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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. A lot of Screamscape's news is old as well. As of 5/30, they reported that a couple of riders who were injured on Dragster are now suing CP. I heard that same thing about a month ago at Coasterbuzz.
  2. Buying floorless trains would be a complete waste. It would be like riding Raptor with no inversions...Boring. It would not be a good return on investment either seeing how they just replaced a train within the last few seasons.
  3. The thing is Joker, you don't know. You don't work for Intamin and you have not been on Balder, so, if you're done being an expert....
  4. Boddah, can't you admit that maybe with Intamin's new design, it could negate SOB's problems? You guys are so hell bent on it will never work that you haven't even thought that maybe the technology is now there. For the longest time, no one thought that the 200ft. mark set by Magnum XL200 would ever be broken.
  5. Like CombatStupendous said, the whole point of inverts are for the inversions. Other than a loop, what else could be done with a wooden invert? I surely don't see the feasability of a Cobra Roll, a Bat Wing, a Corkscrew, an Immelman or Diving Loop. Besides, making a working model and working one out with a computer program that can define the G Forces is two totally different things. No park is going to listen to their idea. They would need to work for a roller coaster desinging company first. They had better have a computer program proving that their idea would be within the G Force Limitations, not to mention stress on the track itself.
  6. Well, whether you guys want to believe it or not, it IS confirmed that SFGADV is building a wooden coaster next year. I don't know if it will break any records and neither does anyone else as the stats of the ride have not been released. "On the other hand, it goes to show what monkeys are running Six Flags if they want to recreate our mistakes by building hyper-woodies." But, you've never been on an Intamin Woodie and neither have most if not all people here. It is supposed to be THE smoothest wood coaster around. If Intamin can make a hyper woodie and it is rideable, then it can't be a mistake.
  7. It will be designed by Intamin, but they work closely with another foreign manufacurer of laminated wood track that assembles more like a steel coaster. Here's the link to Intamin's web site....Intamin World Wide They have already built one coaster, It's called Colossos at Heide Park. Here's the link to pics from RCDB...colossos Supposedly, it is one of the smoothest wood coasters around.
  8. Another update from screamscape. It appears that HB Land is the suspected removal of its' characters...Hanna Barberra
  9. Oh, they have imagination. It's the money that kept it the way it is. Both TTD and KK cost 25 mill, but one is larger. How can this be? Well, a shorter launch and a dual loading station. I have read reviews and there is air time on that bunny hill. The brakes don't really kick in until about half way down.
  10. Someone mentioned this yesterday on Coasterbuzz. Remember when PKI was claiming that Water Works was in its' last year? People thought that they were totally removing the water park, which didn't happen. They also went on to say that they could be gutting Flight of Fear and doing the re-theme to MTV Soundwave. That would explain a ride removal of sorts, only to open as a new attraction. Not saying this will happen, but it makes you wonder. That was you specailk? I read over your post yesterday here and read your post over at coasterbuzz.
  11. Well, until I hear an announcement, I'm not going to believe any of the HW rumors. Back to PKI, could it be an old flat or two are being retired?
  12. Actually, Holiday World has not said that they are building a wooden coaster. That just seems to be what all the enthusiasts think. No none knows for sure until they make the announcement, which will be I think some time in June. At any rate, I've heard a lot of people saying that HW is adding a new holiday section and anything beyond that, ride-wise, is purely speculation.
  13. ^Yeah, that is what I read. Could be anything? Eiffel Tower? J/K Like I was saying originally, Screamscape is often wrong, but hey, 1 out of 10,000 guesses is bound to be correct. Just take it for what it is...a RUMOR.
  14. Directly from Screamscape, so, take it with a grain of salt. Apparently, PKI is considering removing a major ride. What that might be? They don't really say. Link Please don't take this as the gospel truth because, often, Screamscape is wrong. Anyone care to speculate? Of course, we've discussed the removal of The Vortex, Top Gun, and even The Racers, although Screamscape doesn't specifically say that it will be a coaster removed.
  15. ^Um, he said that Americana is Standing But Not Operating...meaning it's not open.
  16. I think you'll see the height and speed race slow down, but not stop. Especially for Cedar Point. Everyone's not going to jump on the theming bandwagon either. CP is not known for theming, and they are not about to stop. It's not unsafe either. The incident at SF was due to the rider and the ride ops not paying close enough attention. The maintenance is only bad for Superman at SFMM. The other Superman coasters do just fine. Don't know anything about hypersonic, but I do know it's not a hypercoaster. It is not over 200ft tall. Plus, there's only two of them in the world.
  17. It's not all that different from Top Thrill Dragster. A few mph, a few feet, and a bunny hop. I'm sure it's good though.
  18. But, maintenance on The Bat was due to poor design. There was zero banking on any of the turns.
  19. ^ I have heard for years that it was having a problem valleying in one certain spot when it rains. Of course like Judge Judy says, if it sounds ridiculous, it probably is.
  20. This year may be different with maXair near its' location, but Wicked Twister is usually a short line, and I've heard even with the new ride, it's still only a 45 minute wait. Most people run right for Raptor or Millennium Force first thing in the morning. Probably Dragster too. Mantis is a great stand-up, unfortunately it is extremely slow loading/unloading, so the line seems to be always long.
  21. Except the cars wouldn't have enough weight to complete the circuit.
  22. It was a very fun coaster. The helix was really intense.
  23. I didn't see it posted anywhere, but have you seen the new PKI commercial featuring the Italian Job? It shows a cop writing a speeding ticket and handing it to someone in line for Italian Job. Then, it goes on to say that perhaps they made it too exciting. It had some good footage of the coaster and effects.
  24. KIBeast

    Bavarian Beetle

    Yes, I rode the Bavarian Beetle. It was my favorite when I was really young. Of course, that was before The Beast, Vortex, etc. It was a very fun coaster. It went through a helix that seemed to last forever. I heard the problem with it was it was valleying in one certain spot when it rained. Don't know if it was true or not.
  25. This is not a recruiting center.
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