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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. No thanks on looking down from the Sears Tower. I have a fear of heights. It doesn't bother me on coasters, but to look over the edge of a building or something like that just terrifies me. I am more afraid of ferris wheels and skyline type rides.
  2. Ryan, couldn't have said it better myself. The Paramount years were horrendous in my opinion. Some of the movies chosen were ok, but a lot of them were flops. Drop Zone...not a great movie and I don't know anyone who actually went to the theatre to watch it. Italian Job movie was mediocre at best. I liked the movie Face/Off and thought it appropriate to name that particular coaster after, however, I've heard many groans about that movie as well. Tomb Raider was probably the best movie overall that Paramount could have used, but as Ryan stated, the theming died a slow death. It also annoyed me to come to the boards and nearly every Paramount movie was released, people thought there should be a ride themed to their piece of crap excuses for movies.
  3. Be careful what you wish for. If that's really what you want, I hope you get Talon and Dorney then got Volcano: The Blast Coaster. I'd probably never go to Kings Dominion again, at least not until they got another coaster. Silly, say you? Not gonna happen, say you? Tell that to Jeff Gramke at Kings Island. What was it he said last year? (mutter) ride rotation (mutter). You could re-locate Volcano, but wouldn't it be a little more difficult to remove the actual Volcano section of that ride? Just asking.
  4. This would be a cool event...like 15 years ago. Except, I thought they stunk and it wouldn't have mattered to me then. Mark Wahlberg is the superior actor between the two.
  5. KI will not suffer the same fate as GL. People actually attend KI. I do not miss one thing about Paramount. Not one...
  6. You said it all, Interpreter. People should be glad that CF bought the Paramount Parks. KI would now be exactly as you described. And who knows what "family" rides would have been installed.
  7. I like Chaos. Although considering the problems and accidents associated with that type of ride, this does not surprise me. The loading time is pretty slow, but at a smaller park with less crowds, I think it could fit in well. Maybe KI would get it, but that would really surprise me considering they have enough flats/thrill rides with slow loading times.
  8. Firehawk ate my cell phone about 2 years ago. Gotta wear something with deep pockets and that velcros at the top!
  9. I did not know that, Railrider. If we all could only receive bonuses for such things. What I meant, Dalefan, was that even though they are filing for banruptcy, it doesn't mean that the entire chain will cease to exist. Would you rather all SF parks close or just some?
  10. KIBeast

    New Coaster?

    I would agree that the Interpreter is a great guy to have around here at KIC. He does know much about the industry. As far as a new coaster at KI, I wouldn't expect to see one that soon either. Enjoy Diamondback for goodness sakes. We just go that this year and it really cracks me up that there's some sort of "expectation" that the coasters will keep on rollin' in. The way I see it, the market is kinda saturated and what new innovations have we really seen lately? I mean, something truly out of the ordinary?
  11. Filing for bankruptcy does not necessarily spell doom for SF. Look at Big KMart. They filed for bankruptcy and wound up turning things around. It seems that there has been some attempt at turning the chain around. I guess we'll have to see what else in addition can be done, if anything.
  12. Yep, line jumpers suck. Sorry you had a bad day Sparky. My only problem with your report was that lines that had 45 min.- 1hr. waits was enough to deter you from standing in line. Since when can you not expect to wait in line for extended time on just about any ride? I have rarely had walk-ons on any ride and only one at Kings Island and that was The Beast. It reminds me of a trip I took a few years back with my wife and a couple of friends. We were going to ride The Vortex, but the friends thought that a 45 min. wait was too long. Sure, maybe that's not typical of Vortex, but it was a Saturday. I was just thinking to myself, when did park patrons become so spoiled that they expect to wait no more than 15-20 minutes? I waited 4-5 hours to ride The Beast in the early 80's. I waited 2 hours for Millennium Force and have waited nearly that for the Raptor. I waited 3 hours for TTD in its' opening year. The list goes on. I can see your frustration and it is legit, but I think driving away was just a bit silly when you could've done a lot more.
  13. It would for me. I spent more time playing my Atari than I did my Rubik's Cube. The only way I solved it was by taking it apart and re-assembling it.
  14. I don't know, I thought it was pretty cool at the time. I did nothing but barrell rolls the entire ride cycle.
  15. ^That could be true except for the fact that from what I understand SFKK was actually turning a profit, whereas GL was not.
  16. I agree Woofer. Ms. Parton seems to be a leader when it comes to quality and level of attractions at Dollywood. Indeed, who would have ever thought Dollywood would be an industry leader.
  17. That really sucks, Woofer. People are really causing a problem. Instead of waiting until they really need gas, people are going in and topping off which is some of the reason you're not finding gas. Until people calm down, it's going to keep happening.
  18. My brother was telling me that there were fist fights happening in Georgia at gas stations after Hurricane Ike hit and everyone panicked and thought gas was going to shoot up to $5.
  19. The Fog/Mist will not likely make a return as they were rusting the track.
  20. I liked Head Spin when it was at GL. Never had any headbanging, but then again, Quiet Riot wasn't there either! (some older folks may get that) I like the new trains, but I never had a problem with the old trains.
  21. Finally, I'm back! Interp, if you want, PM me and I'll explain my sudden absence. On topic, I just saw a flyer for this at Chilifest in Huntington. I will definitely be going to the maze, although I think it's a little steep.
  22. So, it's going to be Head Spin, but with a snake name. Curious. Sounds similar to the campaign that they did for KI.
  23. You know, I hear a few enthusiasts casually tossing the word forceless around. What exactly are you referring to? I'm confused. When you go around a 540 degree overbanked turn, what forces are you supposed to be feeling that there "seems" to be a lack of? And, there is airtime over the second and third hills. It's floater airtime and not ejector airtime.
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