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Everything posted by CoasterOhio

  1. Not only that, It's such a rare occurrence that a big accident happens at an amusement park, that when it happens. the world will hear about it within the hour, and then the media goes off saying false 'facts' about amusement park deaths, and accidents. Getting people frightened.
  2. I know I'm not going to the park until Wednesday. Smack in the middle of the week. haha. It'll be very nice next week, can't wait for it!
  3. ^ That usually happens when they nearly all go down, but it's only for a little bit of time. Anyways. I don't like how messed up they are right now.
  4. Maybe We'll just have 5 year intervals. Every 5 years a new coaster. In between those 5 years we'll get a flat-ride or two.
  5. There is a lot of space around Backlot that could easily be used for a flat-ride or two. Maybe even 3.
  6. I bet everyone can agree to this. When people, DO NOT PAY ATTENTION to the line. of ANY ride, It be a coaster, or a flat-ride. If they're sitting there looking away, and there is a HUGE gap in front of them because they're not paying attention, wanting to take stupid selfies that they'll have to re-do. There are moments, when they don't pay attention for so long, I want to just say "Hey. There's a line here." (Maybe more obscene then that...)
  7. It's still 12PM, even if it doesn't say it. Why would the park open at 12am? And then close at 1AM? Sort of a waste right?
  8. People giving false information to scare people. Including when they try to shout it a bit, so that way they 'might scare people', and get them out of line.
  9. At least the Banshee station is a cool place to be at, and not a heat/humidity bomb.
  10. That's why it was only 10 minutes. What is usually maybe a 30 to 45 minute wait, is a 10 to 15 minute wait on Banshee, that's the beauty of the ride!
  11. This happened at our trip to the Banshee announcement last year. We were able to get Preferred parking, for free, because we were only there for the Banshee announcement, and they allowed the go ahead, because there was only an hour left in the park anyways. And then we were able to get a preferred spot to watch the announcement, We were able to watch the entire thing with out anything obstructing our view because the security guard allowed us to watch as long as we were out of the way, and we didn't venture too far off. The only reason I told this, was because it was about the preferred parking thing, so I thought that I could mention pretty much that you can get preferred parking if you're only going to be there for like an hour, or only a half an hour.
  12. Since it's a bit of a Hault Topic, what about the Phantom Theater, and the old Crypt Building? There are Perm. Fences blocking it off.
  13. Guest looks at Banshee, and asks operator "Does this ride go upside down?" I heard that once, and I almost turned around and said "Nooo, that is a completely different ride."
  14. I've had to wait 3 to 4 on Flight of Fear. Least it was air-conditioned.
  15. Diamondback also sways. I've only seen 1 support beam do it though.
  16. I might have exaggerated the angle the seats got, but I know it went over 45 quite a bit, maybe 15 to 20.
  17. (This goes with my post saying I won't be riding it much after the incident I had with it) I don't want to drive anyone away from WindSeeker, but this is my incident on WindSeeker on 5/22. What happened on WindSeeker was due to high winds. When first starting up WindSeeker, it was the usual. Music played (Star Trek to be exact) and we went up. When we got to the top and spun about 2 times, the wind picked up, causing the swings to go from 45* to 75* and the seats in front of me, kept hitting me. I pushed it forward about 8 or 9 times while on it. Every time we went around, there was a jolt forward, which was really unpleasant as the ride kept making a clicking sound every time. I tried to wave the operators to stop the ride, but I don't think they saw it/under stood the hand signal. Plenty of other people were frightened, I was holding onto the bar with my arm locked around it, not moving it one bit, even when we were low to the ground, I was still holding because we kept swinging back and forth slightly still. As said, I'm not trying to drive a crowd away from the ride, but just sharing my experience I had on the ride which is why I won't really be riding it much anymore.
  18. I don't think I'll be riding WindSeeker for a while after the incident I had with it earlier today...
  19. ^ Could I ask what those two rides were?
  20. Oh give it a rest you two. Anyways, I'm just hoping that a 'chance of rain' will hit tomorrow. keeping those crowds away, making everything a near walk on. Although, I don't mind being on WindSeeker and spotting rides.
  21. Why build a new building that'll only be useful for Haunt? A month long event? (Spread out into two months) When they could just use the Crypt Building?
  22. Tropical Indoor Coaster Project -2014-

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