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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. @Hawaiian Coasters 325: I love everything about that "Steel Beast" flying coaster concept, except for the name. Maybe it could be water-themed or something. Also, I like the Dive coaster and Sky Raider concepts; keep up the good work!
  2. 43 days until the 2019 season starts!

  3. That's the thing- if someone signed their group (or themselves) up for the night, they can reasonably expect that the scavenger hunt would take a good chunk of the night. Therefore, if anyone wanted to do other mazes/ride rides, they could come back another night*. Also, while more scareactors would be appreciated, I think the only experience-specific scareactor would be the greeter (for example, one of the clues could be: talk to one of the members of royalty at Dance of the Macabre and then guests would have to find the specific person with the next clue). *Or, some mazes could be worked into the upcharge (and guests would just go thru the Fright Lane entrance)- for example, one of the clues could say- talk to Mama and then go through Slaughterhouse to find the next clue.
  4. I think a neat idea would be to bring back a Skeleton-key like upcharge, but instead of getting access to one room in select houses, have a parkwide scavenger hunt where guests have to find certain specified scareactors for the next clue or item. At a designated entrance, one Scareactor could act as the "Greeter" and explain the rules, etc. and then give different clues to each guest/group of guests. If this was implemented, this upcharge experience would probably last the whole night (or at least a good part of the night), due to the possible difficulty of tracking down specific scareactors at certain time. The reward at the end could be a Fright Lane pass to use for the next visit of something to that extent. Thoughts?
  5. It's very twisty! Also, that show lineup looks great; I'll have to catch a few when I go in June!
  6. Happy Pokémon Day everyone! Also, 52 days until Kings Island opens for the 2019 season.

  7. Wow! What a great article. It certainly makes you reflect on yourself as well as the coaster community at large. Sometimes we get so wrapped up on things that ultimately shouldn't matter that we miss the bigger picture and the reason why we all came together to enjoy our hobby. And while we see this play out in fansites and on social media (such as the conversation mentioned in the article), I don't think that (to quote the article) "toxic" attitudes/mindsets are unique to coaster enthusiast groups. I saw an article towards the beginning of the year talking about how Toxic (capitalization pun intended) the Pokemon Go Community has become* as well as hard-lined sports allegiances (just look at the whole Bengals/Steelers thing here in the Tri-State lol). Basically, whatever your passion is, have fun and don't look down on others because they may enjoy it differently; just enjoy the ride! *Link: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/the-community-used-toxic-its-super-effective/
  8. 56 days until Kings Island opens for 2019!!!

  9. I'll take yellow or white. Green would be cool, too! EDIT: Thought white was grey... whoops!
  10. Could we possibly see a thrilling GCI in that space? I never rode the Rapids so I didn't know how much space it took up. Also, @CoasterOhio tell Nighthawk I said hi (I'll be down there in June for Nighthawk, Fury, Vortex, Electrospin and more)!
  11. I am loving this Intamin/B&M back and forth. But in all seriousness, like the little girl in that commercial said "Why not both?". Specifically, I was thinking of Valravn and Wicked Twister (and to a lesser extent, Maverick and Rougarou). -MDMC, who just named all but one of his Top 5 Cedar Point coasters.
  12. Good stuff! Looking forward to seeing (and possibly buying?) the retro T-Shirts when I stop there on the way back from Holiwood Nights. Kentucky Flyer looks nice as well; didn't realize there was a small turn before the first drop.
  13. With the exception of the continously hanging upside down part and the barrel roll into the water, it looks like a cool coaster!
  14. I love Rougarou's roar; it really adds to the theme of a beast on the bayou. On the other hand, Raptor's roar is way too loud!
  15. Good write-up of the history of the Volcano, Shaggy! Time Warp sounded really cool.
  16. Dang. Volcano was always a cool ride and my first launch coaster. The one time I went to Kings Dominion was 2001 and I only rode it once. I remember being talked into riding it (as it looked terrifying to younger me), but it ended up being awesome. I remember they added another train right when I was in line, therefore when I boarded, we stopped before hitting the first launch. I said the launch felt like a "giant was pushing us" and those barrel rolls at the top were crazy (that may have been my first barrel roll too)- it felt like the world was spinning! Sad to see it go, but great things may be on the way. I wonder if they'll still keep that giant Volcano...
  17. My best of the worst include Iron Wolf (Six Flags Great America), Dorney Park's Wild Mouse and Mean Streak. Iron Wolf banged your head around with its quick transitions while Wild Mouse was really rough and tumble. Mean Streak makes the cut due to the jackhammering at the bottom of/pulling up from the first drop.
  18. Looks like it's gone from the website too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, turns out I'll be making a trip down there in June as well. I'm really excited to ride Nighthawk, Fury, Drop Zone (yes, I know it's technically called Drop Tower ), Vortex, Scream Weaver and Electro Spin. I do have a question, though- do they have the special All-Day Lockers like Cedar Point (the ones that travel with you) or just regular ones? Also, are there more than 2 locker locations? Looking at the 2018 map, the only lockers I saw were at the Front Gate and near Fury. Just wondering as I've counted at least 5 rides I'll know I'll need a locker for and 3 that I might. Thanks in advance! As a final note, the last time I went to Carowinds was 2003 (The year Reptar- now known as Kiddy Hawk- opened). I'm ready to fly the friendly skies on Nighthawk and possibly get a taste of the future on Fury!
  19. Opening Day is April 20th!!!!!!!!!

  20. So, if the giga is themed to deer, who would be the sponsor- Mossy Oak? Realtree? The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation? In all seriousness, it was sorta sad to see that loop come down, but on the other hand, that was the element that forced me to stop riding Firehawk. So I guess I'll say good riddance. #imnotsorry EDIT: Also, re: the deer theme.. as long as there's no scary Santa in the shed*. we're good! *For the record, Evil Santa from Haunt is cool!
  21. Great job, guys! I love how knowledgeable you are about the fountains, Eric. Also, hearing about the stage makes me think of a bigger style show like Vertical Impact at Cedar Point. Wonder how this will affect (improve?) the Stunt Show and/or Winterfest. They could even do an outdoor Cirque show; the possibilities are endless! Also, re: the tables that were near Sweet Spot, I feel like those were removed due to possible congestion. I really do like how there is so much work being put into I-Street in addition to KMAA (aka the Antique Cars).
  22. With a clue like that, it sounds to me it'll be either a Dive coaster or a slide complex like Tropical Plunge. We shall see...
  23. Yes, nightly fireorks are unique to us. I remeber going to Hersheypark (Not a Cedar Fair park, I know) in 2015 and being surprised that there was no fireworks show around closing time.
  24. Speaking of burgers, anyone remember the Pigpen Burger during the Peanuts Celebration? I didn't try it, but it looked rather interesting...
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