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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. 100% agree. In this day and age, marketing is everything. When Mystic Timbers was announced, I was underwhelmed at first because of the poor quality of the ride animation as opposed to the release videos for Diamondback and Banshee. Its kinda sad when enthusiasts can make a better promo video in a matter of a few short hours as opposed to the final product the park released.
  2. With the 2019 construction speculation underway, I'm curious as to how much of X-Base will be altered. If the B&M project is a giga, which it most likely is, we know that the old Firehawk land will be used and probability of using the old DA area is extremely high. I'm wondering if the park will decide to make another path to X-Base to ease the flow of traffic as opposed to keeping it a dead end.
  3. Reminds me of Timber! from Holland. Seems like a solid addition to the park, especially for the smaller enthusiasts just starting to ride bigger coasters- heck maybe the adults will have as much fun as the kids. Criticisms- Kinda odd that they themed a wooden coaster to something that flies. This ride is extremely short- I'm not saying Kentucky Kingdom is poor but I felt like they could afford something bigger. Is Gravity Group the B-list GCI nowadays? It seems like all they do anymore are small coasters Personally I'm kinda bummed that it wasn't a Firehawk relocation, most likely because I want it to stay close so I can still ride it, but this seems like a "neat" addition to the park.
  4. I like how we still have land that isn't developed and how the park is surrounded by woods.
  5. 1.) Wooden Coaster Captital of the World 2.) Invert Captial of the World 3.) Best Night Ride Park Am I missing any?
  6. Kentucky Kingom Also, another piece of evidence that could support the Firehawk relocation theory is that Kentucky Kingdom basically copied #whatsintheshed with #whatsinthewind which hints a possible link between the two parks. That or KK is just lazy with their marketing.
  7. Personally I think that Maverick is the best intamin coaster ever manufactured- I love the speed and the twists and turns. I hope Mack is able to produce something of that intensity one day, a lot of their coasters have slow transitions as opposed to rapid ones that you see on Maverick.
  8. Fury 325 is the tallest and fastest coaster to feature a chain lift so there's that.
  9. I wish we had a Gerstlauer coaster just so we could have this epic light show during haunt and winterfest
  10. Do you think we'll see MACK replace Intamin in terms of innovative coasters across the US? They seem to have taken Europe by storm.
  11. ^That actually makes way more sense for KK Now I'm bobbing my head
  12. Does anyone know the benefit of the DB style seating as opposed to the four across seats? I feel like having 4 across makes the train shorter and therefore faster.
  13. Was this tweet meant to be a response to those who speculated Vortex biting the dust before today's announcement? https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/1045340008612270080
  14. Those of the tri-state area do not recognize the color yellow as a suitable color that needs to represent a coaster of an amusement park within close proximity to Cincinnati #GoBengals #GoReds #GoFCCincinnati
  15. If its not Firehawk, I'd be interested to see what it is. Its not confirmed as a coaster because KK replied to a tweet saying "how's saying its a flat ride?" so anything is possible. If it a coaster, I'd be curios as to what kind. When I think of the word "flyer" I think of a flying coaster, a wing coaster, or possibly an invert (which would seem redundant right now considering they already have one.) I'd seriously laugh my @$$ if KK got a B&M Flyer, especially after their competitor just got rid of their own flying coaster model. I also looked on Jefferson County's register and found nothing concerning a 2019 project. @fryoj, @Old_Bearcat might be able to find something
  16. Banshee was trademarked before it was officially announced which was kind of a giveaway. I think Cedar Fair registers for a ton of different trademarks and applies them how they see fit. A lot of people thought Hangtime was going to be named The Ledge because the company registered the trademark priot to Hangtime's debut. If you look on trademarkia.com, you'll be able to see a lot of Cedar Fair trademarks that are still live, yet haven't been used on anything. Centurion- Live since 2013 The Ledge- Live Since 2017 Fury- Live since 2014 Road Trip- Live since 2011 I assume Cedar Fair can apply these names to any of their rides if they wanted to in some form or another- Carowinds' Vortex being renamed Centurion, etc.
  17. Don off to buy the trolling wood for the construction fence next season.
  18. Actually we do. If you look at the notice of commencement for Mystic Timbers, the document clearly states Mystic Timbers was constructed in 2016/2017 and opened in 2017- which is shown in the document listed below https://oh3laredo.fidlar.com/OHWarren/AvaWeb/#!/image The document that @Old_Bearcat , @fryoj, and myself have provided regarding the B&M project coming to the park is consistent with the events that have been happening recently- the antique cars are being constructed in 2018/2019 and the B&M project is going to happen in the years of 2019-2020 with 2020 being the opening year for the ride. Its one thing to speculate, but there has to be logic to a certain degree.
  19. That's two years from now, which is unnecessarily long; especially for a park that is in the process of removing a coaster.
  20. So no matter what, "Firehawk" would have come to Kings Island in some form or another? That's pretty cool
  21. @Maverick44, they wouldn't remove a coaster if they didn't have immediate plans for after. Thunder Road was removed after the 2015 season and a water park expansion immediately followed. Son of Beast demolishion concluded in 2012 and constuction and preparation for Banshee immediately followed later in the 2013 season. It's essentially pointless to tear something down unless there's something added within the next year. If Kings Island where to get a giga in 2021 or 2022 I guarantee Firehawk would last for another season or more. Furthermore it's a poor economic decision to tear out a roller coaster and leave the area sit vacant for a years without anything being added.
  22. Very true, but at the same time its still a new coaster for a park. The ride can still run, it just doesn't run per KI and Cedar Fair standards like other coasters in the chain. I know Ed Hart is against non reliable coasters but if they get the ride cheap, why not go for it? Moving on with the subject of removal, I wouldn't be suprised if Cedar Fair begins purging Vekomas from all their other parks since there's very few of them left in the chain.
  23. For some reason, this song keeps playing in my head now following Firehawk's demise.
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