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Tr0y last won the day on January 1

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    In The Shed
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  1. Lay offs have now affected Carowinds: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/article299317534.html
  2. Add two coasters to the Winterfest lineup and you get results:
  3. I agree. Having visited both KD’s Winterfest and BGW’s Christmas Town it was obvious. The park with the most coasters operating drew a larger crowd. That was 2023, and in 2024 what did KD do to level the playing field with BGW’s Christmas Town? Nothing.
  4. As of today, Diamondback is prepped and ready for some ads. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Gv7CqVWsuAkdkEzLfKiJZaF9kGD7HGvh3qQyAhmDwKzX***BVVmieAzZeuGkmovTl&id=100064730913995
  5. It appears KD isn’t the only park issuing layoffs: https://www.screamscape.com/html/legoland_florida.htm#general
  6. Ka’s fate was likely sealed with the TT2 fiasco. So in a sense yes, it’s Cedar Point’s fault.
  7. PayScale differences aside. I've always respected managers who were willing to "get into the trenches" as you could call it, with their subordinates. There are plenty of managers who find the work of their subordinates beneath them and do nothing to help out.
  8. Dollywood has sold the Engine that has sat on the parkway for years: https://www.facebook.com/100047356655459/posts/pfbid02ccYykBxeYDmX9Ws9XtTpizrXEYwanCkWGRXoiG5Quq4ycLZKtBYbenqoGqgf4x5Xl/?
  9. The 2026 attraction could be just a new Vekoma train for Woodstock Air Rail. Here is a picture of the train clearance envelope that was sitting out during this past Winterfest:
  10. It was replaced with an all electric replica by Chance Rides: https://www.chancerides.com/electric_cphuntington_train/
  11. It appears the steam locomotive from Knotts Berry Farm will be going on sale soon: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/152nFPQx8K/?
  12. Dollywood unveil’s a new, cheaper, pass for East Tennessees residents called the Volunteer Summer Pass: https://www.dollywood.com/tickets/season-passes/
  13. If that policy is implemented at KI there won't be any seating available to sit and eat at G&G because the people who hang out at Starbucks will just move next door...
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