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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I don't see how Cedar Point's addition of Corkscrew forced KI to wait 11 years before adding one of their own- especially since both parks were owned by different companies.
  2. Would that make Vortex obsolete?
  3. That could work, or a Dive Machine named the Demon in the Timber Wolf area
  4. You guys are thinking way to much into this. At Cedar Point, they just had a bus that they used to take people to and from the park and their dorms.
  5. Correct and correct. 4-4-0s of that kind can't handle hills well. The Roy Disney from the Magic Kingdom can barely make it up their grade -(see chapter 3 of the Amusement Park Railroad Thread). The transcontinental railroad only allowed a 2% grade back when it was built. The KI&MVRR has a grade too, right by the Mystic Timbers tunnel. There are often times when the trains can't even get up the hill and have to reverse back to the station and try again.
  6. Steam locomotives are expensive and hard to come by. The park wasn't built for a huge train ride- heck, ours barely completes a mile as it is.
  7. I was in Bayside, the last building you see before you enter the causeway. At $9 a day rent it was good- had a living room with a tv and AC, microwave, full fridge/freezer/ and stove, pull out couch, and my own bed. I shared the apartment with 5 other guys and we enjoyed ourselves. It felt like being in college and it was a fun experience. Cedars was a fun place to walk around but I'd never want to live there personally. A lot of ride ops stayed in Cedars during the summer as well as other associates who wanted to be closer to the park. It'll be weird to not have anymore associate housing on the property anymore. The dorms were more modern than my apartment but I'd still prefer the apartment myself as it had more amenities.
  8. On the topic of Cedar Creek Mine Ride, its getting some minor work done on it. https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog/a-mine-r-enhancement?fbclid=IwAR1xrlBozUupASh2m5ut4V8rqGmQIJdTuWoxaHffB-SyC_ErrQPHfzxcclw
  9. This is extremely similar to how Cedar Point does their employee dorms. I paid the same amount as KI is charging which is a more than fair price. I got to meet different people from different parts of the country and even different parts of the world that I still talk to on facebook and such. We also had trips to different parts of the country like Niagra Falls and Chicago. I was an intern so I was fortunate enough to stay in an apartment as opposed to a dorm; nothing was wrong with the dorms but the apartments had more room and slightly more amenities. If anyone is considering staying in a dorm, they're extremely fun experience!
  10. To interject, a park usually rethemes an area after they add a new coaster to keep people in that area of the park. Carowinds and Canada's Wonderland are doing a good job bringing some theming to areas that haven't seen much of anything. You could argue KI did this when they built Banshee- they brought back The Bat to add to the spookiness, they added a new seating area, and they repainted Delirium. The only thing I wish they did more of was repaint Drop Tower and rename Invertigo the Demon- but other than that, they did a good job trying to get rid of the Paramount vibe.
  11. Steel Vengance plaza is insanely packed, especially when the train gates are down and everyone's like cattle in a pen.
  12. @BeastForever I'd say Mack before Premier Rides. Cedar Fair loves working with the same manufacturers throughout their parks so if Copperhead Strike is a success, I'm sure we'll see a Mack quiet frequently in the coming years.
  13. It baffles me the amount of attendance Kings Island gets every year in relation to other seasonal parks in the continent even though we don't truly have our own resort. When I interned for Cedar Point's campground this summer, you wouldn't believe the number of repeat customers that continued to stay at the resort simply because they accommodated Rvs. I strongly believe that if KI brought back their campground, more people would be willing to come and stay for a couple of days. Just a thought.
  14. There was never really a lot of foot traffic in that part of the park anyway so it might just look cramped at first. I think its better than having the area look so desolate.
  15. I'm no legal expert but I still can't understand how a lawsuit is just now being field. Wouldn't the Fair Board see the plans for the ride before its even announced so they could approve it?
  16. If you look at the plans that @IndyGuy4KI provided, it looks like the old DA path will still lead under The Racer. This might just be for Field of Screams and not for a new ride entrance because it still crosses a maintenance road. Still interesting to look at. https://KICentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KMAA-Plans.pdf
  17. I like how there's going to be billboards along the route like at Cedar Point. I wonder if they're going to be nostalgic posters, easter eggs, or clues to a bigger attraction to come soon.
  18. The location is less than suberb, I remember looking at old posters and advertisements boasting about their closeness to Washington D.C. which seemed like a stretch considering KD is 85 miles away form DC. I agree that Kings Dominion has become the the victim of poor location and inferiority to other amusement parks. Their greatest competition, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, is only an hour and a half away and is closer to huge populated areas Norfolk- not to mention its close proximity to major tourist spots like Jamestown and Virginia Beach.
  19. Welcome to KIC, please refer to the thread below
  20. These were also built in a time when gigas just started to make a comeback. I305 was the first giga to be built in 10 years and its only five feet shorter than MF so I don't think it mattered to most people. Leviathan was the first B&M giga built so I doubt Cedar Fair and B&M were trying to break any records on what many consider to be a prototype. I think the success of Leviathan gave B&M the greenlight to work with Cedar Fair on other giga projects allowing them to be more creative and more liberal with their design like what we saw with the debut of Fury 325.
  21. I can't speak for other parks but I feel like our WindSeeker is one of the more reliable ones.
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