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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Is there ERT for passholders at 4:30 Friday?
  2. Considering Bowler Roller is usually $0.25, I'm not so sure it's a deal at $1 I'm going to have to start saving up calories now, so I can fully take advantage of those Sweet Spot deals and blue ice cream.
  3. He was up at the International Restaurant when I was there for the comedy show. I don't know how much he participated in the food prep/cooking.
  4. KI doesn't seem likely to change their minds about closing the Gliders along with the rest of Planet Snoopy during Haunt. I think it would be fun for those of us who enjoy snapping (or learning to snap) them to try to coordinate using our free Fastlane (from renewing our season passes) on the same Sunday in October to do some marathoning of the Gliders. I know from last year, it was a bit of a waste to use the free Fastlane on coaster riding (there were often as many people in the Fastlane line as the regular line), but being able to ride the Gliders over and over with minimal waits (especially along with other mostly adult fans of the ride) would be quite fun.
  5. A sign at the park I read specified the starting date for free Fast Lane on Sunday as August 23. By all means call the park to make sure, though.
  6. Sorry, I'm a bit punchy. I should have mentioned, they're broadcasting live from the park this morning.
  7. Fox19 interviewed Don Helbig (from within the building that will house Blackout) and he said it will be pitch black and the scareactors will be wearing night vision glasses.
  8. The one time recently I went later in the day (afternoon) rather than first thing in the morning, and there were lines at the tolls, the attendant waved me through when he saw my pass rather than even taking it from my hand and scanning it. I didn't know if that was standard procedure at that time of day or not.
  9. Ah, I think you're right, he did sound like he was going to say The Racer, but stopped after the second syllable. I was focusing too much on the "ah!" or "uh!" he said after that. RideS and attractionS no less
  10. Can anyone make out what Mr. Sheid "stopped" himself from saying about 2017? Before he continued with "rides and attractions"? It sounded like "up" to me.
  11. I have rarely seen the KI Five this season (less than a handful out of 42 visits so far), but I frequently have seen the drummers. They're quite fun.
  12. The only time I saw anything done about what I call the "special snowflake" spots (the ones with yellow diagonal "don't park here idiot" markings, at the end of each row), they were just warnings that said if they did it again that season they'd be fined or towed (I asked the attendant leaving the tickets). I do wish they would police it a little better, because those spots on the ends are meant to be left open so people can see traffic and pedestrians when turning onto the main drag out of the lot.
  13. KI does indeed still have Beagle Bucks, I got them in lieu of refunds a couple times this summer.
  14. I rode yesterday to try to find the marker mentioned. The only thing I saw that was fluorescent pink and looked anything like tape was a 42" wristband laying on the ground somewhat near the brake run. Trying to look for things while riding Vortex makes for a very interesting experience, too...
  15. I would make it one meal and one snack (snacks like soft pretzels, cotton candy, ice cream, popcorn, fruit, etc) per day.
  16. There seem to be a lot of people in the park but they aren't riding rides. I've had very short lines, just walked on Beast and only a cycle wait for Woodstock Gliders. Edit: Even in this heat, the line for Boo Blasters is only the length of the final hallway.
  17. That's where they're making the announcement, remember?
  18. C'mon, Cirque's corpse isn't even cold yet!
  19. One might even say the fence is... Award winning? (Even as often as I heard it in spiels riding the train this year, I didn't get the visual joke until I asked about the ribbon)
  20. A roller coaster has less wild force changes than the ride described. A person might be able to purposefully get out of a coaster if they undid their seatbelt, but the type that only have belts (or buzzbars for that matter) don't typically have the types of forces that would actually throw someone involuntarily from it.
  21. It sounds like they are implying without coming right out and saying it, that the young woman unbuckled her own seatbelt during the ride. I don't think it is likely she had, but it frightens me to think a ride with such forces would ever depend solely on a seatbelt to restrain riders from falling out. I can imagine many ways in which a typical seatbelt could be accidentally released when your body and limbs are flailing around.
  22. Yeah, the link I gave only takes me to the barebones Haunt site if I visit on my phone. It redirects to the main site if I use a computer, too.
  23. What link/URL are you using to access it? I haven't been able to find a current one but what little I've found (using haunt.visitkingsisland.com) is a barebones out-of-date site that includes a map listing Delta Delta Die as a new attraction.
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