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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. The only Pavillion in Myrtle Beach now is very small with a few flats. They had a small coaster there in 2011, but when I went last summer, no coaster at all. However, a traveling carnival popped up and my son and I rode a Wild Cat type of coaster, which was expensive. Heck, I wouldn't call it a Pavillion at all.
  2. I really enjoyed the Bavarian Beetle as a kid myself. I want to say that I think I rode it before The Racer. Something about The Racer terrified me whereas BB did not. It was a fun ride, as much as I can remember, which is very little. For the most part, I liked the downward spiral the best.
  3. I'm not expecting CF or the SF chain to start looking at these unless they would be cost effective. Not sure that they would want to drop the kind of capital on building anything like this.
  4. Son of Beast 2.0, maybe you could get a loan from Dick Kinzel. I hear he has lots of nickels.
  5. Man, I have heard a lot of great suggestions here. Other than the RMC'ing of any wood coaster, I really wouldn't mind any of them. I particularly like suggestions of family rides that all ages can do. With a 5 year old in tow, I want to be able to share as many ride experiences as possible. Having a son has made amusement park total experiences #1 for me. I have begun to enjoy the things that I had kinda left behind and forgot how enjoyable the total experience can be. That's what good memories are made of. It reminds me a lot of the family fun that we had back in the 80's going to KI annually.
  6. That will make all the difference in the world when selecting a movie. "Wild Horses", I believe was a song in the movie Silence of the Lambs.
  7. I have never seen this movie. Is it worth the watch? Keep in mind, I loved some of the movies that Molly Ringwald was in like the Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles. I think it's an interesting find for sure Ryan.
  8. Can't argue with you there. I've been on two. Face/Off (Invertigo?) and Head Spin (Geauga Lake) (Carolina Cobra?). Head Spin was ok for the wait because at GL under CF, there was no wait. F/O was too long except for the one time where my brother and I got a pass to cut the line because we got stuck on the lift hill of Top Gun. We were evacuated and given a pass each to cut the line on any major coaster. All we had to do was go up the exit ramp. Wow, I had forgotten that even happened until now. It was such a non-event, unlike how it's sensationalized in the media.
  9. 2 train operation, I would think. One on the lift, one on the switch track. No worse than any other shuttle coaster. Thanks for the assist, GYK,
  10. I'm trying to fix it. For some reason, this computer is not allowing me to embed the video.
  11. Very impressive. Never been to a SF, but next season, I may have to just to see this alone.
  12. I am looking forward to taking my son to see this movie next year. I want him to be able to see and appreciate some of the beloved characters that I grew up with.
  13. His comments are odd at times. He seems to have a real love for this park, kinda like when he was involved with Holiday World.
  14. Best Kids Area for how many years running now? I'd say that no matter what era we like best, KI has a tendency to know what the General Public likes.
  15. Dan chimed in over at Coasterbuzz about Alabama's Splash Adventure. He announced that in 2015, they will be offering free drinks. Sound familiar?
  16. For me, I grew up in the Hanna Barbera era. I liked the Flintstone Boulder Bumpers, Enchanted Voyage (pre Smurfs), the Jabber Jaw on the Carousel. I actually watched Jabber Jaw on Saturdays along with a lot of other classic cartoons like Speed Buggy, Looney Tunes, Buford Files, Scooby Doo, and many more. I loved Jabber Jaw because his voice over characterization sounded just like Curly of the 3 Stooges (I'm sure intentionally). Also, I love watching Peanuts on TV as well. I've always loved the holiday specials like A Charlie Brown Christmas. Yes, Charlie Brown is wishy washy, but it always made me want to pull for him because he's like the really nice kid that is in fact too nice. I thought the things that Snoopy did were hilarious like taking on the Red Baron and preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner of popcorn and toast. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite books from then was Snoopy vs. the Red Baron. I know I read it numerous times. I thought Lucy was kinda funny in that she always managed to trick Charlie Brown in attempting to kick the football, much like the running joke on Family Guy about various characters falling and injuring their knee. Linus was very insecure and I think we can all relate to having insecurities, even though Linus was extreme. And Sally's infatuation with him is something we can all relate to. Who hasn't had a crush on a boy/girl at that age and thought we were in love? It's like when you finally got the courage to send her/him a note asking, "Do you like me? Yes or No?" Circle one. I also miss the Kenton Cove Keelboat Canal. I loved the way it wound through the trees at a nice, slow pace and then you had a pretty thrilling drop at the end which got me pretty wet.
  17. I'm not confused about who made the decision. I just think it's a bad one amongst the many that he's made. If this park survives, it will be in spite of him, not because of him.
  18. I'm not against a red paint job, just not solid red top to bottom. A different support color would've helped, like gray.
  19. I think it's going to be a great addition to KI. Can't wait to ride it with my son next summer. It will be his first trip to KI ever. Going to take lots of photos. Hopefully, he'll reach that 48" mark and we can ride some of the bigger coasters. He is dying to get on the "big boy" coasters.
  20. When The Beast opened, I was big enough to ride, but too terrified. The Racer scared me enough as it is. After two years of not riding it, my mom talked me into it. Funny thing is, my grandfather rode it before I did. He seemed to like it. I'm sure it was like nothing he had ever seen or been on, being a WWII vet.(God rest his soul)
  21. I think BB1 said it best. Seems Ouimet knows what he is doing. It's just as well that we all forget Dick Kinzel. I'm liking a couple of new additions that are family oriented.
  22. Not liking a solid red coaster. Looks ridiculous. I guess they spent money elsewhere that could've been spent on ideas for a different paint scheme than solid red.
  23. Downdraft kinda reminds me of the old Hurricane at Camden. That would be a good addition. They need some intermediate rides. I'd like to see another wood coaster at some point. Maybe a twister of some kind.
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