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Everything posted by TheBEASTunchained

  1. RCDB is considering Wonder Mountain's Guardian a coaster.....
  2. As many of you have heard, Kings Island's VP of maintenance and construction, Russ Flatt, is retiring, with Banshee being the last project that he worked on. Kings Island on Facebook: "Today we celebrated and honored our VP of maintenance, Russ Flatt, who is retiring after spending 50 years in the amusement park industry." Photo / Caption : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Facebook
  3. Each roller coaster brings each own unique experience which brings me to a point I make quite often when folks ask me what type of coaster is my favorite..... I don't really have a favorite "type" of roller coaster, I enjoy all the different experiences that all the types of coasters offer. To me, it's not necessarily about the coaster type, but the experience that you have on the coaster.
  4. @SplashinDan on Twitter earlier today : 3 Rampage roller coaster updates throughout the day : "Our critical path is the chain/sprocket. Ordered from John King England. 600 feet of chain 60,000 pounds." "14 men working 60 hours a week. Race to the finish all you coaster crazies!" "Rampage will not open until August at the earliest you coaster crazies! This isn't extreme makeover with us cutting corners!"
  5. The Beast looks like a wooden roller coaster...... ....TheBEASTunchained....backing away...towards the door....
  6. Banshee Cam 1 and 2 are both now live! With the removal of The Bat Cam. (Image captured from Kings Island's Banshee Cam 1)
  7. I waited 3 hrs and 45 minutes for Firehawk back in 2011 on a hot July day....
  8. Wings of the night creature are awaiting their silent signal.....
  9. Kentucky Kingdom on Facebook: "Check out the before and after images of the 5D cinema!" Photo : Kentucky Kingdom via Facebook
  10. I think it would benefit the park a lot to have a Chickie's & Pete's restaurant. It might even work well inside the Festhaus.
  11. Irvine Ondrey Engineering on Facebook: "Two train operation testing has been completed. With that, the control system commissioning is 100% complete for Lightning Run. -Brian"
  12. Coaster-centric ? ..... Mr. Kinzel?... Where?!?..... ....Oh...Yeah....
  13. @SFGreat_America on Twitter "The #Goliath drop has been tracked!" Photo : Six Flags Great America via Twitter Track work seems to be coming along nicely on Six Flags Great America's newest steel roller coaster.
  14. I can't remember which year it was, but I missed the last sign shop tour and would Love for the park to take the group on a tour of that! It's somewhere at the park that I haven't been and would love to go see.
  15. Basically, thekidd33 and The Interpreter have summed up all the "advice" you'll really need. The only thing I think is a must-do at the park is Shivering Timbers. ....It's one-of-a-kind I tell ya!
  16. On most coasters, especially B&M coasters, I'm usually a back-seat kind of guy, and that's usually where you'll find me sitting. In the case of Banshee, my seat choice is not the same. I've tried almost every row and seat on the ride, mostly in the blue train, and I can honestly say that riding in the front row is by-far the BEST place to sit on Banshee. After riding in the front row, I realized that I never wanted to sit anywhere else on Banshee again.....
  17. The video of one of the tallest steel coasters at Six Flags Great America, Goliath, being topped off yesterday......
  18. According to Brian of Irvine Ondrey Engineering, Lightning Run has now passed its state inspection.
  19. Irvine Ondrey Engineering on Facebook: "Look what showed up today... -Anne" Photo : Anne / Irvine Ondrey Engineering via Facebook
  20. Kentucky Kingdom on Facebook : "Our Aquatics team is not only conscientious about water safety, but also water cleanliness. Here’s a picture of part of our Aquatics team making sure that Mile High Falls looks clean and presentable for opening day." Photo : Kentucky Kingdom via Facebook ...On a side note.... I'm still really loving the new deep blue / teal color that was painted on Mile High Fall's supports back in the fall.
  21. My first "upside down" roller coaster was Vortex. I still remember it like it was yesterday! ....And to this day, my favorite part of Vortex is STILL the Batwing, that part just never gets old for me.
  22. To bounce off of what sccard01 just posted a little bit.... Irvine Ondrey Enginerring on Facebook: "It's official: I deem Lightning Run awesome. There are a ton of surprises in it for a coaster of its size and it's relentless. Elements just keep flying at you. Airtime? Oh yes. I think we have seen the second coming of Chance Rides with this one. I hit the top of the lift to grab this shot for you guys. -Anne #irvineondreyengineering" Photo : Anne / Irvine Ondrey Engineering via Facebook .....And finally.....On a side note...... Irvine Ondrey Engineering is the company providing the control system for Lightning Run, for those of you who weren't aware.
  23. ^ Ever since 2009, squirrels haven't lasted very long at Kings Island, that is due to the fact that 2009 is when the snake arrived..... ....He gets hungry.... Didn't ya know?
  24. Canada's Wonderland Opening Day - and 2014 park upgrades / updates
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