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Everything posted by CharleyTheDinosaur

  1. My first solo trip was awesome. Started out as a waterpark/kids day on Wednesday. Because of the rain though, that didn't really happen. I really didn't want to miss out on one of the least crowded days of the year so I stayed behind. I'm really glad I did. Just as my wife was leaving the rides started back up. I think it was about 3:00. I got in about 35 rides total. It didn't feel awkward at all. Nobody noticed or looked at me weird. I even got the chance to ride FoF with the lights on because I struck up a conversation with the ride op. Something I wouldn't have done if I was with someone else. I will definitely be making more solo trips next year.
  2. Seems the same to me. I got in 15 rides the last 2 days, one of them with the lights on. Man, I love it when the kiddies go back to school.
  3. When ever I went to Cedar Point I had to hide my love for Disaster Transport. No one else I was with seemed to like it. It was one of those rides that when someone asks you why you like it your only response is "It's just fun". Maybe I'm just being sentimental because it was one of the first roller coasters I ever rode (back when it was Avalanche Run). When it comes to Invertigo I don't think it's going anywhere. Even though I don't like it, it really is the perfect size and unique enough to the general public to be at the front entrance. Also, people tend to scream on it a lot when they are dropped. That always gets infrequent KI guest's attention at the front entrance.
  4. I have nothing going on today and everyone I know is working. I think I might take my first ever solo trip to KI. I just wish I could take my dog. I'd keep her out of the fountain, I swear.
  5. I'm sure he'll be on here with a pun Tuner or later.
  6. He actually really wants to do Flight of Fear. The cool thing is that he has a feeling of regret that he didn't do a couple more coasters. I remember when I was a kid, the first season I was big enough to ride Vortex I chickened out a couple of times. I remember having that same regret when we would be leaving the park. That more than anything else is what motivated me get over my fear.
  7. I'm gonna say 51,373 What do I win if I'm right?
  8. Guest- "I'd like a one day admission, please" KI Employee- "Sure. That'll be $186.58." Guest- "No thanks. I'll go to the zoo and see the monkeys instead" I just threw that last line in because seriously who doesn't like monkeys?
  9. Went to the park on Thursday about 1 pm. When we first for there we took a lap around the whole park. I asked my friend if he wanted to try anything. I ponted out Backlot, Adventure Express, and Flight Deck. He said he wanted to take a look at Backlot again. So we went back over and just watched it for a while from different angles. Eventually he said he wanted to see the coasters from the Eiffel Tower. As we were going up and on the observation deck he was perfectly fine. The heights didn't bother him at all so I really didn't know how he would react on a ride. He chose to try Adventure Express first. The first helixes in Backlot worried him. He was fine the whole time in line. Unfortunately the park was busier than I thought it'd be so the wait was a little longer than I intended. We picked the 3rd row of a middle car. As he sat down it hit him and I could see he wanted to get out. He was already reaching for something to hold on to. Apparently he has to hold on to something attached to the car not just the restraint. He stuck it out though and stayed on. When the train started moving he was just leaning forward eyes closed and holding on for dear life. I talked to him the whole ride and prepared him for what was coming up. The second anticlimactic lift hill came and he seemed to relax a little. As we walked down the exit ramp I asked him if he was ok and how he handled it. He said he was fine then I asked him if it was fun. He said "oh yeah!". While his adrenaline was up we rode it again. He still freaked out a little but was already getting better. Think adult with a bad phobia not scared child. That's kind of how he reacted. After riding AE about 3 times he was ready to try Backlot. That didn't go quite as well as AE but he still said it was fun. He really liked Adventure Express so we ended up riding that about 10 times. Eventually he wanted to sit up front and in the back by himself. We did Backlot a couple more times and he did enjoy them and never freaked out. I was hoping that Adventure Express would get to where he was bored with it. That never really happened though. He had fun every single ride all the way through the last of the night. I think it went pretty well. Despite all of the statistics about safety and all of the redundant safety systems I told him about it did not matter. It really is more like a phobia for him than just being a chicken. Most importantly we had fun. He is also talking about getting a Gold Pass next season and wanting to try Flight Deck next, then FoF. It almost sounded like he wants to go back again this season.
  10. I have Sprint and while I have full or mostly full bars and 3G through most of the park, for some reason apps are basically useless there. I have lost all hope of winning a Tweetup prize.
  11. Do you think Don sees all this love for retheming Flightdeck into The Bat and might relay it to the powers that be? I hope so.
  12. FoF and Firehawk aren't that tall. You could possibly have a giga (maybe of the Intamin variety) go right over top of them if need be. I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'.
  13. If our friendship takes a sudden turn for the worse in the next 48 hours I am definately doing this.
  14. I think it'd be cool if they had some kind of interactive thing where every couple of minutes (Definately not all the time. That'd get annoying) someone further back in line can press a hidden button and up front the Banshee scream would scare people. I know Disney has something kind of similar in the Jungle Cruise queue. There is a tarantula in a cage and when someone presses a button somewhere it jumps a little. If they time it right it can be fun to watch people's reactions.
  15. I could always get my wife to go too and he can hold the purses with her while I hang out all day in lines with his girlfriend. We'll just make it a nice awkward day for everybody. In all seriousness I don't think he would really care if she was there or not. We both think she probably would pressure him though and it might turn him off to riding anything.
  16. I think we are pretty much going to stick to middles all day. A little shorter wait too. The less time he has to think about it the better
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions. I think what I may do is take him around the park and show him everything first and see what he wants to do. I would love it if he wants to go straight for Diamondback but I'm not going to force it. He says that he's not necessarily afraid of the speed or height but something about the feeling of being out of control that he didn't like. Two woodies were probably not the best thing for him to ride when he was a kid if he doesn't like an "out of control and nothing you can do about it" feeling. I'll update here after we go to let you guys know how it went. Thanks.
  18. I was thinking we'd start with BLSC because it doesn't have a lift. A lift just gives him more time to think about it.
  19. Haha. He's a quiet and laid back guy. I don't think revoking his man card would bother him actually.
  20. This is hard for me because I've been riding anything and everything my whole life. When it comes to his girlfriend we are worried she'll pressure him and he'll be apprehensive and freak out. What do you guys think about Flight Deck? Not sure if the swinging would be good for a noob but there are no big drops and its short.
  21. I am going to the park this week with a friend that has only been on 2 roller coasters in his life and both times he was terrified. From the story he told me it sounds like his family tricked him into riding The Beast when he was about 8 years old and was pressured in middle school to ride The Racer. I've already told him I won't pressure him and won't lie to him about any ride. He wants to try to ride something now that he has a girlfriend that'll go on anything. Anyone have any tips for me? I thought we'd ride BLSC several times until he's comfortable with that. Then if he's ok Adventure Express several times. Not sure where to go from there.
  22. After Cedar Fair's Perilous Plunge experience, I wouldn't hold my breath. Ha! And Terp knocks another one outta the park.
  23. Honestly I'd love to see it moved to Soak City. I know you don't get drenched on it but it would be nice to have a higher capacity thrill ride over there. Also if people are in their swim attire the bridge would be a very popular place.
  24. For some reason this is what I thought of when I saw Banshee's color scheme. http://www.flickr.com/photos/100007813@N08/9477447902/" title="zarana by CharleytheDinosaur, on Flickr">
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