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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Wouldn't surprise me. That area does get work every now and then, especially the bearing there
  2. Probably just new paint. I wouldn't hold my breath..Maybe a floorless but that rumor is ancient
  3. It's about the only place open in Dusky at that point unfortunately
  4. There is a control box with LEDs on it for the seats..tells if they are locked or not by that point. Watch from the station or after leaving the gift shop and you can see it in the middle of the row
  5. I have pt here in fifteen then when done shower and park. Meet at Carousel later tonight yes?
  6. Indeed. Hopefully this is the start to sprucing up the area next to it, this is fantastic news and well worth the wait
  7. ^^the beauty of what happens when the park announces stuff that's big..bet that drove a bit of the GP away. Plus this week's temps and weather play a bit of a contribution
  8. I will probably be going to the park tonight now just to take pictures and videos of this to share. A twelve second clip is fantastic to listen to, but I could listen to this for hours. THIS is what an amusement park sounds like. Beautiful old nostalgic noise
  9. Cannot like this enough. I may not be able to go to the park someone get some vids!
  10. It's named after one of your counterparts on this forum more specifically But if the boot fits
  11. The Top Fuel Dragster has been missing from the Top Thrill Dragster winners circle for quite some time..So I guess that it is unreliable considering it hasn't shown up. However Top Thrill Dragster has been running quite well other than the big issue towards the beginning of the season.
  12. Wish you remembered if it was that crew, and who on it decided to do that... Sigh.. Can't top the 2011 crew
  13. It's because it is like Skeleton Crew..even some of the same acrobats from the same company went from there to Cirque
  14. Yes do squats..for some reason thicker thighs and quads no problem with the bar Trust me..Corkscrew delivers Coming from one who practically was on the ride almost every day of a full operating season
  15. That's a bit down the hall from me but I know where that office is. I don't have much interaction over there, but yeah..
  16. Good CP trip, nice numbers CCMR gets a bad rep, but for the time it was a really fantastic ride, it honestly just needs alot of TLC and love. Where was your favorite on GK? Do more squats and reride Maggie, I attribute most injuries to small legs as I have no issues and love the hell out of that ride. Corkscrew..forgettable...fighting words..21-22 feet on wall, hands ontop of car, relax until before corkscrews, press your shoulders up into the OTSR, no pain or banging, but fantastic ride. Corkscrew gives about as much airtime as Maverick comparing bunny/camelback hills..true story
  17. Aerospace Med Tech..basically a combat medic
  18. IGE..Immunoglobulin E=Antibody found in the cascade leading to allergic reactions..Bunch of these everywhere, guess what, your body produces a crap ton of histamine, and then Anaphlaxis.. Albuterol=Short Acting Bronchodialator..Common Combivent=Same thing, but long lasting AutoEpi=Epinephrine Auto Injector..Here's a fun vid..Reverses allergic reaction/shock/etc. great drug Xolair=Long lasting (three weeks), expensive (almost 1k/injection), but bonds to IGE..When it bonds, prevents IGE from bonding to allergens to start the bodies process of going through an allergic reaction. Duoneb=Nebulizer of Albuterol & Ipratropium..Lots of bronchodialator effects, works better than just one or the other solo Allegra=Anti Histamine, same as Benadryl, just target different receptors/etc. Anaphalaxis=Your bodies way of saying screw you allergen. Heart rate goes crazy, airways shut out completely, body dilates blood vessels, blood pressure drops, body goes into shock, leads to death..All these things to help fight an allergen (basically your body reacting to an infection), but ends up actually harming itself.
  19. I'll have to show you what someone with an IGE level of 800+ what happens if they dust their house.. Sometimes even Albuterol/Combivent/AutoEpi doesn't even do the trick. Had one guy w/ a ridiculously high IGE, on Xolair, Albuterol PRN, Duoneb PRN, and Allegra..Encountered a trigger just weed eating the yard, took AutoEpi and Benadryl prn q4hr and still was in Anaphylaxis the next afternoon (24 hours) But no..If someone vapes, it's totally the Asthmatics fault...
  20. So I should tell my COPD patients or Asthmatics with high IGE levels that them getting exposed to triggers is their fault. Right.. Have fun dealing with SOB/wheezing/Anaphalaxis then
  21. I'll take one like @ CP..just not the less awesome cycle they have this year, but it's warranted considering it's status last season.
  22. Glad you had fun, and agree on all points. The pizza is a quick good deal though if you want to stay in swimwear, etc. Plus while we were there last year it was a buy one, get one half off, which was a steal. I do wish they would upgrade however I don't see it happening unfortunately. I wish they would take that lesson from Kalahari up north, their expansion and new things every so often, but I see that park lacking expansions, and the Sandusky one which is older which also lacks upgrades since it's build. But that water coaster though, fantastic. I spoke very highly of it during my trip there. Hope to see you and others there later this year
  23. ^^It does, it's glorified sterile Super Glue.. However a cut from Saturday thats already in stages of healing could have just been hit today with Povidone, apply a Steri Strip, cover with a bandaid, done. The cut was from a good knife so the would already had good approximation, and honestly was only superficial tissue. Not worth $200..but ah well
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