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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Has there been any talk of when they might do a possible 2019 announcement? If they're not doing one this summer it would be the second time in a row that they didn't announce something during the summer for next season.
  2. I just watched channel 9 and their coverage of the speculation where they showed a ton of Son of Beast footage. "Its fun to speculate isn't it?'
  3. Kings Island is next to one of the busiest highways in the state of Ohio and I've never heard of any type of complaint from the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Whenever I drive pass Kings Island, I was good a good view of the park and have never gotten in an accident doing so. In Canada's Wonderland's case the cops are just complaining because something's existing. It's on Canada's Wonderland's property-not on the actual highway itself so I don't see a problem. That being said I don't know if the advertising laws in Canada are any different than in the US because over here some Billboards are more distracting than actual roller coasters.
  4. I know, Vortex's chain would have to go ungodly slow for it to work
  5. If I'm being honest, whenever I've gone to the park this summer I've always actively avoided two rides- Raptor and Rougarou. Whenever I would ride them in the past I would get a major headache and I'm only 21. I'm not saying the rides aren't fun but they're definitely an acquired taste for me. I don't know if it's just because they're older B&M's or if it's just the over-the-shoulder restraints but I'd rather wait in line for Valravn and GateKeeper instead.
  6. Wood Vengeance?..... I'll see myself out
  7. I voted for Cedar Creek Mine Ride just because of the potential land use and just being an "okay" mine ride. Rougarou was going to be my second choice for the reasons that @VortexBFForever and @Oldiesmann mentioned. The headbanging is worse than that of some arrow loopers I've riden. Maybe vest restraints would have been a better choice to experiment with at the time. The restraints seen on Banshee, GateKeeper, and Valravn have spoiled me rotten.
  8. *Just to be clear I love all of CP's coasters, but I'd like to see other people's perspectives and true views.* If one coaster had to bite the dust, which one would it be? This can be based on capacity, placement, or personal preference. I included all coasters on this thread to reduce bias. Please be mature and respect each other's opinions. This is meant to be a survey and a friendly discussion.
  9. Very true. Maybe a ground up RMC T-rex with a similar layout to Vortex should Thanos ever decide to cleanse the coaster universe.
  10. You need workers to operate that giga though
  11. For the most part https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/canada/christmas
  12. Outpost 5 is the new Illuminati
  13. Don and other higher ups reading this thread
  14. Kings Island is the "Wooden Coaster Capital of the World"
  15. No wooden coaster needs to be rmcd unless its topper track. Good day sir.
  16. I agree, the upkeep on Steel Vengeance is tough. I see carpenters constantly inspecting the structure late at night whenever I drive by.
  17. Legit question, does the speculation of Outpost 5 hinder and speculation againat a giga from anyone?
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