's Kings Island- I know it's not owned by Paramount anymore, but I thought that it was still interesting). I also have a better opinion of Brewhouse- when I went on Opening Day, I thought the theming was lacking, but since going to the bar, the restaurant has redeemed itself theming-wise. Fun Fact: Shirley Temples (and basically any non-alcoholic drink that you can get on tap at the bar) are on the drink plan- Yeet! Finally, for those that are fans of local bands, there is a fantastic band in Festhaus called HiFi Honey. Their shows are 2, 3:30 and 5 every Saturday for the next 3 weekends (I'm guessing until the country show starts up). They do a lot of country/classic rock/pop covers and the lead singer (Jessica) and the drummer (John) are really cool! Also, they have a website if you'd like to see their other local shows: https://hifihoney.com/ EDIT: Also, the (alcoholic) drinks at Brewhouse are creatively named- there is even one named after Chef Major!
  15. I disagree! I think Raptor is too loud (specifically, the cobra roll area near Valravn) and this disturbs its neighbors*. On the other hand, Rougarou’s roar is great as it ties in with the theme of a beast on the bayou. *I also think Diamondback is annoyingly loud, specifically the drop while walking by.
  16. The painting of seat/train numbers (in white) towards the back of the car.
  17. Also, I noticed this today before boarding Bat... EDIT for clarification: I am talking about the naming of the train/seats in white above and towards the back left of the car.
  18. I got to see the clearing for myself today (from Banshee, Effial Tower and WindSeeker and there is a ton of land cleared back there; in fact, they were working while we were up on the Tower! This'll be one big project! *Oh, and I do hope we do get some bathrooms near Flight of Fear; that is all
  19. Just caught up on the thread; Based on the amazing news of land clearing, I think I'll be spending some quality time up on the Eiffel Tower tomorrow...
  20. So, I have another question in light of a conversation I had with @malem and co while riding the Train on Opening Day... will anything special be done for WaterWorks’ (Soak City) 30th anniversary? I would totally get in line for a throwback T-shirt!!! #shutupandtakemymoney lol
  21. What a cool video! I don't think I've ever seen an aerial shot of King Cobra from that angle before! Also, where was the information deck located?
  22. My submission is this: "Kings Island: Where the past meets the present"
  23. Yes. The fact came about as was talking to a ride op (specifically, the one assigning seats) and admiring the green paint. When I asked if the train got repainted, she told me the train was from Stinger and that if I looked, I may be able to see where the logo used to be. She also told me that Invertigo’s (actual)!train was in storage. Also, I think another ride op said something about it too when they were checking restraints.
  24. Great trip report! I agree with your sentiments about having a good time despite beloved rides not being open; Banshee, Flight of Fear and Mystic were those “filling the gap” coasters for me that made up for the three Arrows not being open.
  25. Yes, that is correct, Invertigo’s train is new to KI.
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