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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. I wasn't sure where to post this, but are there any plans to have a PKIC day this year? I haven't been before and this year is going to be better for me than last year (as far as traveling goes).
  2. Not sure what you mean by that considering GL is being turned around as we speak. GL has not been cast to the wayside. Quite the contrary, it is being revamped and renewed. Look at the great waterpark that they now have compared to the old waterpark. I don't believe that Boomerang Bay will be an extra charge either. Cedar Point does this because it is a resort destination. PKI is not. Maybe CF will finally build a nice hotel within walking distance.
  3. But Shaggy, according to your own list, four of those coasters were installed at PKI first. I wasn't really referring to anything exclusive to one park. Not to mention you forgot The Bat.
  4. Very good points, Shaggy. I never considered that popularity plays a huge roll in coaster rankings.
  5. Sorry, but I put no stock in enthusiast polls whatsoever. Here's why. I know that many enthusiasts think that the flying coasters are boring. Yet, when I go to the parks with said coasters, people are lined up for hours.
  6. Shaggy always comes in and straightens everyone out. I had always heard that after Stealth, the next one was to be installed at PKI and then headed north to Geauga Lake (SFWOA at the time). I hadn't heard that there was a possibility that Stealth was to be installed at PKI. When I really thought about it, that makes sense that it was to be installed at PKI first considering that most of the prototypes have gone to PKI and not other Paramount Parks.
  7. I wouldn't bet on that. I read over on coasterbuzz that some have been on SOB and they seem to have thought that it greatly improved. And, that the jackhammering has been nearly alleviated. Also, I had a terrible ride on the Big Dipper at Geauga Lake...a very painful ride. But, that doesn't mean it's going anywhere.
  8. AZ, I know you have much disdain for SOB, but not everyone hates that coaster. Yeah, it's kinda rough but it's supposed to be rough. What do you expect out of a wood coaster that tall? People are so spoiled these days by Intamin and B&M that they forget that not all coasters are smooth as glass. Nor are they supposed to be.
  9. What am I saying no to? Oh, you mean, know this.
  10. Well, you may not see it happen all in one year, but I would bet that CF will bring the park up to their standards. CF purchasing GL is a good example of a park that was acquired by CF and is definitely heading in the right direction. Although people were miffed about CF ridding themselves of the animals, it's not really what they do. Besides which, caring for animals is a very costly venture. I seem to remember KI learning that lesson years ago. The prices will not go up. Cedar Point's prices were lowered this season. Now, I think that there is no doubt that I will be purchasing a season pass where you can hop parks. I guess CF rules Ohio now.
  11. Ahhhh, as one of the elders here, I think that an over 30 forum would be nice, but not really feasible as Ryan said. See, Ryan, you do have some wisdom at 23. At 34 and nearly 35, I find it fun to listen to some of the really early 20's kids who think that they know it all. Fortunately for me, even at 21, I did know it all. Now, I just know a whole lot more. But seriously, the mid to late 20's is when you really start taking shape into the man (or woman) that you will become. Perfect example is my life as of right now. Currently, I work at a restaurant that I worked from the age of 19 until I was 29. I hear a lot of drama and used to be all caught up in what was happening. Now, I really couldn't care less as these days I try to avoid as much drama as possible. Forunately, I just got a killer new job and will not have to listen to the drama any more.
  12. You just summed it all up pretty easily. There are too many disrespectful patrons who do not care where they throw their trash. I'd hate to see their homes. Of course, you can probably blame their parents as well for not raising them to be respectful of others or their property.
  13. It's definitely going to be an Intamin, without a doubt. B&M looks NOTHING like Intamin track. I thought that was already established information. There is speculation over at Pointbuzz that this may be another new prototype of attraction. I can't wait to see what they are up to.
  14. I haven't been on the boards a lot lately, so I'm not aware of all the bashing. Nor am I going to look for it. I love PKI and have since I was a kid and began attending the year it opened. My only real complaints about the parks' changes over the years was the period where they removed a lot of flat rides and never replaced them with anything. I still enjoy a good slice of La Rosa's pizza since there isn't one anywhere near me. Yeah, the food is a little costly, but, they have to overcharge on food to help in the paying for of new attractions and maintaining the ones that they have. The gate price alone will not pay for new rides.
  15. I am surprised that people still don't know what this new ride is going to be. It's going to be a water coaster of some type. In a previous article over at Pointbuzz, CP officials mention that the year that maXair was installed was originally going to be the year that they added a new water attraction. It was moved back a couple of years after officials at CP saw Delirium and how popular it is.
  16. Sounds good, AZKindaGuy. I will be at the Point on June 25th-27th. Can't wait to try out Skyhawk. I'll probably have to give maXair a spin since I like Duhlee so much.
  17. I'm sure if there was any huge mechanical reason that they would have to close it for an indefinite amount of time, the park would say something about it...like when Delirium went down for a while last year.
  18. ^I think that the fence and all is a clear sign that FOF at PKD is out the door. I didn't think that there was any doubt at this point. Anyway, sounds like PKI's might be next. The main reason that this bugs me is that they continue to remove rides that aren't necessarily a maintenance headache and replacing them with something else when clearly they can expand without removing anything.
  19. KIBeast

    Funny rumors

    I heard a rumor a few years ago that PKIC was going to be the best non-official PKI web site ever! Guess that one actually came true!
  20. KIBeast


    AZKindaGuy, love the first post. Although, I have felt this way about IJ since before it was even built. I knew it was going to be a real snoozer, except to the kids 10 and under. And, for those who don't get a boner over a coaster, maybe you should find out what's wrong with you!
  21. ^To add to that, with the plug and play track, they can remove entires sections at a time to replace wood as opposed to going in and doing it small sections at a time. El Toro will probably be a very smooth, wooden coaster.
  22. The Bat was the best suspended coaster ever! Great themed trains and wild swinging. It didn't need to move more than 35mph...it was quite thrilling as it was.
  23. To answer you TopGun, no, the train is not too long. Which coaster is that? Geauga Lake has a similar coaster and when the back of the train crests the first hill, the front of the train is nearly at the bottom of the hill. I think that there is enough weight to keep it going around the circuit. Hope that helps explain a little.
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