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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Any update on the Crypt building and weather it'll remain a haunt attraction? Is the park looking to add flats in the future? Will Kings Mills Antique Autos be altered for Haunt and Winterfest seasons? How far in advanced was Firehawk's demise planned before it was announced to the public?
  2. To be honest, Son of Beast had a meh layout. IF KI was ever blessed with an RMC topper track coaster, I'd want it to resemble Zadra, the new coaster coming to Energyland in 2020.
  3. KI does have a history of using old stations and locations for misc purposes. Snoopy's Boutique Wolf Pack Vortex's station Cavern of Terror
  4. Fanboys are gonna make or break a KI giga.
  5. Is there a picture of this? I always assumed The Beast looked like this
  6. Welcome to KIC. Please refer to the Giga Speculation Thread as that's the central hub for giga discussion. https://KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/32642-the-giga-speculation-thread/&
  7. The green train needs to operate this season with the red passenger cars
  8. RARE FOOTAGE OF THE OLD DOMINION LINE'S #552 Inaccurately labeled as a Kings Island, this is clearly the #552 Stonewall Jackson with the red tender and wooden cab. http://footage.framepool.com/en/shot/676752630-kings-island-theme-park-ohio-steam-train
  9. Holiday Horror. It was where the barnyard currently is and featured gruesome interpretations of different Holidays like Christmas, Easter, and so on.
  10. I think Action Zone should have been rebranded back in 2014 when Banshee was built and The Bat came back. It could have been renamed "Scream Zone" "Thrill Zone" or something simple. I agree we need more trees in that area, especially by Timberwolf; I might be the minority but I'd get rid of or move Congo Falls and Xtreme Skyflyer in favor of planting more trees. I think Oktoberfest should stay how it is but feed off of Action Zone. Oktoberfest is a nice transition between Action Zone and Coney Mall, with exception of Hank's Burrito Shack.
  11. Cedar Fair still owns the name "Demon" so it wouldn't be too far off. I'd be for a new coaster called the Demon or even Drop Tower being renames "Demon Drop"
  12. Since its Halloween I thought I'd add some more ideas for Haunt seasons to come. Bring back the KI&MVRR to the Haunt roster and have the train go by scary scenes and fake buildings that can be changed for Winterfest Maybe explaining the Mystic Timbers backstory a little more Bring back Route 666 for the Antique Cars Change audio and effects on current coasters Change the music and scenes in the MT shed Change the audio on Adventure Express to something more scary Maybe alter the videos in the Flight of Fear and MT que to be consistent with the Halloween season Add a haunted house called "Revenge of the Maestro" which pays homage to the defunct Phantom Theater
  13. @upstop I can't wait to see if they decorate this for Haunt and Winterfest next year either. We need more rides that can be themed to the changing seasons.
  14. With the abundance of hotels being built in the area, you think Cedar Fair would want to throw their hat in the ring and establish a legitimate, chain owned, resort. If the chain had at least one hotel in the Kings Mills area, that's more out-of-park revenue for the company. If you look at Cedar Point's website, all the hotels and resorts listed on their website are owned by the chain. https://www.cedarpoint.com/stay In contrast, if you go to Kings Island's website, all the hotels and resorts they list are owned by different properties. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/stay I still think bringing back the campground would be a good idea since they attract more destination based guests who have RV's and campers.
  15. This makes you wonder if the company will consider investing in more resorts in other parks throughout the chain. Hotel Breakers saw insane attendance this year as well as Lighthouse Point. I think it all depends on how the CW and CWS hotels do in my opinion.
  16. That's a shame. I really enjoy seeing the different lights and scenes on the train at the Cincinnati Zoo and hoped that KI would do something similar. I agree that when Paramount did it in 2005 it was superior. Does anyone know what the train ride was like during the original Winterfest?
  17. ^ I hope the train changes from last year. I personally thought they could have done more than light up numbers.
  18. Firehawk is removed from this list since its now a defunct ride, here's the original data prior to its removal if anyone wants to look at it.
  19. Firehawk is removed from this list since its now a defunct ride, here's the original data prior to its removal if anyone wants to look at it.
  20. Does anyone think the current Firehawk station will be recycled for the B&M project in 2019?
  21. I think its interesting that they're bringing this to people's attention on their main page, as opposed to Don or Chad tweeting about it on their own twitter pages. I think the go to would be a Haunt attraction since its certainly big enough. One could also assume that it'll be recycled for the B&M project, with a bit of tweaking of course. This makes me wonder if they'll recycle the station and the que for a new ride.
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