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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. I totally forgot about The Beast’s retracking! At first I didn’t know what to think (as it was smoother than ever), but I eventually grew to enjoy it - so much so that I now think Mystic Timbers is rough by comparison!
  2. (Re: info in bold) Good to know! And never knew that the red curtain from the concept are was not present in the final ride.
  3. I think all the regular season shows were great in their own ways. The 70's show was a throwback to when the park first opened and Phantom Theatre: Encore was a throwback to an older type of show (as well as the ride that the show was inspired by). The Fireworks show was really cool and I enjoyed seeing it from various locations throughout the park such as from Brewhouse patio, The Bat's "rainforest" (that was super cool - it was like being deep in the rainforest and seeing flares in the distance!), and of course at the front of the park. The history timeline walk in Tower Gardens was cool as well, though I really wished they'd have put a small display in there detailing the history of Haunt during the event, but I understand they are prepping that area for Candy Cane Lane. And speaking of Haunt, it was a lot of fun to come back to that after being gone for so long (I had not been to Haunt since 2018, though I did scare in 2019). Slaughterhouse and Chaos were great (especially this past Saturday night! ) and Alien X was an interesting scarezone with really cool costumes and makeup. I also thought highly of Pumpkin Eater's relocation and felt Cornered got better as the Haunt season progressed. Finally, I loved the addition of the DJ in Coney Maul and also enjoyed waiting for Madame Fatale's to open a weekend or so ago and ended up being the first person in the maze that night. So, what was my favorite part? I'm not really sure... I feel like it's been a long season (in a good way) and to think, it's not even over yet! And even though we still have Winterfest to go, I am super hype for the debut of Adventure Port! EDIT: Oh! I almost forgot getting my book signed by @KIghostguy and Mike Koontz (as well as meeting Dennis Spiegel). As I said, it's been a busy season!
  4. That's really cool; thanks for sharing! Though I never rode the original ride (I was too scared...), I did catch some references to props used in mazes (boiler in Slaughterhouse, Sarcophagus in Madame's) as well as the show that was in the (Kings Island) Theater over the summer. That is really cool concept art; didn't realize how much detail was put into the queue line and exit as well as why that random curtain (that Maestro opens) was still there some time after PT had left the building (and/or maybe there was a curtain to the left when entering the loading platform too, I'm not sure; I will have to check that out during Winterfest)- I think that was the area that acted as the on-ride photo for Scooby Doo and possibly early Boo Blasters.
  5. Just added Opening Day 2023 to my calendar! Thanks for the news, @Imperial79!
  6. That would be really cool. I feel like Cornered was meh opening night, but got better and better as the season went on. I appreciated that some hid in the corn Saturday night, which reminded me of Field of Screams. Also, the fog was heavy at times, so that was great. Though I prefer Field, Cornered was good in its own way.
  7. Were you able to go through any of the mazes?
  8. Went to Haunt last night and had a great time! It was super crowded, but I did all the mazes (Slaughter House and Chaos are still my favorites!) and rode The Bat. Also saw the "You're too old to trick or treat" game show and was disappointed as it was so short. As I've said before, I've not been impressed with the new Haunt shows this year (though I do love the addition of the DJ in Coney Maul!). That being said, I still love the event itself as I enjoy interacting with the Scareactors and going through the mazes. Started with Hotel St. Michelle (which was really scary as I was the first one in and also it was dark in there!) and ended the night with back-to-back trips through Slaughter House!
  9. No, but I think I witnessed a rollback one time while walking through the park early in the day. That's pretty cool!
  10. Thanks for letting me know. I will pass. -MDMC, a picky eater...
  11. Well, this is interesting... https://www.kmjnow.com/2022/10/25/heart-of-california-theme-park-coming-to-fresno-you-can-push-the-idea-with-a-signature/
  12. I didn't even know that had specialty pizzas like this; which in-park LaRosa's locations have them? Also, what is on the pesto pizza, and is it possible to get just cheese and pesto?
  13. Yes! I am so excited for Adventure Port. I was looking for signs of progress when I went Sunday, but I didn’t see anything new except for the billboard by Coney.
  14. A unique view of Diamondback from Madame Fatale’s queue
  15. Haunt was fun tonight! I started with Madame's as I had never done that first before and I pretty much went through by myself. It was dark and I had trouble figuring out where to go at times. Though there didn't seem to be many people, I did get a few scares. I always love Slaughter House and enjoyed going through twice. I also went through Chaos (I love the theme/scenery - it would be so cool to be able to take my time and absorb all the cool sci-fi theming, but with the maze running as it normally would (as in, not lights on)) and Killmart. Saw Terror Rising and it was not good. I left halfway through the show as it was getting risque for me (I liked the guitar guy, though! ). I think the real strength of Haunt this year are the mazes and scareactors as I was not a fan of both of the new shows this year. Also rode WindSeeker, and it was cold.
  16. Had Hank's for the first time tonight and it was good! Got a "bowl" (basically rice, meat (steak), cheese and salsa without the soft taco) + nachos/salsa and it was good. The only problem is, I couldn't eat both as the bowl was so big. Because of this, I finished some of bowl and ate all of the chips. I think if I eat there again (or if they have a similar menu as Enrique's), I'll really take my time eating (or maybe just order one of the two) as I was eating in Coney Maul, and it's hard to eat and party at the same time!.
  17. ^Yeah, they could even keep Jukebox as is (as it could tie in with classic cars) with that retheme. I like that idea!
  18. It would be cool if he was still on and it would be interesting to hear his thoughts on a variety of recent topics. However, I don’t doubt his influence and legacy are still present on KIC
  19. Does anyone on here know if Hank’s has hard taco shells (as opposed to just having soft tacos)? I don’t eat there often (or ever? I’m a picky eater) and I plan to do so when I go to the park this weekend before it becomes Enrique’s next year (and possibly the Mac n Cheese bar during WinterFest).TIA.
  20. I second (or third?) this; I was not a fan of that show! It will be cool to see Tinker's in the location it once was in back in the day. And I, too, am wondering which version of Tinker's will play this year. Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be great!
  21. I noticed that to when seeing all the pictures on the other thread. Speaking of which, the concept art looks awesome (I hope they have all those rainforest-esque trees throughout the area!) and I'm very excited for the return of Adventure Village (sort of) in the form of Adventure Port!
  22. Good to know! I enjoyed Kentucky Kingdom’s, but I only rode it once. This ride is also fitting as it will be Delirium’s 20th anniversary (yeah, I feel old lol). I’m very much looking forward to exploring Adventure Port; Opening Day 2023, here I come!
  23. I love it! Notice how it’s called Adventure Port… could be a throwback to Adventure Village! And I do wonder what will happen to Viking Fury and Festhaus…
  24. A playground would be cool; back in the day there was one in the (Nickelodeon) Green Slime Zone area of the park. I fondly remember this as a child and was surprised when one day, it disappeared. A similar interactive experience to Forbidden Frontier would be great too. For me, one of the best parts of Haunt is interacting with the unique characters in the mazes and midways and I loved Forbidden Frontier when I went up to CP in 2019.
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