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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Another rumor I heard, from a ride op who related it just as something he heard, nothing definitive: nobody knows "what's in the shed" because it hasn't been finalized yet. Just in case that's true, I think we should speculate our wildest dreams just so they might pick one and make it come true
  2. I would like to see what would have happened if Paramount had been as interested in building and maintaining immersive theming as Universal has become. The early Paramount years, with the intellectual property that went along with felt so important somehow. Like it was bringing big Hollywood to our little Midwest. Later I moved to Burbank and learned that "Hollywood" as it is sold to us in general is a lie (most of the studios aren't there but in the surrounding nicer and safer suburbs, it's pretty much a seedy tourist trap, the sign isn't lit at night). I still would love if someone with access to significant intellectual property and creative teams brought Orlando or "Hollywood" level theming here. I don't know if it would ever be possible financially with our shortened seasons. Maybe if they built more indoor attractions to go year-round.
  3. Oh, another thing Mr. Helbig mentioned about that, I don't think he'd mind me repeating. He mentioned that while Mr. T is only a foot shorter than Beast, and slower top speed, it will pretty much be going top speed all through it, with no trims or brakes... until the shed. Which prompted me to ask "what's in the shed?" fully expecting his answer "I can't tell you!" which is exactly what he said. He went on to say that no one will know until the ride opens in the spring, and that even when associates are riding the new coaster in testing prior to the reveal day, what's in the shed will not be "available" to them. So, going off that, presumably whatever the special thing is in the shed, it will be covered during testing, installed after testing, or inoperative during testing. Regardless, we undoubtedly would not be able to figure it out from a webcam set on the opposite end of the coaster from the shed if people will be able to be inside the shed and still not know.
  4. Somebody said they noticed a camera on top of the old Crypt building. I think it is a fair assumption it (or some other camera) will be used to let us follow the construction over the winter. They want us to be excited about this thing, and it's relatively simple for them to let us watch.
  5. I rode in a seat on DB yesterday which had a new seatbelt and restraint that were so clean it may have been their first day. I was almost afraid to touch the restraint's pristine surface It felt really nice.
  6. I've rode the train quite a number of times (probably approaching 100 if not more) this season, trying to figure out/document the birth of what turns out to be Mystic Timbers. It was definitely not one of the usual whistles, which is why it drew my attention away from my picture taking. I barely even notice the ones they do every time, although I probably would notice if they didn't do one of those for some reason. I just hope they don't have too many problems and shut the train down for the season. The train isn't the same as having the WWC queue for taking pictures, but just a web cam doesn't even begin to compare. I know the web cam will eventually be the only way to see it, but I want to have as close a view of the birth of this coaster as I can, for as long as possible.
  7. As expected: https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/764121030407426056
  8. I've decided it's most likely to be something about Planet Snoopy, probably going to finally retire Boo Blasters in favor of a new experience.
  9. We won't be able to get these nice close pics of the work area soon, as they are itching to close WWC to get to work on the crossings. I think the ride would already be closed if it hadn't been so absurdly hot these last couple of weeks. My past few visits, WWC has been closed until later in the day, because they had the fences down to bring in mixer trucks*, etc. We will apparently still be able to take pics from the train, during the /days/ in the fall anyway (I asked Don Helbig specifically if they'd be running during Haunt, and he said they wouldn't, only days). It isn't quite the same tho. But we can see other areas from the train we can't see from WWC queue. The retaining wall has been completed. I couldn't see these really well, but they seem to be stacked trusses. Station maybe? * I've heard in the past that mixer truck drivers can sometimes be a little nuts, trying to get the concrete to their worksite before it sets. When I was riding the train yesterday, as I was focused on taking shots of what had been poured already, I heard an unexpected blast of the train whistle. I looked forward, surprised, and saw a mixer truck driving rapidly into the job site to my right. He apparently just drove across the tracks in front of the train and I don't think the engineer was very pleased. I don't think it was close to an accident or anything tho.
  10. I was fortunate enough to talk to Don Helbig yesterday. I asked if I could quote him. "Contrary to the rumors on KIC, Urgent Scare will be returning." The building hasn't been cleared out as was rumored here. He also said there will be a new haunt and that at least one is leaving. Edit: he mentioned that, like last year with that awesome haunted house facade they added to the gates, they are going to be focusing on things to set the mood even if you don't enter any houses. As one who is less interested in the actual haunts, and more in the theming, this sounds wonderful! I'm so excited for this year's Haunt!
  11. As pointed out to me by Mrs. No Chickens, there is a new large asphalt patch in the field where they launch the fireworks. It looks like they may be adding lighting too. Going to be much more convenient for the pyrotechnicians, I bet.
  12. ^ I was hoping to get to see another show with you! You should try to make one of the closing shows on the 21st! Louise has changed their routine to have a more difficult third set of tricks. Rather than doing two releases, and her going back up top before the last, they are doing it all back to back. It has to be more difficult, but they've got it. She is absolutely adorable with her enthusiasm! The rest of the guys have been clowning around a whole lot these last couple weeks, really cutting loose and playing with each other and the audiences. One show, around the time they introduced the rubber chicken, their show prompted my young friend to exclaim it was the funniest thing he had ever seen
  13. Check in is at guest services, so I wouldn't know why not.
  14. One of the many articles I've read about this incident also mentioned the free admission. I have no idea which one it was, at this point, to link to it, though. If the park is not bankrupt and/or closed after the lawsuits this death will generate, I will be very surprised. And the impressions I have gotten about the park leaders' devotion to safety (or lack thereof), from the things I have read, I'm not so sure that is a bad thing.
  15. I just remembered I had a dream where I heard someone tell me they were changing Sorority House to a Crazy Cat Lady house
  16. They've continued trenching and pouring around the corner. These appeared to be some sort of concrete poured in frames but I'm not certain. These metal pieces look like they may be pouring forms, but I'm not sure about that either. It was soooo tempting to pull off one of these material description stickers, but I resisted. There were three or four, and the top one was dirty and rubbed off in places so my hand is in the pic so I could show a cleaner one. The things in the box were rebar pieces.
  17. The queue was used for Killmart last year, but it hasn't been used as a haunt itself afaik.
  18. The current major coaster on ERT is Banshee, and with its capacity, there have been next to no lines during the ERT on the days I've been so far in August. Drop Tower is also included. Note that the Pass check for Banshee ERT is to the left of the fountains, not the direct path past the KI Theater. I don't fully understand why they don't line it off before the theater rather than after, because they end up with a large number of people walking down that way before either turning back (as I did on my first August visit) or undoing the rope and going through anyway (as I discovered others had done and were continuing to do, after I walked clear around the long way I was supposed to on my second visit).
  19. It has been grilled chicken all the times I've had it. I didn't request it special.
  20. I usually refer to coasters by their names, except when typing, I'll do some initials (DB, AE) because it's easier. "Millie" and "Maggie" particularly make my skin crawl, but I get why people use them. I just thought nicknaming the coaster was a fun little thing to do while we're waiting to find out what's in the shed. With a four syllable name, it's a foregone conclusion some people are going to use some sort of shorthand. I wanted to head off "Mysty" at the pass, in part because it reminds me of a woman I graduated with who killed herself a few Christmases ago. Also the straight initials MT sound like "Empty" and that is a sad nickname for a ride.
  21. In honor of my nicknaming Mystic Timbers as Mr. T, I suggest this kind of thing may be what happens in the shed:
  22. Yeah, since it is a Tuesday I worry (hope?) I might be the only one able to come! I'm betting there will be more people able to do the late ERT than the tours.
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