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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Am I the only one who wishes to see a repaint where the entire track is orange- not just the rails?
  2. You should read up on your facts. KI is one of the top 3 most visited seasonal parks in North America. I don't understand what you mean by coaster park because Kings Island has 15 and constantly gets new additions every 3 years or so.
  3. I agree. @RuthlessAirtime the design you made was really good. The only thing I would change about it would be the colors, the name and the mcbr but other than that I really like the concept
  4. There are no lions at the Wilds, however you do travel park rhinos that pose a threat. In Busch Gardens Tampa, the Serengeti Express takes guest right in the plains habitat and the train cars are open air and have no side rails.
  5. The white lions have sorta become obsolete ever since the lions were added to the Africa section back in 2013. Their exhibit is outdated and "ghetto" in terms of how exhibits currently are so I'm kinda happy its going. I love how the zoo is constantly updating itself to stay fresh and relevant. They might not have the land that the Columbus or San Diego Zoos have but they do their best and it certianly shows
  6. Also very dangerous if you aren't properly secured. The company that Cedar Fair works with out of Newport KY is one if the best and they use a ton of safety precautions when painting a ride.
  7. Compete with who? Once upon a time, Kings Island had no Diamondback, no Banshee, and no Mystic Timbers and they were still a highly visited park. Kings Island isn't going to shut down if a giga isn't added- there's still dozens of great parks in the US that have just recently broke 200ft in the past decade.
  8. Looks great! I honestly wonder if Dive Coasters are becoming the new Invert because it seems like Cedar Fair is showing some interest in them. We have 4 in North America; 5 if you count Hangtime. It makes you wonder if Cedar Fair will be adding any more of these and if so where?
  9. Something that ties into the park and the surrounding area. I'm a sucker for paying homage to things. Fury 325 indirectly pays homage to the Charolette Hornets. I doubt KI would theme a coaster after any Cincinnati sports team though. I wouldn't mind Centurion if that trademark ever gets picked up by KI- probably not. In all honesty, I want something extra terrestrial or cosmic themed since its most likely going to be by Flight of Fear. Aviator would also be a decent name. Also- green track would be ideal since three out of the four Cedar Fair gigas are blue.
  10. That the video was from a forum viewer. Concept looks cool but naming a ride after The Beast is kinda unoriginal anymore
  11. @JubJester @silver2005 @fyrfyter Called it
  12. I actually think it's funny that people think it is real. No park would ever design a teaser trailer this early in the game.
  13. @MDMC01 They're sister exhibits but Night Hunters and Cat Canyon are two different things
  14. I believe that the 380 height/ 410 drop is based off of the idea that a lot of people on here would like to see a drop exceed the height. This is clearly a coaster created on NL2 by someone who frequents these forums or keeps up with KI news as you see they display the post I referenced about the giga land area.
  15. I think theme needs to be improved in the park overall. It certainly has gotten better from when Paramount ran the park but I think everybody can agree that Kings Island had its best theming when Taft operated the park. The train still had its props, rides like Phantom Theater and Adventure Express were a huge hit, and everything was more "magical." Small little changes could do the park some good. If I were to add to the theme around the park here's what I would do- I'd make the tunnel in The Bat line a cave and add audio to make it sound like there are bats around you. I bring back the props on the Kings Island & Miami Valley Railroad or at least add something for people to look at. I would retheme White Water Canyon to tie into Mystic Timbers with Mystic Timbers audio vines throughout the course of the rapids and other small touches. Small changes like this show a lot to both enthusiasts and guests at the park; it shows that Kings Island is staying fresh and putting heart into their Park.
  16. I believe thats gonna be RMC The concept looks amazing, but I doubt that many trees would survive a coaster construction
  17. Big Cat Canyon is actually a whole different part of the zoo entirely where the tigers and snow leopards are- the white lions were its own exhibit entirely. Also the giraffes have their own exhibit custom made for human giraffe interacrion- moving them back to the old elephant enclosure would be a step in the wrong direction. I personally think it might be a type of hoofed animal or multiple since the exhisting Elephant house can hold a lot of animals.
  18. I think its kinda funny that people complain about KI not getting CP level rides when parks like Dorney, Valley Fair!, World's of Fun, and Michigan's Adventure haven't gotten a coaster in over a decade. Valravn is a fun ride and has one of the better second halfs of any dive machine, even more so than the looks of Yukon Striker.
  19. I think its ironic that both KI and KD had Togo standups that were replaced by Deliriums. I kinda feel bad for King Cobra in a way. I never got to ride it but it seemed like an exciting ride.
  20. If it does get removed, who's to say it won't stay onsite for the time being? Parts of King Cobra were left to rust on the property. http://travthescumbag.blogspot.com/2010/07/kings-island-history-king-cobra.html
  21. They're turning the Safari Camp/ Parking lot into the new Elephant exhibit which is going to be a huge improvement on the old elephant reserve. The only animal exhibit that will be compromised to make this new elephant exhibit happen is the White Lions which may be relocated somewhere else in the zoo or just taken to another zoo.
  22. Theme WWC to the Miami River Lumber Co. It would be awesome if they added to the Mystic Timbers story and theme with White Water Canyon. I wouldn't mind hearing sawmill sounds or Mystic Timbers que audio throughout the ride: "...ongoing lockdown has been issued for the Miami River Lumber Company."
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