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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. Absolutely they had underlying issues...so this was the final straw that sealed it and made it an easy decision for them...but I suspect they would have ended up declaring it anyway...
  2. And so it starts...not surprised that they are the "first" to do this (maybe some smaller ones have?)
  3. So today would have been media day. Instead of standing in a queue line for Orion, I was in the queue line for the formerly known as Clicklist at Kroger, their online pickup service...and sent out some posts out while in line that I later had to clarify LOL.. Just like a new ride, I was in line for just over 3 hours. Line cutting with a vehicle is interesting...given I drive an older vehicle, the desperate housewives in their brand new SUV tried and then realized their vehicle would take more damage than mine and waited for someone with a nicer car to cut in front of. As I got to the spots where they load your car, I recognized that just like sometimes slow dispatches of rides are based on guest error, so are long lines for on-line pickup. I saw 5 vehicles that were there waiting for their groceries the whole time, even after I got into the parking spot, got mine and moved on. I overhead them talking that in 30 minutes their designated time would be upon them. They clogged up the whole works by getting there early.. So I go home and realize that anything cold was not there. Check the receipt, yep I paid for them. I call back and nicely tell them I am missing my refrigerated goods. She puts me on hold for a moment and comes back and apologized and told me they were there and to just come back, but do not get back in the line, just grab a cart and go to their door and ask for her she would give them to me that way. I drive back and got to see just how much these workers are hustling...The delays were not their fault. Same cars I saw waiting were still waiting clogging up the line. The employee I talked to was as chipper as could be even as people were screaming and yelling at her and her staff. I am sure she had already put in a long day by that point, yet she still had a smile on her face...well I think because she had a mask on, but the facial expressions and tone of voice indicated a smile. Was I upset on the long wait and then a mix-up and not getting everything and having to go back..YES...but I also knew that getting mad to the point of berating them wasn't going to do anyone any good. They were busting their butts. In a different economy, most would quit and find a better job and they will once this is past us. It wasn't warm out today, but with PPE on they were sweating...imagine a KI employee in 90 degree heat with that stuff on... I am fairly positive these employees are not making "essential" wages. And they were not allowed tips. But without any of these workers, or the others Joshua mentions above, our society crumbles.. Maybe this will be the start of the conversation of the pay disparities of these essential workers compared to the sports players making whatever they make and complaining they are living paycheck to paycheck...but probably not...
  4. Regarding staffing be under the age of 30, I guess Don and Chad are gone this year, as is Mike and a host of others...and unless the law is changed, any money the park makes will go to the lawsuits that everyone over age 40 would file for age discrimination. That is a significant data point that needs to be considered... Remember when utilities charged a temporary fuel surcharge when gasoline prices were approaching/passing $5/gallon? KI could implement a PPE surcharge. In true KI fashion, the price point would be different for pass holders. Pass holders would pay $15/visit and non pass holders would be $25/visit. And of course, all new for 2020, the Season Long PPE plan for $129
  5. @Maddog - I hear you loud and clear and not taking it personally... To be clear my job has beeen impacted by this as well, so I am not in one of those jobs I refer to (mine is done next week until who knows when) but I know people who are and maybe I'm a little jealous they are flaunting it...and everyone has differing priorities on what they spend their money on....I was simply pointing out what I know some are doing, but we have to each decide what is best for us... But yes everyone should prepare themselves for a loss of income... especially the longer this goes on...
  6. To make it clear and a clarification to my statement, no I am not saying that and that was not my intent, but I can see how someone could take it, so I am clarifying. Rich people can be even worse with money than poor people. Just because they have more doesn't mean they know what to do with it. I know people making a lot of money, so much so that they will not be getting stimulus checks, and still have no savings or money for an emergency expense like a $400 car repair (I know someone in that position right now)...if they have the money, they spend it on stuff they don't need because the money is burning a hole in their pocket... I know people making minimum wage that has more in savings than these "rich people" and just paid for a $400 car repair because they were frugal with their money and budgeted it correctly and has an emergency fund and live below their means (and yes I know that person too)... Sometimes the people best with money are those that don't have a lot of it because they appreciate it more and understand budgets... I came from a single parent upbringing and my momma made minimum wage and would take her pay every week and divide it into each envelope she had - gas, groceries, water bill, electricity, emergency fund, etc. and taught me the value of budgeting. She proved to me that you can live comfortably with whatever pay you make. Maybe you don't have the newest and most expensive car, but the used car gets us from point a to point b just the same...my current vehicle is a 1995 (yes you read that right) with over 300,000 miles on it. Even NBA players live paycheck to paycheck and are hurting in this situation... https://www.bet.com/news/sports/2020/04/08/why-some-nba-players-are-reportedly-living-paycheck-to-paycheck.html https://nba.nbcsports.com/2020/04/07/cj-mccollum-estimates-one-third-of-nba-players-live-paycheck-to-paycheck/ https://www.radio.com/sports/nba/mccollum-1-3-of-nba-players-living-paycheck-to-paycheck
  7. I certainly agree with you...I guess I could have worded it differently... my "financial position" statement was meant to imply that each of us know our own financial situation and ability to financially plan and our ability to be "good with money" or "bad with money." @King Ding Dong has a very legitimate reason why he wants to continue with his payments... Some on here may have jobs that are not going to be impacted by this and they may also be very poor at having a personal buffer or emergency fund and spends every dime not allocated to something, so they would be the ones impacted by not setting that money aside. Unfortunately, a lot of people are very poor with budgeting their money...and these payment plans help them budget a little easier... If someone is good with money and has the ability to put the suspended payments into a fund that isn't touched unless all other resources and allocations of their funds are tapped out, then yes, take advantage of the suspension. And absolutely one should take care of their other more pressing needs at the moment...amusement parks are not everything...I am certainly not implying to stay current on your KI pass and miss your rent or starve!
  8. Even though they are saying at this time they are trying to figure out how to address what "be current" means in terms of the suspended payment plans, I think given that they allow you to continue payments during the "suspension" if you so choose is a likely indicator that once they open, being "current" will entail one having to make a full payment of all months missed during suspension to be considered "current" and that your original ending date will stay the same... If they didn't offer that option, one could have a stronger argument against that, but since they are allowing people to "remain current" and pay during the suspension...I think that is "reading between the lines" as to what their answer will be... If you are in financial position to continue with the monthly payments, you may want to consider doing so...or risk having to pay for the suspended months in full once it starts up again if you want to get into the park...
  9. Or they re-open registration - I am sure they could fill the spots that get refunds..
  10. Or offer refunds if the new date doesn't work for the participant...
  11. Orion must be an incredible ride and everyone lost their phones during the ride...no pics from media day yet?
  12. Maybe the cruise line industry will survive without a bailout - 2021 pre-bookings are up 40% compared to 2019 pre-bookings...
  13. There are detailed posts in the other thread going into details from a financial standpoint why they may stay closed (as well as a growing list of non-financial reasons why too). The TL:DR version is there comes a certain date that after that point it will financially not make sense to open this year and simply make passes valid for 2021...I encourage you to go over and read that thread if you want the details...
  14. Well what did you expect - the video also had Vortex in it; Racer running backwards, and Soak City on the north end of the park
  15. We have to remember that Cedar Fair is a publicly traded company and that affects the type and timing of their communication...so they have their reasons...even if it is an inconsistent message to those that follow the chain closely...
  16. I am sure their is so much legalize they can do as the please... and based on all current announcements as of today, according to this a platinum pass is not a platinum pass and is based on where you purchased, so a Knott's platinum is extended through 2021 but based on today's announcement the other parks platinum is not...
  17. I posted this in the other thread too since we have two going...
  18. I will just leave these here...current changes on Knott's webpage...
  19. An argument can be made for either case...and one's life experiences and job experiences and dealing with these types of things can certainly play into one's bias on what the interpretation is. A banker or anyone working in an associated line of business will believe the interpretation is as the banks are doing... The right approach is probably just suspend and push the end date....BUT if they do not extend the passes good thru 2021, then potentially this opens up where someone has two monthly payments come August - one for the 2020 pass they are still paying on for however many months AND a new payment plan for renewing for 2021...
  20. That has not been made clear...they could do as some banks are...until they issue a clarification statement, we do not know if they are pushing your payment plan end date by however many months they are suspended or if you will have to "get current" and your payment end date remains the same...and let's hope they don't go the route of the banks and charge interest for this "loan" during the suspension...
  21. And to muddy the wording even more, they state "Once the park has opened for the season, billing will resume. Passholders will need to be current on payments in order to receive 2020 Season Pass admission and associated benefits." "Passholders will need to be current" could mean two different things? It could mean if you were current when they suspended payments, then you are current once it resumes and your payment plan is simply extended for however many months the suspension was....or it could mean that if payments are suspended for example 3 months, that you would need to pay for all 3 months when payment resumes in order to be current... They haven't specified if this suspension is moving your ending payment date by the number of months the plans are suspended or if your ending payment date stays the same and you lump sum pay for the months missed while the plan was suspended... Some banks are doing this...homeowners say Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Chase have told them they have to repay those postponed payments – known as forbearance – in a lump sum. It's an unexpected demand they fear could put them deeper in debt as millions are laid off and watching their retirement savings plunge with the stock market. This is a big difference and has serious implications depending on what their intent is...
  22. See the other thread "Coronavirus impacting theme parks" for discussions about how this impacts platinum passes potentially starting on page 47... Should this thread be combined with the other one?
  23. For those that missed it on page 44, or didn't bother to read it because you only have a KI gold pass so it wasn't applicable to you yet, here is a summary of my thoughts on what this means and a potential unintended consequence, disparity in the works.... Since they did not announce a chain-wide offer that Knott's provided, that could mean CF believes that the remaining parks could still potentially open with enough days left in the year to make up for missed days! Or it could simply mean that Cedar Fair is a publicly traded company and that affects the type and timing of their communication...and after enough days will be missed than cannot be made up, we get the announcement... IF for some reason CF is able to open their parks this year and not have to extend season park gold and regular passes through the 2021 season, they have potentially just created unintended consequences of their Knott's announcement... What are these unintended consequences you may be asking yourself? Well, a platinum pass is a platinum pass. So Knott's announced platinum passes are now good thru the 2021 season. If the Knott's announcement doesn't go chain-wide, that now creates a disparity since your gold pass for KI is only valid for 2020, yet your friend that bought a platinum pass same day as you now gets in for 2021 as well... One could argue CF could say that a 2020 platinum pass is only valid for 2021 season at Knott's or the 2021 season is only valid to platinum passes purchased at Knott's, but that then opens up a whole new set of issues associated with a platinum pass, from internal legacy admissions software issues that may not be able to deal with this issue, to creating a disparity based on where one purchases a platinum pass, etc...in this case not all platinum passes are created equal...
  24. I know it has been said before, but we really enjoy you sharing these bits of history of the park!
  25. Exactly! Line jumping happens when you are shoulder-to-shoulder in line...imagine the temptation if there is six feet between everyone for someone to jump... And now that people are realizing (shocking I know) that this virus is airborne, think about when someone is smoking in line. Think about how many times you have smelled tobacco or pot smoke in line or walking around the park. Many times you are looking around trying to see who is doing it. Essentially, we are inhaling the contents of their lungs. If they are sick with this virus, guess what... I have seen someone in line very politely inform a guest that smoking is not allowed in line, and the smoker tells them to go F off. I have seen an employee kindly tell a guest smoking is not allowed in line and the guest screams the employee is racist and picking on them and creates a big scene. More times than not unfortunately, in my experiences the offending smoker shows an attitude even if approached nicely...Imagine now what could happen in line if someone is smoking...
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