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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Depending on temperatures, you might not see any hippos out.
  2. Nearly 6 years later and Cedar Point's seen 1 new coaster, 2 conversions, and Pipe Scream- even though it isn't considered a coaster by some. The park still has a lot of room, but they would have to do some work to make that room useful. Cedars is on the way out which means more potential room in the park but they'd have to alter Perimeter Road. They still have all of Adventure Island to use if they need to. Also if Wicked Twister were to be removed, it would open up the beach area more.
  3. I would love some additional theming and its own identity aside from Kings Dominion and Canada's Wonderland. Rivertown Rapids?
  4. Magic Mountain already had Full Throttle and Twisted Colossus before West Coast Racers came along
  5. This is based off of the "Things KI Can Improve On Thread" Cedar Fair has been a growing company and has been recognized as one of the major North American amusement park companies along with Six Flags and the current Sea World. Though the chain has been regarded as a model company that's seen numerous successes and innovations over the years, it, like everything, could be improved. What do you guys think Cedar Fair, as a chain, should improve on? What should they do differently to benefit their own parks as well as the company itself?
  6. I would put a wooden/hybrid coaster replacing Wild Beast and the go-carts. A launched coaster could go over the lake on the other side of Behemoth since Behemoth is one of the only main draws to that part of the park.
  7. I thought about that too, but it might be beneficial if Cedar Fair looked into animals. For Cedar Fair or Six Flags, the biggest controversy being inherited would be the Killer Whales and Dolphins but other than that, I don't think its bad to have animals since they're another attraction to draw people who might not like to ride rides. I went to Busch Gardens Tampa in 2012 and could have spent all day just looking at the animals instead of riding coasters or other thrill rides.
  8. If the permit filed with Warren County is accurate, which I'm almost certain it is, there should be some work happening during the end of 2018.
  9. I think it depends on the park. KI, in theory could operate Banshee, but we already have two coasters that will operate for the Winterfest season. Carowinds doesn't have the same coaster selection that we do so they might have limited rides to choose from. Also, Charolette is farther down south so it might be consistently warmer there than it is in Cincinnati. Also Kings Dominion is only operating two coasters- Dominator and Racer 75, so I honestly think it's just up to the park and the maintenance staff.
  10. I'm curious as to what would happen to some of their major brands for both chains? Would see see Bugs Bunny at Sea World? Would we see DC themed rides? Discovery Kingdom is essentially SF's answer to Sea World and its mostly Warner Brothers attrations.
  11. Six Flags currently operates 15 parks where as Cedar Fair currently operates 12. In all honesty, I think Cedar Fair would be more than capable of operating an additional 6 parks if need be. There's also a possibility that Six Flags might only be interested in purchasing a few parks.
  12. I've been reading comments on KD's Facebook page regarding Winterfest and there are a few people who say that Christmas Town at BGW is a better bang for your buck. Thoughts?
  13. So essentially the picture above with exception to Firehawks presence and the placement over the maintenance building.
  14. If possible, would you be able to rehash old photos and information about Rivertown?
  15. If there's a potential ROI for Cedar Fair, especially since the majority of Sea World parks are open year round. Its funny- this is a Six Flags thread but we're discussing Cedar Fair. The blue on the map are current Cedar Fair parks and the red are Sea World parks. IF Cedar Fair were to buy out Sea World Parks, they would have properties in Florida which is a huge market, as well a park in Texas, and additional parks in California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Even if CF was only interested in some of the SW parks, it would give CF a huge competitive edge over Six Flags. My only fear of a Cedar Fair owned Sea World would be changes in priorities with more attention being focused on the year round parks as opposed to the seasonal ones- similar to how Dorney, WOF, and Valley Fair! received the short end of the stick since the Paramount buy. Another potential issue would the controversy that comes with the parks such as the sea life which has always been a PR issue for Sea World. All in all, I think it would be a good business move for Cedar Fair to at least look into the potential benefits to obtaining the parks. I feel like if Six Flags got their hands on it, the chain would be ruined.
  16. Interesting how Six Flags could possibly purchase seaworld parks. In all honesty, I still think BGT and BGW would make excellent Cedar Fair parks.
  17. So do you think any of the DA land will be used?
  18. I think a lot of concepts and speculations lean towards the lift hill facing North, if not Northeast or Northwest. It'll be cool to see if this is true and just be completely immersed in the surrounding landscape with the park behind you.
  19. I also prefer the current B&Ms we have now compared to the 90s- early 2000s B&MS. If Paramount got us a B&M, I daresay it might have been a Batman clone.
  20. They COULD if they really wanted to, but I doubt it would happen. I like how Universal added lights to the Incredible Hulk coaster in 2016. It would be a nice touch if you rode it at night and saw the lights going on and off. Going back to adding to the story, I honestly wouldn't mind on ride audio on the trains in terms of engine noises. Nothing too loud to where you couldn't hear the actual coaster, but something light enough to hear while you're riding.
  21. I used ms paint to make that rendering
  22. It looks like its the blue engine's turn today.
  23. @Winterfestguy Here's your answer https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/1059575242761363456
  24. Probably, also altering the audio for the cars. The green train was not active during last year's Winterfest so I'm sure its getting decorated and is going through operating tests.
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