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Everything posted by kingsislandfan1972

  1. In this short Kings Island comedy skit I made for my YouTube Channel in this video I made sure that I followed all the parks rules when I was recording, comment below and tell me what you thought of it! https://youtu.be/QL9ljDhSoHQ
  2. Literally one guest was at Kings Island and said: "I didn't know they moved the Eiffel Tower here!"
  3. April 29th 45 years ago today a great amusement park opened up in Mason Ohio called Kings Island was born! Happy 45th birthday Kings Island!
  4. Hopefully Flight of Fear will be open too.
  5. I liked the animated Kings Island advertisement ads from the pre-Paramount days, like the one for The Bat or the one from Phantom Theater.
  6. I agree with you, Phantom Theater was a classic ride, I was just saying that more people prefer Scooby-Doo over Boo Blasters and more people would agree that Phantom Theater was best overall.
  7. Thank you very much for your time on this site, I wish you good luck for the future!
  8. I hope its there next time I go there, because I want to take a picture of it.
  9. So it seems at this time people liked the Scooby theming, then in 2010, I'm sure these people were very disappointed when the Scooby theming was removed and replaced with "Booficer".
  10. Its February 2017, and there sits an empty theater, which I hope will be used once again someday.
  11. A Chaos ride would be awesome to have in Coney Mall, but I wouldn't want to see "Shake Rattle and Roll" leave, but however a Chaos ride would make an excellent addition to Kings Island.
  12. If no one can hear you in the tunnels, is it possible that the only one who can hear you is The Beast itself?
  13. Just wondering if the cauldron is still at Jungle Jims.
  14. I absolutely love your page, I am also suprised by the fact you have pictures of The Beast paw-prints which I have been looking everywhere for.
  15. Nice answers and by the way I love your new Scooby-Doo picture!
  16. Is it me or is it possible that this upcoming season that White Water Canyon will be more popular because of Mystic Timbers?
  17. I regret not taking more pictures of Kings Island throughout the years, if I did then I could have a lot of memories to look back on.
  18. I've bee going every year since I was a baby in 1996, minus the years 2002 and 2015. In my family, Kings Island is a summer tradition.
  19. Its getting closer and closer to opening day, so I've decided to give you more Kings Island questions, enjoy! 1. What is the best day ever at Kings Island that you have ever had? 2. What is your favorite Kings Island flat-ride? (Past or Present!) 3. Have you ever heard one of your favorite songs playing at Kings Island? If so then what song? 4. Should Kings Island make The Racer go backwards again? 5. What's the worst part of the off-season? 6. What do you think is in the shed? #WhatsInsideTheShed
  20. The front gate bathrooms need an expansion, in my opinion. For the people who don't have a Gold/Platinum Pass have to wait in a long line for the bathroom. Also this needs improvement, (look below) https://c1.staticflickr.com/4/3312/5816565051_0c6f6d2bf9_b.jpg
  21. I don't know if I'm going opening day, usually I would run to Diamondback, but I really want to ride Mystic Timbers, so that's my first ride choice, then I would head over to The Beast, and then make my way over to Diamondback!
  22. I once heard a little boy say to his dad, standing by the Son of Beast sign (back when it still had the loop) say, "There is a Beastie, a Beast, and a Son of Beast, but where is mommy Beast?" I literally thought this was pretty funny because I remember his dad rolling his eyes.
  23. Speaking of that, do any Six Flags parks have any Scooby Doo rides left?
  24. 1. What is the earliest memory at Kings Island that you can remember? 2. What is your all-time favorite KI roller coaster? 3. What is your favorite area at Kings Island? (example: Action Zone, International Street, Soak City ; etch) 4. If you could bring back any ride back to Kings Island, what would it be? 5. What are you most excited for in the 2017 season?
  25. Speaking of Soak City, who got to ride Tropical Plunge last year?
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