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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. 1. Invertigo2. The Racer 3. Flying Ace Aerial Chase 4. Flight Deck 5. Flight of Fear 6. Firehawk 7. Vortex 8. The Beast 9. Backlot Stunt Coaster 10. Diamondback 11. The Great Pumpkin Coaster 12. Surf Dog 13. Adventure Express 14. Woodstock Express Happy?
  2. And you use Wikipedia as a credible source instead of Kings Island?
  3. In the past I've left my iPod 5, phone, money, and a sweatshirt (weather permitting) in a bag in one of the bins at the station. I've had no problems with it thus far, but my friend had her iPhone stolen at the park which makes me think twice about the iPod.
  4. A person died after riding Firehawk back in 2011Yes someone died after Firehawk but I believe the death was not induced by the ride. I think the person had heart problems?
  5. I'm not even sure what that means.
  6. It doesn't take that long for Diamondback to reach the top. It's the fastest chain lift in the park.
  7. Do you know what anti-rollbacks are?
  8. I love the front on most coasters for the added sense of speed and the hangtime on the first drop. The drop on Diamondback from row two is insane because you have enough time to realize just how high above the ground you are.
  9. All of those companies (maybe omitting Zierer?) are top competitors in the industry.
  10. Right. Because there aren't hundreds of other manufacturers out there like Zierer, Gerstlauer, PTC, RMC, Premier, or Vekoma that could be creating this coaster.
  11. Has anyone toyed around with the possibility that Banshee may be used as a Haunt name? Perhaps Banshee will replace Massacre Manor.
  12. Great trip report. I especially love the pictures of Firehawk. Well done!
  13. At least force yourself into Cavern of Terror. It's phenomenal.
  14. It doesn't have bins, but you can still leave food and drink, large stuffed animals, etc. in the station (hand them to the restraint checker on the left, and they'll take it back to the exit platform for you), and most items can ride with you. Actually They added bins to Backlot this year. They are by the exit gate. They have 3 one for each train color. They do have red, white and blue bins at Backlot but I don't think the associates knew about them? I asked to put my rather bulky bag into the bin before loading and the ride op told me to keep it with me.
  15. Don't miss The Crypt at KD. The fire, water, and music (assuming they're all working) make the ride a staple flat. Also, pass up Backlot Stunt Coaster. Kings Island is the only place the ride is worth anything. As for Busch Gardens, ride Escape from Pompeii and The Flying Machine. Both are excellent rides but for different reasons.
  16. I feel like I've heard Panic Station by Muse once or twice.
  17. Not at all. It sounds like a bitter ride op to me.
  18. As a side note, the ramp to get to the queue house has been blocked off at the mouth with landscaping. The lights are still there along the path (they are in the same style as the ones on the DA! picnic pavilion) but are not lit.
  19. Interesting to note the park said the ride will reopen tomorrow. I wonder how the fire departments cut the restraints in such a way to not seriously damage the restraints?
  20. Yet with the quick line and a slower crew, I'm sure the mentality is "Why rush?"
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