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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Having one go along the Coney Mall midway would be the most feasible in my opinion.
  2. I mean in general, regardless of time or documents, would you rather have a B&M Floorless or an RMC T-Rex?
  3. I agree but the question remains- B&M Floorless or RMC T-Rex?
  4. Politics aside, you can't deny this is cool. This train was painted in honor to former President George H.W. Bush, who was a lover of trains, in 2005. Several years later this locomotive, engineered by navy veterans, is piloting the train taking the president to his resting place in Texas. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/navy-veterans-crew-george-hw-bushs-historic-presidential/story?id=59650849
  5. Didn't want to start another thread but does anyone think the park is poorly designed? I'm not trying to bash the park at all but I always thought the park was designed kinda odd. Soak City takes up a huge chunk if real estate and a lot of their more popular rides are on the left handside of the park.
  6. Repaint and rename Invertigo Screamin Demon
  7. I'm sure ridership for Vortex, Shake Rattle n Roll, and WindSeeker will increase exponentially which might help lines some.
  8. I worked for Light House Point over the summer as a Front Desk Sup. I heard that they kept tossing around different ideas but I personally think that section of land is intended to be used for resort purposes. Whether they want to add more cabins, rv spots, or water activities is beyond me; but going from my experiences, I don't think an amusement park attraction would work in that area.
  9. Busch Gardens Williamsburg... now THAT'S mind blowing https://www.facebook.com/BuschGardensVA/photos/pcb.10156147457978315/10156147457898315/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
  10. Not necessarily a gain for Cedar Point, but rather a gain for CGA. I read somewhere that they want to "open up" the area to the beach/ boardwalk and removing Wicked Twister would certainly accomplish that.
  11. I wish each coaster had their own theme song. Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point plays "Ready to Go"- by Republica and it certainly fits. Wonder what theme songs our coasters could have.
  12. I believe, I could be wrong, there is more equipment on the right side of the roundhouse, (closest to WWC), so I'm think if a train needs to be worked on they'll just move spots in the roundhouse. They might do it for fun but I'm certain they do it for maintenance purposes. https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/photos/a.226729858367/419081018367/?type=3&theater
  13. Winterfest is currently #2 behind Silver Dollar City. If everyone votes once a day we'll have a chance to be the top. Would it be awesome if we got #1 for both seasonal events? https://www.10best.com/awards/travel/best-theme-park-holiday-event/winterfest-at-kings-island-mason-ohio/share/
  14. Some oddities I found on my old photobucket- I cannot find a link to any of them
  15. I'm gonna rename every KI Coaster after The Beast Adventure Express- Beast Express Backlot Stunt Coaster- Beast lot Stunt Coaster Banshee- Beastshee Bat- Flying Beast Beast- Beast Diamondback- Snake Beast Flight of Fear- Flight of Beast Flying Ace Aerial Chase- Flying Beast Aerial Chase Great Pumpkin Coaster- Great Beast Coaster Invertigo- Invetibeast Mystic Timbers- Beastic Timbers Racer- Racing Beast Surf Dog- Surfing Beast Vortex- Looping Beast Woodstock Express- Beastie
  16. Kings Island is nearly 50 years old and is seen a lot of changes over its years. What do you think has been the biggest change to the park cosmetically? I would say that there are three big ones to me: The removal of the original antique cars back in 2004 the return changing a huge part of the Coney Mall Midway in 2019 The numerous changes that have happened to the Action Zone over the years, the first one being getting rid of the animals, removing king cobra, adding more flat rides, the building and later removing Son of Beast, the many different name changes and paint schemes that resulted in the Cedar Fair buy back in 2006, and finally the addition of Banshee replacing Son of Beast in 2014. Finally, and I would argue the biggeet cosmetic change, would be the addition of Diamondback. DB changed almost the whole area of Rivertown with the removal of Swan Lake, the removal of the Mining Company, the removal of the trees in the valley by the train trestle, and the altering of The Beast path. What do you think was the biggest cosmetic change the park has ever had?
  17. This isn't average nerdness... ...this is, advanced nerdness
  18. The Jukebox Diner is right acorss from Shake Rattle and Roll and has a 50's feel. The old Flight Commander pad and que, the Dinos merchandise tent, the Ice refil station, Peach Basket along with a chunk of the Coney Mall midway were torn out to make room for the Antique Cars. Basically everything between Killmart and the bathrooms next to WindSeeker is gone.
  19. I found a cool list about which coasters should/ should not be rmc'd https://www.thecoasterkings.com/10-coasters-that-should-be-rmcd-and-10-that-shouldnt/ If any Cedar Fair park should get the next RMC treatment it should be Canada's Wonderland but with the edition of YS, we might have to wait a bit- however there are rumors going around about Mighty Canadian Minebuster getting RMC'd
  20. Define good? GCI- Prowler, Renegade, Thunderhead, Gold Striker, Mystic Timbers, InvadR GG- Hades 360, Switchback, Mine Blower, and The Voyage if you count that one as wooden.
  21. Great Christmas gift to yourself https://www.redbubble.com/people/coasterfan/works/35386209-single-rider?asc=u and for @NoChickens & @Mrs. No Chickens https://www.redbubble.com/people/coasterfan/works/33593944-no-chickens?asc=u&ref=recent-owner
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